Court date for Michael Barisone?

Right. One of the many reasons all the responding police officers thought he was a lunatic every time he called and they found absolutely nothing amiss. Not insane…just a lunatic.


Official source please.


Yeah, you had such a good relationship with the cops, didn’t you?


I totally agree. People should say, “the defense claims this” or “the prosecution claims this.” We don’t know all the facts.


I can’t have popcorn right now.


What are you talking about? What cops? I don’t know the cops. MB alleges that he called 911 every day and the cops didn’t do what he wanted. You choose to believe that 11 individual cops were all crooked and ignored MB. I choose to believe that they came repeatedly and found nothing amiss. We shall see what the truth is.


There are no official sources…draw your own conclusions.


So you don’t have any evidence for what you claim? Interesting.


“all the responding police officers thought he was a lunatic every time he called and they found absolutely nothing amiss”

And you know this how??? Sure sounds to me as though you are involved. But whatever.


Yet YOU know what the cops thought. Got it. Bless your heart.


Hahaha… that’s pretty funny coming from someone who constantly regales this forum by saying, “I have this on good authority.”


When have I ever said that?

This is fun and definitely entertaining but I have a date with Count Rugen and will sign off now.


I don’t know what the cops thought. I’m just using your favorite tool…Occam’s razor. I’m assuming the simplest explanation was that the cops thought he nuts. You think the simplest explanation was that 11 cops are lying and therefore MB had to try to kill people. Good luck with that.


So Eggbutt,you asked when have you ever said, “I have it on good authority.” Here you go!!!


If anyone else has called out eggbutt on things shes said but later denied please place those claims right here. Hey eggbutt, didn’t you just tell Equkelly you "never tell posters you don’t agree with to go do somethung ekse? Or told other posters to ignore that user? For now, bed. Post count is 2914. If that number depletes, someone got busy deleting.


Seems like someone’s panties are in a bunch. Narcissistic injury on display here.

If people don’t believe LKs assertions it’s because of LK herself.


Oh oh. I hope that’s made up on your part. If the police treated him as a lunatic when he called for assistance, or ignored him and his family’s concerns, then the prosecution isn’t going to be able to use their testimony, as they will bolster the defense. But you actually may be right. At least MBs lawyers think that they did ignore his many requests for help with the squatters and their threats to him and his family and may well have contributed to what happened.


Indigo Montoya’s statement is typical of a statement made by someone totally unaware of how the justice system actually works relying more on wishful thinking to bolster their preferred narrative of the events not realizing that in fact it doesn’t.

And yes Ambitious Kate, you are quite right.

Now it’s possible gender bias on the part of the police occurred. It doesn’t even have to be intentional - but any bias does alter or can alter how something proceeds. And when you’re in the situation it’s hard to control.

There were times in my career where I had to write reports by interviewing people involved in domestic situations like domestic abuse or child abuse or neglect. Or I’d process a report of sex abuse or battery upon a minor - often an infant (complete with pictures) only to moments later also have to take a report or request for an order of protection or custody or visitation by the alleged perp themselves, sitting right there in front of me, the pics of the hole in the wall where the infant’s thrown body impacted or pics of what’s left of a baby’s stubbed fingers because they had been abusively burned off, painfully fresh in my mind.

Did I want to react? You bet your sweet ass I did. But my job was to remember “innocent until proven guilty” and to take a report as professionally and accurately as I could.

And that’s exactly what I did. But not everyone can. Especially when surrounded by other officers giving in to their own biases and emotions. Biases that are easily played upon by a skillfull narcissist for instance.

Occem would have seen that coming.



I know this is a tangent but this comment I find interesting.
What about this forum makes it hard to follow a conversation?

It is basically the same layout as most forums.
The conversation goes in order of the posts. You can quote so people know what you are referring to, etc.


And I might add that the thread also includes a cut and paste of the launched process against LE and pesky links to actual court documents and processes that contain the facts at issue. The rest of content of the thread is mostly discussion and opinions on those things…with the occasional bun fight and knicker knotting. That is fair in my mind and healthy discussion is not a crime, last I looked.

That said, if one were to actually read the flow of the conversation and the links…and bypass the attempted derailments and ax-grinding…it’s not really that hard to follow, in my experience anyways. Most people write and articulate their thoughts well and have something interesting to say. However, if one were to impose a distinctly different narrative based on opinions outside of those set out in the proceeding at hand…I guess they might have difficulty following.