Court date for Michael Barisone?

think the lawyers are going to supoena the IP address though?
Seeing that this might be a material witnes…


It was nobody’s goddamn business what demands a girlfriend imposes upon her boyfriend. LK didn’t OWN MB. MB was under no obligation to keep LK around even if your assertion the reason was a petty one. And this scenario points to then a LK demand of it’s either her or me and that is sick, twisted, demented and CRIMINAL. Once coercion begun it was criminal. And if LK thought for even a nanosecond that her wannabe dressage ambition entitled her to make his life miserable because LK wasn’t his choice to keep that just shows BLATANT AND OVERWHELMING MALIGNANT NARCISSISTIC behavior.

Everyone should save IMs latest comment. It shows twisted, disassociated thinking if true.




you can have mine.

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Who was killed?

Why was it your business to know anything MH said to MB. And once again, why didn’t you, excuse me, LK, leave when told to leave? So LK called CPS to hurt MH rather than MB. All of LK’s tactics were toward getting MH out!!! Of course! It’s known LK goes after other women in her harassment.
MHG was the target all along. Imagine that. As far as MHG being envious of LK’s horses, NONE of them are Olympic caliber and she knew that.


So what you are saying is LK wanted MB for herself, and MHG was in the way? This was a plot to drive MHG away?


This claim was asserted by the Defense. I know because I read and dealt with legal documents for a living for over 30 years. You?


That is EXACTLY what they are saying.

Also, punishment for not doing so.


If I am who you think I am then you can be sure it’s not speculation.

But it doesn’t matter. You and your fellow members of the MB support group don’t care about the truth.

If MB were convicted or stood up in open court and confessed to exactly what happened you still wouldn’t believe it. You would say the he’s lying or the police beat it out of him. How pathetic.

Now you all have more information than you’re entitled to…go back to fantasyland.

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In an earlier thread, LK mentioned taking a “CrimPro” class, but, to the best of my recollection, has never said she was in law school. So possibly she took a class or multiple classes? But her references may not be based solely on what she may have gleaned from her father being an attorney.


But remember, @Inigo-montoya and @La-LaPopRider say the defense documents are filled with lies. Absolute lies I tell you! Everything they don’t agree with is a lie. The trial(s) will bring out all the truth.


does watching ‘How to get away with murder’ count as class?


Back to focus: LK was told to clear out. Rather than comply she began a reign of terror and harassment/surveillance culminating in false claims to SS/CPS (we know now were aimed at MHG). But, we’re also told there’s a big-I-can’t-say-more revelation that will clear everything up.

I still stand by my opinion LK/RG/dog attacked MB first on August 7, 2019.


I never broke a bone, doesn’t it take some force to break an arm, assuming it isn’t a joint dislocation?


This is all wishful thinking and pure projection on your part. I have stated before many times and will state again my interest is that JUSTICE BE SERVED.

Do not or a moment misconstrue my pointing out fallacies, misconceptions about the law in addition to torts made upon me and others as indications of blind MB support.

I deal in law and logic. LKs story just wasn’t as plausible as she thought. It had holes. It had questionable aspects. Pointing out discrepancies and flaws doesn’t put you on Team MB.

It puts you on TEAM TRUTH.


Ok one more time and then I’m done with you.

I suppose you’re not completely ignorant and, therefore, know what I’ve said is true.

LK was not and is not the rider MHG is. MHG was not jealous of LK’s horses. She just wanted Mb’s undivided attention. And if you think LK was the first young woman in NJ or NC who MHG made miserable maybe you are totally ignorant.

This is where I came in yesterday…calling out Eggbutt’s incessant lies. But clearly you will go on making up all kinds of crap. You are truly hopeless.


LK has ALWAYS shown jealousy/envy over others’ achievements, relationships, and property. Too bad she never learned to have goals and work toward the goals rather than throw money at the fantasy. Rather than face truths and change goals, it becomes a pattern to threaten and hurt others. Sad. Very, very pathetic.


Point out any lie. I’ll wait.


Here’s some logic you missed. LK’s story has no holes. Why do you think the insanity defense was added?


Mary Haskins Gray is NOT the subject here regardless of your obsession. I don’t care who she has or hasn’t made miserable in NC, NJ, FL or any other state. I don’t care who she has slept with or manipulated…she is not one of the three prime players in the criminal case. Quite obviously she pushed your buttons, just as I do.