Court date for Michael Barisone?

I’m curious about the dog biting. Isn’t it the dog owner’s responsibility if the dog bites regardless of the cause? Also, if the owner of said dog is renting or owns property there are certain breeds that insurance companies will not cover with regards to homeowners or renter’s liability insurance.


Has the record that this particular dog bit someone been posted here yet, and if not, could one of you who knows that the dog in fact bit someone post the record or a link to it?


There are insurance companies who do not have a breed bias.

In this situation, I think all that matters is the dog bit someone. The fact that nothing was done about it does not mean it means nothing. That happens in lots of situations. Heck, read the whole court document MB filed against the police, doing nothing seems like the MO of this police department.
Oh, back to the dog. If I was approaching someplace that I knew a dog attacked I for sure would be worried about getting bit.


It was more of a general observation.
Dogs do not get qualified immunity.

You know how it goes though: Everybody in the neighborhood knows the dog that can’t be trusted. They might not report the nip, because peace with neighbors is invaluable.
And yet they might prefer to pet the pooch with a brick.


You are correct. I do not know that for a fact and should, therefore, not put it the way I did. I should have said I believe it was RC who gave MB her gun.


Not just breeds, but a specific dog with a history of biting.


I disagree with your conclusion. Police performance is clearly being questioned regarding multiple aspects of the event so it’s not logical nor astute to come to the conclusion that you’ve shared at this time.


I am guessing that the exact circumstances of the bite determine how problematic it is for the dog’s owners.


No, you should have said that it is what YOU want people to believe.

I mean since we are calling people out for the sake of honesty and all!


Fair enough.


Ok so “a dog bites and it is on record as a vicious animal” is really “a dog bites and it is on record as a vicious animal UNLESS it is NOT on record as a vicious animal”. Very helpful thanks.


While either police and/or the town building inspector or some other official was present I do believe.
An ambulance responded or was advised if I remember correctly.


I believe you may be right but I don’t remember exact details.


RC offered to go in, I believe as the entity was trying to deliver or post something wrt the building not being suitable for habitation… That seems to ring a bell


LK specifically said the dog was outside, biting people, not just MB but others as well, during the shooting, when it wasn’t out prior to the shooting. There is also the claim that RC was treated by EMS for a dog bite when the city instructed them to inform LK and RG the house was condemned and they had to leave. Neither of these scenarios is someone invading a private residence while the owners are gone.


you are welcome

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This all reminds me of the show Letterkenny where just about anything can be solved with a “Good Scrap”


Thank you!!!

Therefore, assuming what is posted here is true and *IF MB brought the gun due to a profound fear of the dog any reasonable person like a juror just might accept that. Especially folks who’ve been bitten or have a fear of dogs.

What does that mean? A defense attorney looking to place reasonable doubt to a jury might choose to mention this IF it’s proven MB did in fact bring the gun.

The State may assert the bringing of a gun shows INTENT TO MURDER given the charge is ATTEMPTED murder. Something as seemingly benign as a dog previously biting a person or persons could possibly be used as justification to bring a gun if that’s what in fact happened.

Again, speculating. Just showing a narrative of possibilities.


So why do people automatically knee-jerk to decry that views opposing theirs are “hate?” And that those who hold these views are “haters.” That is a huge cop out and blanket rhetoric that warrants a big eye roll. There is another thread on this topic on the BB. Go have a read.

For the record, I do not hate anyone in this story or any poster on this BB. Too much waste of good energy and time. I don’t even know these people. I may hate behaviors, but behaviors can be distinct from the individual.

So let’s add to the list of acronyms, “No one deserves to be hated.” NODTBH. Or maybe there is an emoji?


In my area it’s a no-tolerance policy and the circumstances don’t matter. A bite is a bite. They might not be put down for a first bite….but it’s an extensive quarantine and assessment process and they will be for a second bite.