Court date for Michael Barisone?

That is kind. Clueless, but kind.
Maybe handcuffed with a broken arm had something to do with that.


Bare knees! First no shirt and now bare knees! Did he have shorts on I wonder.


Yes, khaki shorts. I don’t know about shoes (the cop didn’t say).


It is funny, sort of, how much of our social interactions, rules, and norms depend on the player to (eventually) comply with the rules once reminded.
and how little one can do if those unwritten norms are not followed.


Oh sure now this thread has deteriorated to blaming some anonymous cat.

Perhaps the cat had motive. Does the cat know any of the parties? Has the cat been in horses long? Know parties in NJ? Is the cat part of the MB Fan Club? Where exactly was the cat on the day in question, hmmm? Was the cat perhaps suffering from PTSD because of the dog references?


This particular cat is a bully. She just made my elderly dog move off her orthopedic bed so she could sit on it.
She may be a member of the murder club-she has confirmed kills. (squirrels and mice)
She was born in a horse barn too!
Very sketchy!


Time to get another bed! Very sketchy indeed!


I tried to get her picture but she hid under the sofa-perhaps in the witness protection program? Doesn’t want her photo shared. I may need to hire her a lawyer.


Maybe trying to find the purrfect lense filter.




The big question is whether the cat has 6 toes like Count Regan has 6 fingers?


This is my last off topic post I swear LOL


freaky, but oh so fluffy!


So happy we got rid of the creepy crawlies.

If that cat’s name isn’t Count Rugen, I would like to know who missed that big opportunity?


There are a couple of dizzying intellects on this thread who would be more fun to best in a battle of wits than an overconfident Sicilian. As everyone knows, though, iocane powder is from Australia and even the pirate ship Revenge can’t overcome recent supply chain issues. I can therefore assure you, my dear lady, that your goblet of cardbordeaux and mine are perfectly safe.


Listening to some posters on here MB sounds like a weak and helpless man, that the police, local dog control, etc wouldn’t help him and that the only solution was to get a gun. I haven’t seen any reports that he even attempted to go through legal means to evict, he doesn’t report a dangerous dog to local dog control(there are ways to get a dog that goes around bitting people on your property removed, I wouldn’t allow it on my farm, but also would not carry a illegal gun around to shoot it should it come after me) he doesn’t get an order of protection against people he says now were a danger to him, his family and other members of the farm community. His answer(gun)didn’t protect anyone and put him in jail, lost him his girlfriend, his farm, horses, business and reputation. His bad decision. But at least now everyone knows to avoid doing business with horrible LK, except apparently that didn’t happen either. It did eventually get them off the farm(they would have been leaving soon anyway), but he lost the farm.

When asked on his 911 calls if he feels he is in danger he says no, well one time when he says no, someone says something in the background and he then says maybe. Don’t think these calls are going to help his case.
I can see why the police believed the calls were about wanting a tenant out, not anyone being in danger, except perhaps LK from “this is war” MB. There has been talk about her posting she had a gun, they don’t include how she then goes on to say it is not in NJ.
His comment that was recently reported (I believe at the hospital after the shooting) something about them making his life miserable for 6 mths, they wouldn’t leave and then says “I’m sorry” 
seems to indicate, at least shortly after the event, he knew what happen that day.
Speculation is fine, even if the evidence currently available doesn’t support the theories.


I have known some very wonderful and strong (physically and mentally) people who were actually helpless when dealing with a situation that was emotionally stressful while dealing with a difficult person whose only goal was to ruin them.
Dealing with a person who does not play by normal social rules can be exhausting and leave a person whose mind works in a more typical fashion unable to figure out how to move forward.

Edit to add:
I know nothing about MB or how his brain works (worked), but I know that some very simple questions frequently leave me asking a friend how I should answer because I take questions very literally. Someone asking me if I am in danger would lead to me either giving an information dump explaining how at this very moment I am not in danger, but there is a bigger picture here where I am in danger and

So saying “I am not in danger” to me equals “at this very second you do not have to come lights and sirens screaming because no one is pointing at gun at me, but please come because there is a problem that is getting very scary”.
It has taken a lifetime (I am older than dirt) to figure out how to answer some simple questions correctly, and it is still a huge struggle.
If this is not how your (general) brain works I can see how someone saying ‘no’ to the question of being in danger could mean something else.


 weak and helpless man
Interesting way to put it.

What’s the opposite of “weak and helpless” and what actions would a man in this situation, who was the opposite of “weak and helpless”, have done in this circumstance, over this very short period of time during which this relationship fell apart?

As for the implied suggestion that it’s not accurate that the police and dog control wouldn’t help him, can you share the help they offered that apparently we’re not aware of?


Well it is clear from their previous comments that this poster doesn’t understand human nature starting with there is no “standard for normal” against which one can judge a person’s actions especially in extreme circumstances.

Additionally, one is not gifted with the ability to fully understand and articulate the intent of others. It doesn’t work that way.

Not a fan girl. I don’t know the man, but jeeze laweese
I’d really be curious how the dragonfly will handle such a situation. Not well, I would guess because they would be looking for “Normal” in “abnormal” circumstances. It doesn’t work that way.


All EMTs receive the same training and take the same exam; there’s no difference in the certification for a volunteer and a professional. There are different levels of certification - in my state, there’s EMT-Basic, EMT-Advanced and Paramedic. EMT-Advanced can administer some drugs; paramedics can administer drugs and do some invasive procedures. (There’s also a very basic first responder certification.) However, professional EMTs go on many more calls and receive broader experience than most volunteers.

It’s still a mistake to assume that a volunteer squad provides a lower level of care. My old squad had volunteers who were professional firefighters/EMTs/paramedics in another locality but volunteered with our rural squad.

Also, it a situation such as this; EMTs do not approach and treat patients until the police have secured the scene.