Court date for Michael Barisone?

Um? I didn’t make up that the police didn’t take his reports when they came out.MB. said it.

What psych doc is that? Now there was a psychiatrist at the barn handing people firearms? Do tell. Surely you aren’t talking about Ruth Cox, because she’s a retired RN. So when was an MD on the property? Was he there to see you?

Color me cornfused!


I do love you. Straight to the point.


Well, LK certainly didn’t abide by it, because she told a fabulous story about how the day of yhe shooting she was hanging out on the uncomfortable swing for hours, minding her own business, reading a book and her honey was upstairs in the kitchen all of the main house they were told to vacate, which MB needed the housing inspector to make them get put, which according to LK they weren’t Leaving. Didn’t she even say the owners of the property loved her soooo much they wanted her to stay at the farm, after she came home from the hospital? I don’t think LK and her love were moving out when the inspector told them too. They didn’t even move out after the shooting for several weeks. I don’t know what she thought she was doing there, but it wasn’t complying with legalities


Um, yeah, that entire post was from another realm. Best to walk on by.


Yeah, wierd.

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It’s the most incoherent post I’ve ever read by her. Worrisome and very sad.


Yeah, she’s contradicting things she ranted for hours about. Very confused ramblings.


Huh? Your sentences don’t make sense.


I read it more as not blaming the police for the shooting itself, because like all things in life, we are responsible for our own actions. I read it as blaming the police for not doing the right thing(s) prior to the shooting.



In retrospectively recognizing that the police may have dropped the ball here, one would expect that all parties involved might agree on that one. Usually indeed it is the victim, or the victim"s survivors, that make that case.


Intent to murder is not yet proven in any capacity.


Going way out in left field, it has been insinuated that someone pressured the police to do nothing (previous comments). Regardless it will be interesting to see how the cops defend themselves.


That would be a really bad defense.


Wait, pressured police to do nothing, to what end?

Disclaimer, I am not saying this is what happened, I am just answering this question.

Along the lines of the thought that LK’s father makes things happen for her and that LK did not want to move out. In other words - LK’s father used the ‘old boys network’ to make sure his daughter did not get in trouble and got to stay where she was.

Disclaimer, I am not saying this is what happened, I am just answering this question. (Yes, I am saying this twice.)

Edit to add:
No one should should get shot and no one should be bullied!


I thought someone was insinuating that MB didn’t actually want them to act.

I think I need my glasses checked.



But in that case, wouldn’t the police have clamped down on MB more?

I don’t think we necessarily need overt interference to explain police being fairly hands-off in what looks like a tenancy dispute between two upper middle class people without known weapons and with the resources to engage lawyers to sort it out.

I will say as well that once 911 gets repeated competing escalating calls about interpersonal disputes or minor things, they do kind of back off and treat the parties like doctors treat folks they have written off as hypochondriacs.

If the parties lived in a trailer park or were POC there is a much higher chance that they would have been arrested on some pretext, especially if they displayed violent tendencies in front of the police.

It’s one of the aspects of privilege that if you are well-presenting white upper middle class, and on private property, the police are much less trigger happy/ handcuff happy, and much more likely to leave you to sort it out in the courts. They are assuming (wrongly in this case) that things are unlikely to proceed to actual violence.

I am going to guess police had no idea MB had access to a gun, and may have felt reassured that there were no other guns on the property (whether this is true or not).

I think that any police officer or indeed reasonable person would expect that if the well off tenant felt in danger they would leave ASAP, and if the property owner felt in danger they would start a protection order and eviction process ASAP. When both parties stay put, dont take appropriate civil legal action that’s within their means, and keep calling 911 to get involved in an interpersonal dispute I do think that police flag them as time wasters.

Of course, with people deemed hypochondriacs, sometimes the patient actually develops a fatal illness that gets missed because the doctor doesn’t take them seriously.

Which is the equivalent here. Nobody expected anyone would get shot, especially the victim.


@Scribbler, I guess my disclaimers were not worded well enough.

Not my theory. Just answering the question since I have read the theory posted already.

I can say, the theory does not seem as unlikely to me as it does to you. If they have no grounds to make the home/business owner to go away from their own property then and that is the person who is calling…

I would love to see the video of what happened in the police station lobby.
I do admit that I wonder how LK “knows” what happened in the police lobby.

Edit to add:
No one should should get shot and no one should be bullied!



I think it’s pretty well established by now that LK just says whatever, and one of her preferred rhetorical tactics is to claim to “know” things or that other people “don’t know” things. There’s been enough times she’s been proven completely wrong that honestly I would spend about zero time wondering how she “knows” anything.


I understand your thoughts exactly, there is no excuse for the delay in filing reports! I’ve never heard of a department allowing their officers to end their shift without all reports completed.

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