Court date for Michael Barisone?

Is it documented somewhere that LK did in fact witness these threats by her fiancé to the two young girls? Again, let’s refrain from filling in the unknown gaps with conjecture.


The bogus report was against MB in regards to his gf’s kids to Safe Sport. There was heavy insinuation that Safe Sport only cares about sexual misconduct with children (the screenshot posted by eggbutt was LK referencing that).

The lawsuit MB filed against the police related an incident in which RG threatened two minor working students. According to that lawsuit the girls reported the incident to the police when they responded to the first 911 call. The police response was cited as underwhelming.


How does any of this answer my question about whether it is documented somewhere that LK witnessed the supposed threats by her fiancé towards two young girls?


RG does nothing without LK’s permission or knowledge. By the way, where is it documented LK witnessed MB doing anything that would be a concern to SS/CPS?


Your question was based on a clear conflation if two separate events; events that were commented on from two separate sources. There is no need to question if LK discussed or had knowledge of threatening two young girls because the post (screenshot) you based the question on wasn’t about threatening two young girls.

LK never posted about threatening two young girls, she posted about insinuating sexual misconduct with minors by MB to Safe Sport.

ETA: In case you didn’t read the original thread , or articles, etc……the competing reports to Safe Sport by both LK and MB have already been acknowledged and were even referenced to the judge in the case. So, yes, we do know that LK contacted Safe Sport.


Are you a good friend of LK and RG’s, that you know this to be true? What examples do you have to prove it that you yourself have witnessed?

As for your question, I don’t know that there is documentation that LK witnessed MB doing anything that would be a concern to SS/CPS, and I have never claimed otherwise.


:joy: :joy: :joy: :rofl: :rofl: :joy:


I get that the format of this forum makes it hard sometimes to follow the flow of conversations on any thread here, but especially ones that move as fast as this one, so I’ll explain the context that led to my question that you quoted:

eggbutt wondered that if LK apparently called SS/CPS on MB regarding his girlfriend’s children, did she call also them on RG for threatening two young girls. I replied that anyone who witnessed said threats should have reported it. eggbutt said that is was in fact reported to the police. I stated that it was good that it was reported and authorities would surely contact LK about the incident if they thought her input would be valuable. eggbutt again said that if LK could file a bogus report against MB why wouldn’t she do the same against her boyfriend. THAT is why I asked if there was documented evidence that LK witnessed the threats made by RG against the two you girls. eggbutt is ASSUMING that LK witnessed the threats and yet failed to notify authorities. I was simply asking for evidence for this. Apparently, “evidence” according to eggbutt is the belief that RG doesn’t ever leave LK’s side or something like that.

Based on all of this, your reply made no sense associated with my request for evidence that LK actually witnessed RG threatening two you girls. Hope that clears it all up for you. Or you could actually read the thread for yourself. The question I asked in the post you quoted had nothing to do with a screen shot.


I can read. I could also see that she was just posting a flippant rhetorical question that was designed to be a bit rude.


No, eggbutt didn’t wonder if LK made report 5o Ss, she knows she did, because the hearing made use of the SS eport she filed against MB. It’s in the court record.


Her comments on her own Facebook page.

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Here’s a rule to live by…ignore any Eggbutt comments. Everything she says is nonsense. The idea that RG threatened two minor girls is a crock. The idea that the police ignored information that two young girls were threatened is a crock. Since the beginning she has taken ridiculous assertions made only by the criminal and civil defense attorneys and put them out here as fact. Defense attorneys make all kinds of wild accusations and when confronted about their lies claim…“uh, well that’s what my client told me.”

Eggbutt watches every court session. The attorney who claimed LK and RG were “squatters” at the detention hearing OVER TWO YEARS AGO was fired the next day. The judge even admonished that attorney for making that baseless claim. Has Eggbutt ever mentioned that? The current criminal defense attorney has never used that word because he knows there is evidence that would make him look foolish if he did. But Eggbutt still claims they were squatters. She doesn’t care what lies she tells as long as she gets to spew her hatred for LK. That’s also why Eggbutt makes the horrific claim that RG threatened two minor girls. Doesn’t matter to Eggbutt that there is not a thread of evidence that ever happened. Just some crap put out there by one of MB’s attorneys. You can bet your life RG never threatened any minor. But Eggbutt wants you to believe 11 police officers are lying because they care more about RG than minor girls being threatened. Just unbelievable!! And that is exactly what it is…unbelievable!

There is not a one of us who knows all the facts for certain. The one thing we do know for certain is that Eggbutt has no facts at all.


The testimony at the trial will prove you a liar.


No, you are the liar. Go ahead right now and suggest again that LK and RG were squatters. Then we’ll see where the evidence takes us and who is the liar.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Yeah, I thought so. There are a lot of good decent people on this forum who want to have an intelligent discussion about the MB case. If you have one iota of evidence that LK and RG were squatters tell these good people what it is. Otherwise , it will be clear to all of us what you are.




MB was the one to say they were squatting when he called 911.

Edited to fix a typo.


There are, indeed.

So maybe the people who are more interested in throwing snark back and forth could try to restrain themselves so that the thread does not get shut down in the meantime.
