Court date for Michael Barisone?

Your lips were moving…therefore we know it’s a lie. Now you don’t have to wait any longer.


I guess it depends on which story one chooses. There are several. Yet, she still refused to leave for safety and take whatever legal remedies she felt necessary, since she is such a legal scholar.


How juvenile. Bless your heart.


I guess you really weren’t done with me.

I’m off…too much to do today. I’ll catch back up later.


My my you can be dense. It was none of LKs business as to what MHG wanted of MB. That was between them and them alone. If MB decided to placate MHG by dumping LK then LK needed to put on her big girl panties AND GO.

It also doesn’t matter if MHG had been all jelly of other females before. Not one bit. If a couple rule the roost and they don’t want you, you GO.

I’m having trouble understanding why this is such a difficult concept for you. It’s as if it happened to YOU. Did it?


Oh please. Her story has evolved so many times even Darwin took note. Even the location of RG on the day of the shooting changes regularly.


Thank you for your post. I have friends who are volunteer EMTs and I admire their commitment to their training and serving unselfishly. My area depends on these people and I am very grateful for their service. I would never think less of their capabilities just because they are unpaid.
My concern was why the cop would move him as the cop may or may not have this training. I then posed the scenario that perhaps, once MB was handcuffed, maybe the cop had the EMTs check him before moving him.

I an probably come across a little hard on the cops on this thread as my own experience as a crime victim with cops was less than stellar. I am trying to give them the benefit of the doubt and wait until the facts come out.


Her law degree is by virtue of her parent, ie osmosis.


Uh, alas the reverse, that these parties aren’t the first that LK made miserable, is a more widespread public understanding.


Those were fingers.

You are profoundly belligerent, and obviously a player in this mess. I simply can’t quite understand what would possess you to come on here and publicly spew as you have, other than the possibility of real mental issues.

And, how dare you tarnish the name of Inigo Montoya. The Princess Bride is sacred!


Unless you are LK or one of her significant others (from any point in her life) you absolutely cannot assert this as fact. Who is making up stories (lies) now?


Oh my, so apt!


Thank you so much for dismissing me @Inigo-montoya! I truly appreciate it! :joy::joy::joy:

I have a feeling you are more than casually acquainted with fantasyland yourself! I would say it is your permanent residence!


Well, someone desperately wants this thread closed.


Interesting theories.
Let us go with it.
Because this type of thing happens pretty darn frequently in life. Maybe not on this scale (expensive horses, etc) but certainly it happens all over the place all the time.
Girl friend does not like this other woman hanging out with her man.

So, MB wants LK gone (because the girlfriend says so). Kind of confirming the whole theory that LK and her boyfriend had been asked to leave.
And clearly the girlfriend really wanted to make sure MB was not near LK at all, with them all living in the barn instead of in the house.
If it has gotten to that point, MB most certainly had asked LK to leave, since he was doing what the love of his world, his younger girlfriend who controlled all things, wanted.

Oh sure, get a song stuck in my head.

I personally do not vocalize while I type. Do you? Do you know that @eggbutt does?

I would think this would be a pretty common outcome in this situation. Do you really find this to be a weird outcome?


Even if it were closed now, it is all here to be seen.


Not necessarily. Even when closed people can return and edit or delete their posts.

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Ah, but it has all been QFPed. That doesn’t change with edits.


That’s true! I don’t really feel like going through and reviewing IM’s posts to confirm they’ve been QFP’d but I have a feeling most have been, if not all of them.


No worries about that @MorganSercu!