Court date for Michael Barisone?


Right! Why did they go the day after the shooting to go to the house and the barn? Why go to the barn and house when your gf and daughter is in the hospital shot in the chest dying…. There was no need to go to the barn to check the horses. As we all know. We will always make sure horses in the barn are taken care of no matter who the owner is…. Especially at that level ….


That’s what a legitimate horse person would do. That does not mean it’s what everyone would do. Or in this case, what everyone would expect others to do.

If, in fact, that was the actual reason for the visit.


Agree. It doesn’t sit right with me….


Wasn’t mb and his fiance living in the house in May 2019 to? My understanding was the couple came there to nj to live there in April 2018 after a clinic he was giving in March in Florida. Something about all the staff living in the same house until a flood in jan 2019. They all went back to NJ and lk plus SO got put into a different floor in same house and mb plus fiance moved into the house on the floor that lk and SO were living before the flood, at that point. Before that, barisone and fiance/wife (??) lived in barn somewhere.

If the safety was bad in the house howcome anyone went to live in it?

Is JK an owner in the LLC? Again, sorry if this wS said before. Not sure who is jk?

Does anyone know if they went back into both the house AND barn?

Why stop by the house first, cross the crime scene tape, go in, do whatever, before storming down to the barn to get in MH’s face. Don’t tell me it was to get clothes. Daddy deep-pockets could have run by Walmart for Rob for clothes, just as they did when she was released from the hospital. Nope. There is little I believe from these folks anymore.


Only thing I can guess is maybe they thought the horses were in danger if the woman was shot the day before? I think horse folk might know horses would be fed and watched. Admit im a little unclear of how ‘horsey’ the Lk family is and what info they would’ve known or had about how her horses would be treated. Especially if their not horse people. I couldn’t really find info on that though.

Is her family horse ish family?

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I understand the quarters in the barn are only a viewing room, though nicely appointed, so I don’t think so?

I have the same question about why anyone opted to live in the house if it was that bad, unless only parts were really bad?

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I’ve lost track of the initials again. Who was MH? Or what was MH’s role in the operation?

The actions on the day after the incident don’t seem to make any more sense than the actions leading up to it.

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I mean, if there was a broken pipe in the kitchen, which resulted in water damage only in the kitchen, that might not make the rest of the house uninhabitable. But that’s strictly conjecture.

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Yep, if the damage was limited, so that most but not all of them moving back was plausible… I get it.
If I have to choose who finds digs off site, its not going to be the staff- who need to be close by 6 or 7 days a week 10-12 hours a day, plus night checks, etc.

But then mere months later the Town Housing Inspector wants no one living there.

So, its curious.

MH: Mary Haskins Gray

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If code officials came out “and said Lk was not a tenant and that no one could live in the house,” ……. How is it, do you think, we were still allowed to live in the house? Do you think we IGNORED “code officials?” Get real.

Oh. I see. You must believe this info to be true, given the other false information which claimed I have a “habit,” of “hiding from process servers!” Serious question.
“Are we to believe boiling water soaks into grit faster in your kitchen than any other place on earth? Perhaps the laws of physics cease to exist on your stove? Were these magic grits? I mean, did you them from the same guy who sold Jack his beanstalk beans?”

Are you sure about that “code official insisting we weren’t tenants & asking us to leave,” accusation?? Are you sure about that “process server evasion,” accusation?

“Are you sure about that 5 minutes?”

I am not sure of anything.

I was simply answering the question that someone asked about the timeline as presented.


Clearly what “if” means is lost on some
Or the fact that ALL of the conversation is based on sketchy, unverified details.



When have you followed what you were told/asked to do? I tend to believe what was filed in the lawsuit.

Edit to add:
82. WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP issued orders that various living spaces occupied
on the Farm were ordered to be vacated immediately until further notice, and that WASHINGTON
TOWNSHIP would return later in the day to confirm whether BARISONE, Grey, Kanarek and
Goodwin had, in fact, vacated the buildings.
83. Having issued such an order, it was the duty and obligation of WASHINGTON
TOWNSHIP to force Kanarek and Goodwin to vacate the Farm house; but when BARISONE
requested that WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP do just that, WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP refused
and directed BARISONE that it was his obligation to physically eject them.


Is it bedtime already?


For anyone who is wondering:

Odds are the part about vacatur is very probably true as the attorney, as an officer of the court, would not write an untruth which is so verifiable. The orders being issued are stated as fact, not conjecture. So it would seem vacate orders were in place.