Court date for Michael Barisone?

So the extent of the damage (and whether it precluded people living there) was determined by MB or another member of staff or household… Or maybe a contractor who came to give an estimate for repairs maybe?

I know we may not know any of the answers… I’m partially thinking “out loud”

Most of what she posted on Facebook were her veiled threats (i.e. “multiple personalities”), some talk about guns, vague-booking about being bullied, rejections of offers by friends to move her and her horses, and some posts about how the horses were finally getting training rides in the morning again, indicating that MB had not been riding them since everyone returned from FL. Of course, her Facebook is now locked down, at least the posts from that time period. There are some screenshots floating around.

As far as how “uninhabitable” the house was before the inspector showed up… beats me. But, if RG WAS doing renovations/repair (is he a licensed plumber? or maybe he was just doing the cosmetic work, drywall, etc), and then he and LK called the inspector to report the unpermitted work., that just sounds like cutting off your nose to spite your face. What did they think would happen?!


I do believe their goal was to get MB in trouble. I can not imagine any other reason to call.

People do it all the time, thinking it will make the landlord hurry up and do something.


Personally, I’ll be mildly disappointed if nothing shows up in my inbox overnight.


Not licensed. Lots of screenshots exist of things that were posted.


One of the larger barns near me has transitioned to dog sports. She offers boarding, training, barn hunts and even has an above ground pool for “doggy diving” or whatever it’s called.


I’ve lost track of all the initials. Was JH an assistant trainer? Or was Grey the assistant trainer? Or were both of them assistants?

Yes, both. And both are still trainers in FL. BTW, it is Gray.


I still can’t get past the idea that somebody was sleeping outside the horse’s stall with a gun. That seems like it should have been a gigantic red flag for the police that it was a serious and seriously out of control situation.

Were the police aware of that part?



Do they still work together in Florida?


For what it’s worth, I have slept outside stalls many times for various reasons, although without a loaded firearm next to me.


Not that I am aware of.

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Oh, I’ve slept outside a few stalls in my day. But generally due to a horse with a health issue, not a situation involving a human.


Yeah, I think most horse people have, which is why it probably wasn’t a red flag for the police unless she told them why.

Police in NJ wouldn’t know it was common to sleep in a barn in cases of a sick horse.


It is quite possible that the gun in question was not publicly known about until after the shooting.

Also we don’t have any verification that RC was sleeping outside her stall, with or without a gun, except from LK. And if it was true she was sleeping outside her stall, we don’t know why. It might have been colic. She might always have a gun in these cases because she is an older woman sleeping outside at night. Who knows? Psychiatric workers can be very conscious of personal security because their former clients are unpredictable, though I’m thinking of people I knew who worked with the “criminally insane” in secure units. Not just on the “sixth floor” of the general hospital.

In other words, we have seen enough claims from LK turn out to be unsubstantiated, to put it mildly, that we should not believe anything that can’t be verified.

I suspect that if the police knew there were guns on the property they might have acted differently. I dont know if LK had guns on the property, but if so they apparently were not in use during these incidents. If she had guns, her father and boyfriend could have disappeared them and anything else during their visit to the farm after the shooting. And I am sure MB did not disclose that he had access to a gun.

Of course it:s foolish to think in the USA that no parties to a dispute have access to guns, since guns are so common. But from the outside this may have looked like the kind of dispute where no serious injury would be done and the parties had the resources to resolve this with lawyers and court orders and notices.


Good point.

There has been so much information from so many sources that it’s easy to lose track of which claims have not been verified in any way.


There are things we will never know for sure. Daddy’s involvement in ALL of it, who was on the phone with Lauren Kanarek when she was shot, what happened to the surveillance tapes, what actually happened the afternoon of August 7, 2019, what role did the dog play in the events, why didn’t they leave, what was her motive for all of this? Apparently Lauren Kanarek doesn’t need a motive for her actions nor does she feel the need to ever accept responsibility for her actions as long as daddy bails her out. Pathetic life.


Learned how to quote! Kind of. Still can’t figure out multiple quoting, any instructions are appreciated in advance.

I’ve skimmed over some earlier threads and my brain is in physical pain after that. Was it ever proven one way or the other if those papers mb called police about them refusing to sign ever existed? Or if they did exist what they said?

Please forgive me as I’m not completely caught up with everything out there so far. Mostly I just tapped lalarider comments but made a mistake bc I sometimes couldn’t tell who or which post she was responding to. I saw a post that she wrote saying mb made her bring a horse from Germany or somewhere a couple weeks before the shooting. Think she said he picked out the quarantine place but it was a little farther away? Are there a lot of places like that nearby their location? That would seem crazy if he really told her bring another horse with all this. The count i figured was 4 horses she owned that were there & plus the horse on the way. 1 horse being boarded somewhere in NC.

Has anyone called the places for the quarantine to ask them if barisone made those arrangements for an incoming horse or maybe he called and said dont let the incoming horse stay there. Does anyone know?

If you are just now trying to catch up then you should be aware that there are multiple missing or edited posts across the threads by LK and so it is almost impossible to follow the story. And I should caution you about taking anything LK says as anything more than peripherally rooted to an actual event.