Court date for Michael Barisone?

You love dogs? So do I. The difference between you and me is that I don’t assume a dog is vicious based on crap I read here. Did it ever occur to you that the person bitten may have been bitten only after illegally trespassing into a renter’s living quarters when they were not home? Remember those supposedly “illegal” videos your friends like to talk about. You may be embarrassed. On behalf of the poor dog please stop the unsubstantiated nonsense.


Because you are hell bent on being the voice of God handing the ten commandants to Moses on this thread. We are all hoping that God is a close reader.


I worked in law over 30 years and I can state that in a jurisdiction, especially a smaller one, everyone knows everyone. If a lawyer who worked real estate law only had a child who got arrested sure as hell they would know what criminal defense attorney buddy of theirs to call and compensation could be financial or reciprocal. And lawyers are married to judges and they have kids who are cops or union leaders. Heck I worked in an office for years before I found out that a frequent flyer attorney to my office was married to one of our judges. So even if pappa didn’t practice the type of law needed then odds are one of their buddies or business partners does and it can turn into I’ll do your next 5 real estate closings pro bono if you represent my kid at arraignment. Favors are plentiful in the legal world.


Ah, sorry.
Stand your ground is not a legal defense for a dog bite.
a dog bites and it is on record as a vicious animal.

I do admire the great length you are going to enforcing the negative impression the ‘tenants’ made.
Items that might slip past are now rehashed, like what kind of dog and how has it been noticed unfavorably, like hanging from somebody’s leg etc.

And no, a biting dog has no place in a barn that is a business and open to the public.
You are only underlining how your friend LK was not being a nice renter, but a liability for the business.

This also brings me to the alleged post of LK intimating she liberated a firearm from MB’s GF.
Of course, phrased as a threat.

I am paraphrasing from memory here.

I am sure it varies by jurisdiction, landlords do retain the right to inspect their property.
So why would a tenant hide behind a vicious dog?
Maybe to hide something?


Well that would be a barter arrangement…not free legal services. And while I understand you were only giving an example in a case like this the barter arrangement would most likely not be in exchange for 5 real estate closings. I would guess it would be a lot more. But again, with deference to your great experience in law, that is not free legal services. And further, the post says LK gets free legal service. Another example of someone in the MB support group putting out opinion as fact. You, with your vast experience in the law, would surely know that any attorney will object every time someone puts out an opinion as fact…and that objection would be sustained.


See now you’re just making yourself look ridiculous and petty. I said lawyers could be compensated financially or make other arrangements like trading services or pro bono work. Friends do favors for friends and odds are LKs daddy has lots of lawyer friends. Maybe someone owes him a favor. Maybe he knows a great attorney but he has to pay him but daddy has lots of money to pay him. It’s not like LK would be likely to pay that attorney so for LK IT IS INDEED FREE LEGAL SERVICES.

Seriously, you need to really get better at this debate stuff. I almost feel silly having to post simplistic things to someone so insistent on being so very loudly clueless and argumentative.


You have a problem with facts and memory!

No one claims the dog was within 1000 feet of the barn.

If I’m renting an apartment and I own a dog and that dog bites an intruder inside my residence are you saying that’s a bad dog?

And there is no jurisdiction in which a landlord can just enter an apartment whenever he/she wishes to inspect the property.

And more bad news…it was not the landlord who claims to have been bitten.

Now why don’t you start over and try to get at least one fact right rather than make a fool of yourself in front of all these people.


Very nice job outing yourself with this post @Inigo-montoya. You have now removed any doubt.




I don’t remember the specifics of exactly where the dog bite occurred or the circumstances but I was under the impression many areas of the home were common areas which were shared by multiple people. If memory serves me right LK, RG, MB; MHG, kids and workers all lived under one roof. So unless a person intruded into a private bedroom or other private area ( For instance) then the dog bite would be relevant as to someone feeling the need to protect themself.

Me, I would have gone in with a big ole steak. I would hate shooting a doggy even a snarling one.


Wasn’t RC bitten by said dog the week of the shooting?


yes…“private area” would be the operative word. It’s likely that since no one with the police or the town or the “dog department” believes the dog did anything wrong that “private area” came very much into play.
Now putting aside your hatred for LK can you at least accept that is most likely the case and the poor dog did nothing wrong?


Yes that’s my understanding if you are talking about the same RC who gave MB her gun.


Who told you that? Is that a fact?


I would gladly but I need to know who was bitten and in what room and who was entitled to be in that room.

Were I an attorney working the case I’d also would want to know if the dog had bitten anyone else ever but I don’t think thats necessary at this time.


Wait. I thought you were insisting people only post things that are 100% true facts.

Do you know that RC gave MB the gun? Versus so many other ways for MB to have his hand on a gun that was previously RC’s (if it was RC’s)?


Not at all a fact. It is the belief of Team LK that this happened.

Normal people are waiting for the facts of the case as to whose gun got where and did what by whom under what circumstances.


Has it ever occurred to you that eggbutt has been traumatized???

No, I didn’t think so. You enjoy coming here and making it about you, as if you are the only person who has ever experienced trauma.


You know the ridiculous pattern I see and dislike in these threads? The need for the constant sniping, attacks, insults, sneering and what not that derails everything. Most of us checking out these threads are interested in sorting trough the information, perhaps speculating a bit and following along as matters unfold. The petty and juvenile sniping that occurrs within a select group here has gotten beyond annoying.

Don’t like the thread? Cool - do not bother to read it or post. It is not rocket science. There are many threads that I am not fond of or interested in - and yet I manage not to go blasting in there to tell everyone else how dumb they are etc.

Sailing into a thread to lecture people about their posts while doing exactly the same thing you are faulting them for? Seems like a waste of time.

Insults and name calling and subtle threats/warnings (like the outcome of the 48 hours show not being what “you” want it to be - as if that is known and scripted) … more hot air.

The tiresome accusations of there being an MB support group… MB fangirls… LK stalkers/haters … all seem to come from those who simply want to distract and derail any conversation. This thread was simply percolating along speculating on this and that in a somewhat benign and interested way based on the latest proceedings until LK popped in briefly again. Then Fezzik could not control Inigo who had to pounce. Then others who profess to find these threads horrifying predictably arrived to make the thread even worse and stoke the embers into a bonfire…

How about if all of y’all who seem to have inside info from any side (or even just think you do) and pride yourselves on it, chat amongst your flammable selves and let the rest of us just follow along with the current stream and calmly discuss a convoluted, complicated and, in the end, very tragic case… and we can do so without the back and forth taunting and accusations and neener-neener sh-stuff.

And just because it seems one must constantly repeat such things LOUDER for those in the back who circle impatiently waiting for an opening to jump in with fingers pointing and keyboards blazing… I am not an MB “fangirl” or “supporter”. I do not stalk LK - or anyone else, for that matter. I prefer to watch the facts and proceedings unfold without being told what I must think or believe.

If those who seek to get this thread locked succeed yet again - well, congratulations. I have never understand the need to slap labels on others, attempt to control a narrative and only approving of posts or opinions that line up with exactly what some want that narrative to be.

As opposed to, you know, discussing everything calmly. You can always pretend that this is 48 Hours - and if you do not like the storyline you can simply change the channel… once again, it is not rocket science.


We finally agree. Who was bitten, in what room and was she entitled to be there are all good questions. I’m guessing, since no action was taken, that those questions were asked and answered.