Court date for Michael Barisone?

It seems hard to imagine that this (below) is factually inaccurate, solely from the pov that to submit this, based on inaccurate details would be very, very stupid.

Re bold, which was it, various living spaces or whole buildings (plural), one wonders.


@Angela_Freda: For a moment, you and I shared a brain LOL


IF (big IF) I recall correctly, wasn’t it stated at one point that Barisone & Co had moved to the porches of the barn because they were told to vacate everything? Did I dream that?


I was thinking mold. Once there is mold you really should gut the area and that is no fun. Very disruptive.


At one point, LK did say that, somewhere in the first or 2nd thread. Another poster (who apparently was quite close to the situation as it unfolded) countered that they had left the house for the barn because they feared for their lives if they stayed in the house.


On this one point (the existence of mold) my memory is fuzzy, so I cannot offer comment.

Yes, but I recall they were all told to vacate the barn as well and they literally moved out to the porches of the barn to sleep. I’m sure I didn’t dream that.


That’s ringing a bell.
It might explain sleeping in the aisle (where with barn doors open air might circulate better than in an enclosed room/s). Might explain that “buildings” plural.


I don’t recall it being stated, I am simply offering a guess. More people are being made aware of the dangers of mold and a burst pipe could do it. Such an old structure, who knows what is lurking behind the drywall?


Weren’t they gone for some time and came home to discover the burst pipe and the residual effects of water damage, flowing, sitting there rotting stuff, creating mold?

I mean if a pipe bursts and no one is around to shut the water it just flows and flows and flows, yes?


Unless the electricity is turned off (to the pump) or someone turns off the main valve - yes.

Do I remember that they were in Florida then came home to this? Was the farm empty when they were down South or were there workers there with house access which could mean the water wasn’t flowing for weeks?

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I don’t know. I hope someone got it turned off quickly. It doesn’t take much to cause a lot of damage or start a big problem.

But that could explain why the whole house had a vacate order.


Ah I also remember it being posted there was a brightly colored vacate order posted on the door/premises. Anyone remember that?


Our township lists building permits applied for and status of the projects in the meeting minutes.

I am in a very small township that is probably run in a less formal manner than one in a larger area.

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There is a brief shot of the door with a sign on it at 0:40.


It’s of minor (rather no) importance what you believe. It is of major effing importance - what I believe.

Separately, interesting theory. Rob’s clothes weren’t at Walmart. They were in our apartment. Why would he go to Walmart to “retrieve his clothes?” Silly goose.

Yup saw a bright colored piece of paper for sure.


It was a “STOP WORK,” order. Orange. Taped to the side of the house which MB and ex moved into in April 2019 - from their previous & larger apartment upstairs from the club room and arena, in the barn.