Court date for Michael Barisone?

Wow! That’s rather hardcore. So if a burglar broke into the home and attempted to rape or injure a homeowner and the dog bit the perp that would be considered the same as the dog slipping its collar during a walk and biting a kid riding by on a bike?

Doesn’t seem fitting.


Are you saying the city encouraged a private citizen to enter a residence to tell the renters that the property is condemned? And that citizen had no ownership interest in the property. Why wouldn’t the city do that themselves? And why wouldn’t that notice, if it existed, not be placed on the front door. It would be very unusual, if not illegal, for a private citizen or a city official to enter a home and try to place a notice on the kitchen table or wherever inside the residence.


Ah. You were so close. But now you’re reaching again.

Came back to edit to explain:


When I worked Housing Court I would issue warrants of eviction to Marshals. The Marshal would then print up an eviction notice and they would attach that notice to the front door. But some places rented rooms not apartments. In those cases the Marshall would enter the common area if anyone let them in and then attach the notice to that specific rooms door, usually it was a bedroom door.

The other areas like the kitchen, living room, etc remained open to be used by all the other occupants under that roof.


Frankly, it’s bothering me a little that some of the characters from one of my all time favorite movies are getting dragged into this mess. :roll_eyes:


The word she used is claim…

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I wholeheartedly agree.


RC is not just a private citizen. It appears she was considered to be some sort of management/staff. It is entirely logical that a member of the staff was designated to go around and inform all the residents of the situation after the city notified the owner of the building (MB) of it’s condition. It’s not uncommon for management companies to be left in charge of informing their residents of such events.


And, also reasonable that a resident or MB said sure let them in. ESPECIALLY since he wanted LK and RG GONE.


The actual quote is

So you’re right, the city did not tell anyone to enter the structure.


So the city did not instruct or tell anyone to enter the structure? That’s probably true. Therefore, the person took it upon herself to enter the structure. And in either case how is it the dog’s fault? You can’t fault the dog for biting anyone who enters a residence uninvited. Of course, on this thread the assumption is that if no one blamed the dog the police must be corrupt.


It’s almost like someone is having a conversation with themself to justify their POV.

Won’t work.

Not the way these thing go down.


Personally I don’t believe the cops are corrupt, just vastly incompetent. I’ve only heard TWO of the apparent eleven cops testify and neither were impressive in that they couldn’t recall or failed to mention apparent important information on their notes on the final report. I still maintain that the first cop to testify should have been written up for not rendering first aid at the scene. To serve and protect means everyone, not just who one prefers.


I’m genuinely curious as to what kind of first aid do you think he should have provided that he did not, and to whom? I honestly know nothing about who provided what kind of aid, if any, and to whom, at the scene.


Upon further review of the claims….it seems I was slightly mistaken……RG was present when the city informed MB of the condemned building and everyone was to vacate. The building inspector came back later on the day and took RC to open the building so the inspector could oversee the enforcement of his orders, at which point, the dog bit her and she returned to the house.

So, entirely consistent with procedure….”landlords open up the residences of their tenants for all kinds of reason……

So, nice try.


I realize this is a tangent but that is one of the things that impressed me time and time again while watching Live PD.
That person might have just lead them on a high speed car chase and put thousands of lives in danger but now that they crashed those officers were right there to give aid to the now injured driver.


On the other hand, ‘Protect and Serve’ is just a nice PR slogan to put on their cars.
They do cal themselves ‘first responders’ though.

  1. RC was neither a landlord, staff nor management
  2. The building inspector (and cops) shouted at RC, “do not go beyond the entryway (common area).” She ignored that instruction and proceeded up the stairs to the private residence even with building inspector and fire marshal shouting, “Do not go in there.”

And that is what happened and why no one thought the dog did anything wrong.

Deal with it!


She was most certainly considered staff.

The rest of your post speaks to you seemingly speaking as if you were there as no document that I’ve seen states what you’ve stated here.


Well since she lives in NC I guess she worked from home as a staff member even before that became fashionable. And in any case, when the building inspector and fire marshal tell you, “Do not go there” you proceed at your own peril both physically and legally.


I edited my post.

Suffice it to say I’m exceedingly highly super duper overwhelmingly skeptical of your statement being what actually happened. We shall see.