Court date for Michael Barisone?


Oh my, I laughed way too hard at this. Thank you for the good laugh.


Um. I am so confused.
The below quote is post number 2914.
I do not see where Eggbutt says anything about telling someone to do something else (I assume that is what somethung ekse means). Or where Eggbutt says to ignore that user.

I do see the ‘on good authority’ line.

Because a poster messed up once does not lead to a blanket ‘they must have said everything else’ theory. At least not to me.


Good morning! The deflect-derail fan club was busy last night!

I find it gratifying that I get so close to correct theories that one particular party gets their knickers in a tight wad and calls out their supporters to rally.

Obviously I have made thousands of posts on these threads. Some of my thinking has changed slightly and what I posted as “fact” has changed a smidgen over the past two years as facts have been revealed, but I stand by posts.

Why am I so invested in this drama? Because if one person pays attention and avoids these predators, or predators like them, I am pleased.


As adjectives the difference between insane and lunatic is that insane is exhibiting unsoundness or disorder of mind; not sane; mad; deranged in mind; delirious; distracted while lunatic is crazed, mad, insane, demented.

If this poster is correct in their knowledge of the thoughts of the police, they failed at their duties to protect society.


:joy: :joy: :joy: there is only one poster who goes back two plus years to edit, delete, and sanitize their posts and it isn’t me!


Its assumed.
Obviously none of us were there, except the few not smart enough to zip it.


Not the “deflect-derail club.” I am Inigo Montoya and along with my colleagues Fezzik and Westley we like to refer to our group as “the calling out pathological liars squad.”

You may hate LK and RG. You may want to tell the world how much you hate them. That is not my problem nor my concern. Go ahead and hate away. But you will no longer be allowed to spread your nonsensical lies on this page without being called out every time. And the same goes for your mindless followers. State a fact
fine. Give an opinion
fine. But spreading outright lies or pretending claims made by defendant’s attorneys are gospel is not ok and will no longer be tolerated.



Oh my. Pot/kettle. Maybe.
But the truth stretching, to put it kindly, is clearly coming from only one “side” of this, who can’t seem to, even when advised soundly from all sides, to just stop hurting their case.
Please. Carry on.
I hope 48 Hours is reading along.


I just want to point out that it pretty close to obvious that certain posters are connected. There is a noticeable pattern: only post in an MB thread, only post in close proximity of LK, only post post in close proximity to a hearing or case development. And generally these posters have one of two styles
.purposefully obtuse or argumentative and snarky/nasty.


:joy: or what will you do? I will continue to call out the many lies and inconsistencies of LK and RG as often as I wish.


Thank you @Angela_Freda for posting the same thought I was having.


She said they are all connected in her latest post. :rofl:


Good for you. Game on!

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I think you will agree that the life of someone is not really a game.


I don’t think that’s just a “saying”, I think its says everything that some actually do think of it that way.


They more than likely are.


Everything is a game to LK.


If only I had time in my daily grind to make my life into a game.
Sadly I do not think my job would appreciate me doing that.
It does sound like more fun than the daily grind though.


It’s early in the day to award the prize for dumbest post of the day. But I think you’re gonna be the winner. You, who regularly posts in a pattern along with the usual other members of the MB support group, now suggest that other posters who disagree with you are somehow connected? Do you not realize how ridiculous that sounds?


**[quote=“Inigo-montoya, post:2970, topic:761824, full:true”]
Not the “deflect-derail club.” I am Inigo Montoya and along with my colleagues Fezzik and Westley we like to refer to our group as “the calling out pathological liars squad.”

You may hate LK and RG. You may want to tell the world how much you hate them. That is not my problem nor my concern. Go ahead and hate away. But you will no longer be allowed to spread your nonsensical lies on this page without being called out every time. And the same goes for your mindless followers. State a fact
fine. Give an opinion
fine. But spreading outright lies or pretending claims made by defendant’s attorneys are gospel is not ok and will no longer be tolerated.

Hysterical commentary on behalf of LK who blatantly and openly LIED TO EVERYONE ON THIS FORUM about subpoenas, threatening to take or put liens on homes and farms and all the other threats well over a dozen people received.

In light of this TRUE reality any LK supporter with statements such as yours is nothing but ridiculous folly to be laughed at and dismissed.

And if you’re challenging us - well, WE ACCEPT.