Court date for Michael Barisone?

My area also relies on volunteers for our fire and ambulance services. Wonderful people to do that by the way. I imagine this was a bit of a unique situation for this area.


Thank you!

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You’re welcome!

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Where did you see the hearing has been rescheduled?

On the nj civil case website under the docket number for the case with the police it was listed. I would link it but that never works for me. You and a few others are the only ones that seem to do that successfully.


It was the motion filed on 9/21 that was rescheduled for 11/5.

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Hadn’t this dog been around for quite a while. I would think with the length of time these people had all socialize if the dog was so dangerous that MB needed to bring a gun to defend himself it wouldn’t have been allowed on the property. Doesn’t make sense.


Lol, and you make it leave, how exactly?


He couldn’t get LK and RG out. What makes you think getting rid of their dog would be any easier? And the “authorities” did nothing.

Exactly who or what entity would make the dog not “allowed on the property”? Who would enforce this? Who would take the dog away? Your comment doesn’t make sense to me.


I agree that the volunteers are wonderful and giving people to donate their time to help others. I just know that some are not skilled or trained well enough in certain situations and this could have been one of those situations.


I am confused. What did the EMTs and ambulance crew do wrong in this situation?

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the hindsight should ahve been foresight defense

I think I can hop over into the menagerie and find a few threads on people tippy toeing aroung untrust worthy dogs because neighbors, families etc, until dog gets off leash or owner unhinged.

But, you know, nice people try not to blame the dog.
at least not before they kill other animals, draw blood, etc

So why did LK have such an ill adjusted animal in such a communal setting anyhow?
Serving notice of eviction isn’t a reason to get mauled by a dog.
Or did she need to protect her stash?

Pure conjecture on my part anyhow.
I am far far away from the players.
And Inigo, but wouldn’t mind to share a cup of (unpoisoned) wine with Westley


Apparently the medical response personnel were wonderful. The one cop, not so much.


I questioned why they might have moved him with the bleeding issues he had not knowing if he may have had serious injuries.
The comment was made that the emts in this area may not have the same amount of training as paramedics in larger cities as many these people are volunteers rather than a trained paramedic.


The person who moved him, from what has been posted here, was a police officer. Not the volunteer ambulance people.


Good to hear about the medical personnel!

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Yes, I was surprised that he moved him. Maybe he had the ok to do so from the medical people.

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Sorry if my cat flagged anyone’s post. She was sitting on my phone and I think she may have flagged somebody. I tried to clear it, hopefully it worked.
I guess this topic is too upsetting for her to deal with. Probably all the talk about the dog. :joy:


He said he moved him because MB looked uncomfortable on his bare knees while handcuffed, so he moved him to a place he could sit.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: