Court date for Michael Barisone?

I am confused.
I realize that I sometimes confuse easily.
But I am really confused.
You just said you are connected. Why are you now saying that someone who pointed that out is dumb?

Or does colleagues mean something else here?


Funny part is I’m not at all affiliated with MB. Never met him. I do know someone who lessoned with him once but havent seen them in 20 years.

My interest here has nothing to do with supporting MB. It’s purely legal in regard to the nuances of the case and then, by LK’s OWN HAND calling out her miserable, intolerable, [edit], behavior to myself and others.

Sorry not sorry if the truth hurts.


You yourself are a predator. Internet stalker psychopath obsessed with some women you apparently don’t even know
a women who was shot and almost killed.

Get over yourself.

Get a life.

get a clue.

No one brought any troops and it certainly isn’t because you’re getting close to the truth. It’s because you’re unstable and your actions are unhealthy and lord o mighty do you need some serious help.


My word. How dramatic.


Do you have a single CLUE about how trauma effects people? Seriously. The more you post the more ignorant you sound. It’s actually becoming pathetic. Do some reading on PTSD and trauma.


Oh! I just remembered the “Ignore” feature!!!


Me too and trust me the outcome isn’t what you think its gunna be.


You mean like when threats are made to people? About taking away their stuff because they posted on a forum? That kind of trauma? Or are only shot people subject to trauma?


and to you too isn’t it. Seriously. Get help. You are a sick sick person to be so obsessed with someone this badly over something that apparently doesn’t involve you.


Wanting people to not attack and cyber stalk LK is not being an LK supporter. It’s being a mature adult and waiting for the facts and evidence to show what really happened.

But yall need your excuses to not feel about about being horrible psycho stalkers who get off on hating and belittling another person. Seek help. All yall.


Yes, you are confused. My colleagues have never been nor will ever be on this forum. Think of them as proof readers who will now be perusing these threads for misstatements of facts. As I’ve said
facts are fine. Opinions are fine. Hating LK and/or RG and telling the world the reasons why is also fine (assuming that’s ok with COTH). However, lies about the facts of the MB matter are not ok.


what does that even mean


You mean in the same way you are obsessed with Eggbutt that you post as you do offering psychiatric analysis?

Faux physician heal thyself.


yeah but I guarantee you wont be using it!! Wish ya would!!


Ok but popping in here first thing in the morning to post stir isnt drama. Again, self reflection is needed.

I seriously don’t understand how you can you think you are good people with how ya’ll act.


And YOU have all the facts? I seriously doubt it. Fantasies you believe but definitely not facts.

Wait, your colleagues have never been and will never be on this forum, but they will proofread? How?

Go swim, ride, decorate your house, be productive.


Obsessed how please explain, by calling her out?

You guys all play the same game. Your game is in fact so lame its laughable.

Someone calls you out and you just regurgitate whats said because you dont have an original thought in your head.

Do I go to their SM and post it here?
Do i look up her post count and post it here?
Do I look over her old posts to see what was changed and post it here?
Do I analyze every photo, every word said on the internet and post is here?
I think NOT
So tell me how I’m obsessed

Maybe obsessed with trying to get it through to you all that your actions are not OK. Not now, not ever.


Clearly you are unable to differentiate between keeping current with a news story to stalking. Let me try and help you.

Stalking is contacting child welfare and the building department to try and screw with someone you’re fighting with. It’s trying to control and manipulate them by threatening and then watching them via recording and video devices illegally installed.

Keeping current on a news story is paying attention to the new developments and relaying them back to interested parties.

There, does that help?


checking someones social media every chance you get and reporting back to other haters. Having others report back to you where said person is at all times and reporting it back to haters.
Stealing photos off the internet to analyze and “debunk”
the list goes on.

Your confirmation bias shows


Many homes have video recording devices as do most businesses. They are in no way illegal.

There, does that help?