Court date for Michael Barisone?

Yes, but it does give the page number.

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Again, I need a timeline.
I thought his concerns about this pair preceded the strong arming.

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Edited for clarification.

I strongly urge anyone who is threatened either openly or in message to report it to the Mods.


Thanks, so this is just a reference to another part of the same document (i.e., a cross reference within the court filing to another place in the court filing?

If so, what is the time reference (1:56:46)? That’s what made me wonder if it was a reference to a recording and, if so, was that a recording of the interaction with the police.

If it is only a reference to the same document it is in, why the “Trans ID” number? I thought Trans would refer to a transcript and that that transcript would have been made of a recording, hence the time reference.


This is a synopsis of the court filing -

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No, its the reference number for the document itself, not a cross-reference. When you create a document in an editor you can add a field to indicate the date & time the document was printed. If you then use a print (or save) to pdf, it will add the date / time of the print or save. The date / time will not be updated when you cut & paste from the printed / saved document as the field is no longer active. If you check each occurrence you’ll see that the date, time, & reference numbers are exactly the same. The page number increments from 1 onwards.


My rough sketch timeline from the 1983 filing

March 2018

Lk becomes MB student
4/2018- 9/2018 at SGF north
Other months in Carolinas
**(so where did LK/RG live during this time?)

May 2019

  • LK/RG move into house at SGF
  • MB discourages this due to damage
    (Had Town Inspector already seen damage?)
  • JK issues threats regarding not allowing LK/RG living in the house
  • LK behavior towards MB, Grey, kids deteriorates

June 2019

  • MB learns of LK drug/criminality
  • MB/Grey start to see internet evidence of threats, etc towards them

I’ll take a stab.
Sometime in 2018: LK starts training with MB, in both Florida and NJ, bringing at least two horses. During that time she takes lessons with both MB and JH, purchases a horse from MB, purchases another horse overseas, and retires her older mare. All of this is financed by her father. Things seem pretty hunky-dory.
During the winter, everyone lives somewhere in Florida, and during fall 2018, LK and RG live on the farm in the house. Everyone goes to FL for season in early 2019.
May 2019: Everyone returns from Florida, and discovers that the house is uninhabitable due to damage from burst pipes.
MB tells LK and RG that they cannot live there due to the damage (speculation: lack of space? trying to dump LK as a client?)
LK sends her father after MB, either to force him to maintain LK as a client or let LK and RG live in the house on the farm, for any number of speculative reasons (banned from the family home, or he already paid for the rent/board, LK insisted that she had to live on the property with her horses)
May/June/July 2019: LK and RG make threats against MB, so he hires an investigator and learns all sorts of lovely things about LK and RG. Now he definitely wants her off the property.
July 31 2019: Everything escalates and we begin the sequence of 911 calls and police getting called out the property multiple times.
August 3/4: MB, MH, JH, etc., move into the clubhouse to avoid LK and RG, RC is sleeping outside her horse’s stall with a gun.
August 6: LK and RG call the housing inspector to report unpermitted renovations. The house is declared unfit for residents by the Wash. Twp. Housing Inspector. RC is bitten by the dog.
August 7: CP&P shows up, MB and LK have a confrontation.

NB: I may edit this.


The timeline for this from the MB/Township lawsuit

  1. LK allowed to stay as houseguest
  2. LK told she was not allowed to be a tenant because bathroom to damaged to meet code.
  3. LK’s father threatened MB to force him to allow her to be a tenant.
  4. Disturbing behavior starts soon after.

But realistically, who in their right mind doesn’t realize that becoming an unwanted tenant doesn’t start a relationship on the wrong foot.


@eggbutt can you give us the low down on that article? It says I have to subscribe to see it.

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Thank you! That’s super helpful as I thought they were a reference to police reports or something official like that.



Basically a run down of Barisone’s suit with Kanarek’s attorney saying it’s filled with lies. “No comment” from the PD or any of those named in the suit.


I did also

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Speculation on my part, trying to connect dots from social media and previous posts: In FL, it’s impossible to tell. From social media and from LK’s own posts here, it appears that she lived on the farm in 2018 as well.

No, building inspector was not brought onto the scene until August.

Yes, I gathered this from previous posts by LK on threads. At one point, she accused him of stealing her jewelry or something.


When did she post those comments?
Assuming during or after first winter in FL?

Oh, they were posted well after this whole incident. On another thread about being taken seriously as a client only if you enter full training. She also took a pot-shot at another well-known BNT client of Barisone’s.


Yeah, they didn’t care. They said there’s no rules about a threat of legal action. I guess that includes when the person making the threat is bald faced lying about what information they have.


Ok, here on COTH.
I thought she may have posted those, on Facebook.