Court date for Michael Barisone?

Bright colored, for sure! Good eye!

Why cross a crime scene tape to retrieve clothes?

Lauren, I’m sorry you were shot. I’m sorry so many lives have been upended over the years by your actions, including your own life and the lives of your family. Indeed the truth will be known. The bottom line is regardless whether Michael Barisone goes to prison for x # of years or found not guilty or any other scenario, he will have support from hundreds of people, many of whom have never met him. This man of achievement, of goals, with friends, with a good business and reputation. You, on the other hand, now have the truth publicly emerging of your lies, threats, behavior, etc. Barisone still will have a reputation of achievement and goals as his legacy. You, on the other hand

Peace be with you as you travel the next few months with more and more revelations made public about your antics. I’m sorry for you. Seriously.


Yeah, that dang lawsuit particulars are all lies. Gosh darn those attorneys and their lackeys. They can’t seem to retrieve information correctly.


You’re the only one claiming that. You have no clue what decisions were made regarding “crime scene tape.” Or, anything else. I really do feel sorry for you. I mean that sincerely.

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This news source seems to have interviewed this named gentleman who speaks to, attests to what was on the door clear as day.

This 3rd party has no dog in the fight and his testimony would carry weight in a court of law as he would most likely be deemed an impartial witness.




Am I the only one? We’ll see in the future. I’m sorry you misread my post. I was implying it was strange to enter the house “crossing the crime scene tape” to gather his clothes less than 24 hours after the incident rather than simply picking up a few things from Walmart, as you did when you left the hospital. Silly goose :slight_smile: It seems strange knowing you were fighting for your life (legitimately) and he was so injured he was getting ready for surgery that he and your dad felt the need to visit the property. My bad for wondering about how it looked! Surely you can understand how some would think it was hiding or gathering evidence.




That you fail to understand it is you, (literally, you) pointing out what is definitely the biggest PIVOT of all the civil cases combined, and believing you’ve solved it all, is what is sad.

Also, I agree, even becoming a reserve rider on an Olympic team is a huge achievement. Attempting to murder two people in cold blood 

 not so much. But BLAMING the police? Disgusting.






Please don’t worry yourself about what I do or don’t believe. I definitely am of no importance other than someone chatting and posting on a public forum


To be clear


Alright so I asked around about the living spaces. Its second hand info but it from a mom who had her kid work there sometime in 2018. Im a little hesitant to post this after reading things about posters, or a poster wanting identies.

I will only tell that she said the barns upstairs area was a very nice living quarters that mr barisobe and his fiance lived in for many years. All the staff plus his wife (not sure i understood that part correctly cause the wife part threw me off) lived in the house called the Farmhouse.

At some point a wife left the house and her area was given to the couple in the shooting. At that time everyone on the staff was still living in farmhouse. I guess the flood or whatever happened after my friend’s kid left to do her own thing bc no info on that.


Thank you. It’s a bit of clarification.


You should probably call “Bob the neighbor,” and work out your grievance with him. I’ll say it again. The sign read, “STOP WORK ORDER.” In all caps. Nothing you can say or do is going to change the words written on the bright orange paper. Sorry to disappoint. Maybe, you’ll nail the next thing though? Don’t give up hope. :slight_smile:

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Red sign in front of the house. Noticed by neighbor and shared with local press.

Orange notice on side door/side of house. Not easily visible when driving on the road past the property.


I just don’t believe you.


Did she miss the whole new filing?