Court date for Michael Barisone?

Poppycock. The general public knows little of legal procedure. During my career I found myself having to explain even the simplest of procedures, ideas and processes a million times. Your post shows a similar ignorance.

The dispute of the parties had not been a long one. Things went from honky dory to Hiroshima in a relatively short period of time. You don’t know that MB didn’t initiate things like an eviction. In my jurisdiction Step 1 to evict is to notify the parties either verbally or in writing that they have 30 days to vacate and if they do not vacate, that a case for eviction will be initiated.

I’d love to hear if you have proof that did not occur. But no matter - the town itself ordered the parties to leave. Yet they did not. Had they left, it’s entirely reasonable to believe things very well may have progressed far, far differently.

And yes, I remember seeing proof of stating she had guns and as I’ve said have proof I was not the only one to see it. If pressed I can produce that proof but so far I have not. Perhaps I’ll think about for 48 hours.

Be careful what you post even criptically. As I have been threatened on this very forum, in posts seen by many, I’m willing to stay out of things but DO NOT for a moment cast us as a bunch of clueless fools. I and others know what we saw.


Well, he still has his horses, FL facility owned by him, business when he is released, friends, and reputation with those who count. As far as girlfriend…well let’s just say she showed who she really is.


You are a bunch of clueless fools!

I’ve forgotten more about the law than you will ever know…and I’m not very smart.

How dare you constantly go here holding yourself out as some expert in the law?

You twist every bit of information to fit your narrative.

Here’s an example of your BS from the proceeding paragraph …“I’d love to hear proof that did not occur.” What person with even a rudimentary knowledge of the law challenges someone to prove something did not occur. How about this…why don’t you show us proof it did occur!
And guess what…it doesn’t matter! There are thousands of landlord/tenant disputes going on. Many are extremely nasty. But each side still has one obligation…Don’t try to kill the other party!

I’m sorry you seem to have had a bad experience with LK. Did you shoot her? I’ve had bad experiences with people…but I haven’t shot them. And you can be sure that all 12 jurors have had bad experiences with people…but they didn’t shoot them either.

You are free to post whatever you want but I, for one, will not be signing up for your online law school. Know why?

Because you really are a bunch of clueless fools…as far as your knowledge of the facts in this matter, that is. Other than in this particular case and related lawsuits you may be brilliant.


And, here we go. The expert in all things has spoken. We must pay attention.


the epidemy of a sexist mindset.
A law abiding citizen does not rely on strength to deal with issues of the nature.
This is what responsible LEOs tell you, don’t escalate things, call us. And heaven knows domestics are a dangerous call for them to respond to!

So what if he did not feel initially in danger?!



Anyone. I mean ANYone. Who feels the need to flaunt their credentials in this way - is most likely either getting huffy because they’re wrong, or they don’t have the credentials at all.


You may not believe this but I’m giving you a standing ovation. I’m hoping you are sincere in realizing that MB’s girlfriend has shown us who she really is. And guess what…she’s worse.

MB is an egotistical maniac with a terrible temper. LK could be a pain in the ass. But they got along fine. They understood each other. The relationship was mutually beneficial to both of them. If not for the girlfriend MB would not be in jail and would likely still be training LK. But the girlfriend believed (and probably still does) that she is going to the Olympics and wanted MB’s undivided training attention.

Here’s a riddle…MB was definitely harassed, cajoled and tormented in the weeks before the shooting. But it was not by LK or RG. Can anyone guess who it was? First one to answer correctly gets a prize.


Gosh, you seem VERY close to the situation. I wonder how you fit into this situation? Rhetorical question…I think we all already know.


Since we’ve ventured into new territory with a new subject to discuss (MHG), she is 100 times the rider LK can even imagine in her dreams. MH takes her riding seriously and always has. She was an Individual Gold Medalist at the NAYRC’s when she was younger. She has trained with the best. If I’m taking bets on who becomes an Olympic team member, it will be MH over LK every day of the week. When it comes to talent, LK doesn’t deserve to carry MH’s boot bag.


Well duh. Clearly sarcasm is not your forte. I am completely aware of how ridiculous the concept of proving a negative is. But unlike you and Lzk and others I have an excellent grasp of law. Do I know everything? Of course not AND unlike LK herself I do not try and cite nonsense as legit legal information. If I don’t know something or don’t remember, I say it.

Your post says far more about you than it does me. Sadly, in your current state of mind, you are unprepared to see that.



Very true. I was responded to by a combination of professional EMTs and volunteer EMTs last year, and every single one of them was no less than absolutely stellar and incredibly professional.

I was unconscious after coming off a horse on an area of our farm that is not easily accessed. They had to get to me using an ATV. The ambulance was staged at our house, the ATV used to retrieve me and bring me about a 1/2 mile to the ambulance, and then the ambulance transported me about 4 miles to the location LifeFlight landed to take me to the trauma center.

I remember coming to and telling the paramedic about a life threatening medical condition I have. He told me his name, and that he was going to make sure he got me to the best care possible as quickly as possible. He apologized repeatedly about the potential discomfort of the ATV ride, as well as the ambulance ride.

The combination of professionals and volunteers coordinated all these things- getting the ATV to the location, ambulance, helicopter, etc. No small feat!


Here’s the difference, MB could have told MH to leave at any time and she would have done so immediately. How interesting you want to delve into the personal interactions of a couple. I can only imagine what RG has said to others about LK, yet he is still with her apparently. Sometimes in personal intimate relationships people are gluttons for punishment.


Didn’t LK say exactly this on here before??? You know, Daddy being an attorney and all that.


Who I am doesn’t matter. What matters is that you try to put your hatred for LK aside for just a minute and think about what really happened. MB was recently divorced…brings much younger girlfriend to his farm…much younger girlfriend thinks she going to Olympics…much younger girlfriend hates that MB is training someone else who has nice horses…much younger girlfriend asks MB to get rid of LK…then insists he get rid of LK…then demands he get rid of LK…then threatens to leave MB (almost daily) if he doesn’t get rid of LK. AND, once MB is in jail and no longer of any use to her the girlfriend dumps MB…will not even take his phone calls from jail.

I think you get the picture. Please just think about why this happened…put 2+ 2 together. It’s pretty simple. And once you’ve thought about it and separate your personal hatred for LK from what really happened here you can go back to hating LK for whatever reason you like. It’s ok to hate…but not to kill.


I’m betting MB never shot at his significant other with a gun who was sitting on a motorcycle.

But someone involved is alleged to have. I wonder who that may be…


The incredible similarities with this poster and LK are obvious, but also make no difference. No one needs to know who someone is IRL to understand their need to change up their personna to suit their mindframe.


Oh, but it does matter who you are if you are making claims. Which you are.

And how do you know this?

I thought you were only here for “the truth” and no speculation.

Were you there? Did you witness this first hand? Were you involved?


You are as ignorant about the law as you are about the crap you write here. LK NEVER shot at her significant other. Never happened. Stop lying.


BRB, hold that thought, I am making a run to the store, Pretzles, beer…
anyone need dip?


Down to one bag of popcorn here!

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