Court date for Michael Barisone?

Yes we shall.


How do you know this? You sound like LK.

Oh, sorry, someone might take offense. I have edited it.


No worriesā€¦Iā€™m not someone who reports other people or does the crazy QFP thing. I can take care of myself.


Are we allowed to state things as fact with out written proof now?
I am confused. I thought the very same person said that was not allowed.


I will have to go reading because I thought LK said that RC was some how staff at one point.
I admit, I might be remembering incorrectly.


How does I-M have such intimate knowledge of what was exactly shouted at RC by the building inspector (and cops) and that she proceeded up the stairs to the private residence . . . unless . . . Occamā€™s razor?


Itā€™s not allowed unless, of course, you are 100% certainā€¦


Westley here. Iā€™m hoping you can help me look out for my old friend Inigo. He hasnā€™t been himself since he settled the score with Count Rugen. In his words, ā€œIā€™ve been in the revenge business for so long, now that itā€™s over I donā€™t know what to do with the rest of my life.ā€

Buttercup tells me heā€™s gotten mixed up with some horse girls and keeps going on about how the six-fingered man is posting true crime speculation on internet forums, and he is the only one who can mete out justice to those who opine about horse-adjacent crimes. Itā€™s a shame he gave up fencing to tilt at these kinds of windmills, but I guess after the kind of life heā€™s lived heā€™s still got a drive for vengeance.

Anyway, if you come across him please just ignore his ramblings. Eventually heā€™ll tire himself out and Fezzik will retreive him from the Thievesā€™ Quarters so he can sleep it off.


hmmā€¦ :thinking:
I am sure it is nothing.

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Maybe I work for the building inspectorā€™s office and I was there?




Post of the year, right here.


Yeah, not buying what you are selling. Thanks for playing along!


ALL LEOā€™S are taught 1st aid and injury assessment as part of training. This cop had no idea the extent of his injuries and did nothing to assess them. Wrong on so many accounts and he admitted he didnā€™t do anything.


If you do you probably shouldnā€™t be posting here, as this could be used in ways you might not foresee. Really, posting like this could impact your job.


You can refuse to accept it all you wantā€¦.the reality is: RC was acting in the capacity of representative agent for MB; both for the incident with the fire marshal and after the shooting.


Did he say that no one assessed his injuries? Did LK and/or RG receive aid from any of the police officers at the scene?

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Hereā€™s a great resource for you:

Plus if the record is public you can check it and make your own determinations.


I know there was a direct reply you made to me yesterday but for the life of me I canā€™t find it todayā€¦.so I will use this as a jumping off point.

LK is not the only one that could be said to be subjected to this behavior. There is another person who has their own 1,000+ post thread that has no other purpose than to make fun of them. Iā€™ve been reading here long enough to know that every so often someone goes searching for what they are doing and reports back to COTH so they can jump all over mocking them. That thread has many elements of this thread such as expressions of accounts of being personally attacked and screenshots of social media.

Many of these posters from this thread can be found in that thread. Including youā€¦ā€¦and your involvement wasnā€™t to scold people for being ā€œuglyā€ and being morally superior by telling them to stop; it was to join in the name calling and mocking.

So, you asked me if it was ā€œOkā€ to engage in ā€œthis behaviorā€ā€¦.I say your behavior, or at least lack of complaint, in the other thread means you are more okay with it than you let on. It might also be why no one is giving your ā€œcomplaintsā€ the time of day in this thread.


Yes, the cop testified that LK was being assessed as was RG. He freely admitted he did nothing for MB other than help him up from his knees and take him to a utility trailer to sit on the edge. He was asked several times and each time he replied that he did nothing but noted MB continued to bleed profusely from his ears, eyes, mouth, and head. He did not check his torso for injuries but he was bloodied. He also stated MB said nothing other than ā€œyesā€ (after being read his rights) and appeared to be dazed and confused.