Court date for Michael Barisone?

Um, that was in response to the person telling me, and I presume others, to find something else to do.

I was not aware you fan girls have been appointed regulators of who can and can’t post.



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So you have a whole group of people who actively cyber stalk and obsess over LK.

No interest in me so strictly stalking her.

Got it.



No one is saying don’t post? I’m saying it’s messed up you continue to search for her every move online, and then report it back to the coth thread for what reason? It’s beyond messed up and I really can’t believe you don’t see how awful and uncool it is?


I don’t have a group of anything. Obviously I am not a shrinking violet and not intimidated by forum users as these posters apparently are. I haven’t asked for anything.


I think Eggbutt just said that they specifically Do NOT stalk LK online. Did you miss that post? It is right up there. Here, let me quote it for you.


Why oblige? Why participate? What do you get out of this other than a sick enjoyment of belittling and picking apart every single move she makes or word she says. You’re literally zooming in on her back saying “you can’t see scars”!! Blah blah blah and from a not clear or great photo either I might add. It seems strange you’re not in this circle yet you you’re the one posting all the things about her…from her pages. Like you’re proud of your find…

For real! That’s beyond messed up. Obviously you don’t see it that way so not gunna argue in circles but you should really really think a bit harder about the way you’re acting. It’s very concerning and if these are how MBs friends and circle act well… it’s telling.


This doesn’t prove what you think it does. LK did not say that she contacted Safe Sport. She said that they asked her questions. She may have contacted them, but this does not provide proof of that. All know for sure from this post is that Safe Sport asked LK questions. That is a fact, and we should stick with facts.

In your quoted post, you said that CPS left before the shooting occurred. Somewhere recently on this thread, someone said that MB went to the house to force LK and fiancé to go talk to CPS and he shot them to protect himself from them and the dog. There has been a lot of grasping straws and changing stories to fit the desired narratives in an effort to defend MB here. Facts matter, and if they are not known, they can’t just be made up.


My quoted post was before it was known CPS was still on the property and was posted 9/19


I wonder if she also told them about her boyfriend threatening two young girls?


It’s great that you have admitted to spreading false information here - hopefully others will follow your lead and be more aware of the difference between facts and conjecture. Also, collecting gossip from unnamed friends or acquaintances and posting it here as fact is probably not such a great way to promote sticking to the facts.

If it is a fact that he threatened two young girls, someone who witnessed said threats absolutely should have reported it.


They did and the police were called. It was posted on this thread.


Screen shots of LK’s SM posts are not gossip I don’t believe.


I’m just going to say before we get the thread locked - Knock it off. Everyone. The last 50 or so posts are not a good look for anyone. We’d been behaving ourselves for weeks and able to discuss aspects of the proceedings without it disintegrating into this bickering.

Don’t rise to the bait.


Agreed. Thank you @rothmpp

Heading out to ride!


No, she doesn’t. She regularly puts out remarks that prove that. So there’s that.

Plus as a review I was the RECEPIENT of harassing messages from LK and have never, not once initiated messaging to harass anyone here.


Then why wonder if LK discussed it with anyone? It was reported by someone who witnessed it, as it should have been. If LK’s input is thought to be important, those officials will reach out to her in the same way that Safe Sport did. That’s how investigations work.


As was I and I posted them on a thread (now closed).


I was instructed that “Y’all” was singular, so in the above would be interpreted as a singular owner with multiple horses. I was told that the plural form is “All Y’all” which in this case could mean multiple people with a singular or multiple number of horses.


My point is LK certainly thought filing a bogus report was okay against MB but she had a different standard for her boyfriend?