Court date for Michael Barisone?

Wait, there’s another thread somewhere about something else that I’m not posting hundreds of posts in? Pray tell, lead me to it so I can get to work spreading eggbutt-itis!! Maybe I can recruit more members for our almost murderers club!

Where oh where is Buttercup? She must be having tea with Inigo.


Thanks for this information.

With so much blood on MB’s torso (1st cop’s testimony) he should have assessed him for gunshot or knife wounds at a minimum. He had zero idea of the severity of his injuries or what had happened at that time. To me this speaks of the complete indifference this PD showed toward Barisone and his “family”. Keep in mind, for over 48 hours the police only had RG’s version of events and ran with that version. I’d call that convenient and all the reports apparently match that version but the officer’s notes had more evidence that didn’t make it to the official reports. I would expect all of this will be introduced at trial including the testimony of the EMT’s/Paramedics who treated MB on the 30 minute ride to the trauma center.


In a state as populated as NJ the travel time to the trauma center was 30 minutes? Gee that seems so long.


Yes, that was the testimony.

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Maybe it was five miles away but they were sitting in traffic for 30 minutes.

That is just a complete guess on my part based on some of my travel experiences in New Jersey.


Apparently they went to the Morristown Level 1 Trauma Center which is 32 minutes away. But I do not know this as a fact.

MB was put in the trauma bay immediately next to LK (per testimony).


I would think so too. It’s also odd that with that amount of blood on his torso, plus the report that he was “bleeding profusely from his ears, eyes, mouth, and head”, you would think he wouldn’t have been in as good shape as he was at the initial hearing. Although I admit I have no idea how many days passed between the incident and the initial court date; maybe it was enough time to heal from whatever injuries would cause such a horrific amount of blood loss. Or it’s possible that the amount of blood loss was exaggerated (especially the ears, eyes, mouth and head part), and the blood on his torso wasn’t his own blood.

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To most people he did not look particularly well at the first appearance with significant facial swelling and bruising. The bruises on his torso obviously were not evident.


Yes, of course. Hopefully we will get the facts when this finally goes to court.


Maybe he was miraculously cured by the same doc who fixed RGs broken arm which also seems to have magically healed in days.


Wow. That sounds like the plot of a bad movie I don’t quite remember.


It is such a damn shame any of this ever had to happen. Over horseback riding especially. It’s literally insane.


I’m surprised the cop moved him at at with bleeding like that as they would not know if a person has internal injuries. Once they have secured the scene, I would hope anyone who is injured would get appropriate treatment.
By this time I would think ambulances would be arriving and administering aid.

I also saw that the civil trial hearing against the cops was delayed until November. I guess we will have to wait a few more weeks to know anything on that end.


Yes, from MB’s barn it would be at least 35 to 45 minutes to Morristown Memorial Hospital…whether going through town or Hanover Ave the “long” way.


Long Valley, NJ is still somewhat rural. North NJ gets even more rural the further north and west you go.


What would be a normal protocol for posting a notice for a person who has no written tenant agreement? Are they legally considered tenants with rights to a private area within the building or would they be considered a “guest”? Does a guest (or whatever the appropriate term is for someone without a written lease) have the same privacy rights as a regular tenant might have?


Honestly, the police, “rescue” responders, and EMTs in this area are not the same as what you would expect in, say NYC or other metropolitan areas. The EMTs are volunteer and response time is less than stellar. We have paramedics, but they are sent from hospitals.


In my state and in NJ (I had previously checked) tenancy, lease or not begins after 30 days of living there.

So yes, after 30 days you must do the full procedure to evict.