Court date for Michael Barisone?

JK is Jonathan Kanarek, Lauren Kanarek’s father. The family is not horsey…that I can tell.



But you forgot to mention that nobody should have been shot.




You are so right, I should go back and add that. Thank you for the reminder that it has to be said in every post.


So worth repeating. Please indulge me.

No one deserves to be shot.


Things that Lauren has said of which I am still waiting for confirmation:

  • The recordings which reveal the entire plot against her and RG
  • MH told Barisone to shoot her: “shoot her or I’m leaving”
  • The staff and working students were in on the plan
  • MH wanted her horses
  • MH deliberately misled her about the status of her bronze medal
  • RC was turned herself in because of federal warrant (weapons charge?) EDIT 7/25/21 - we have proof of a filing for a class 4 weapons charge. But was she arrested? EDIT 8/30/2021 - Warrant was issued and recalled on the same day, 10/17/2019, recalled within two hours of posting.
  • She was supposed to enter into the CDI PSG at HITS in September - but can’t confirm that with us because her lawyers told her not to
  • The other SGF LLC owners said she could stay
  • MB owes her $50,000

**standard disclaimer NODTBS
** NB I will edit this as I remember more of her claims


I think this is what can happen when certain people repeatedly share THEIR TRUTH - they actually believe it, and the more they say it, the more they believe it. Then they get a few more people believing it, and in their mind it then becomes FACT, because those people are now telling it as THE TRUTH.

It might not be remotely connected to reality, but it’s THEIR TRUTH, and they’re happy to tell everyone about it. Which is why this is all now going to court, to determine THE ACTUAL TRUTH with nasty little things called FACTS.


Oh how I love this.


I care.

Ok. Well, not about whether or not you believe me. But I care about other things, like ending world hunger & whether I put on matching socks in the morning.



Please provide an example of even one time I have stated something, which has been “PROVEN completely wrong.”

If your big game changers (in your mind) here involve the date I was told I had my bronze medal- to which I replied we were opening an investigation- did so- but rode 2-3 quickly again anyway in the interim, squashing that investigation, being 1000% sure it was complete- you’ll have to do better.

If your big case solver (in your mind) has to do with tests I was either entered into, or on a waiting list to GET into for an August 14th show at HITS - well, the relevance that will have re the actual case, would be the fact (fact) plans were made to attend that show with every relevant “permission,” - just a day or two before being nearly shot to death. Otherwise, (again) you’ll have to do better.

Now, as far as facts relevant to any case in this matter, I would request you provide an instance of something I’ve stated which has “PROVEN to be false.” TIA!

Shall we talk about how you have threatened repeatedly that COTH has been subpoenaed and been required to release information of posters on here? And that said posters had no knowledge of this happening. And that legal action was being taken against posters on COTH.

COTH has confirmed that this has not happened and no information of individual posters has been released.



I just got a ton of info and 'll probably regret saying anything about this cause I’m not all caught up and I know more if anything about the barisone people instead of the LK and SO people. I just felt I should play a devils advocate for just a second after being part of a group talk on fb about this coth topic.
From what I’m getting, (i think i already know what you might probably say given what I’ve read from your posts to, but maybe you can bear with me as I’m just repeating a version from now 3 very close sources and the story is still bananas) barisone was in a big debt. Real bad. And didn’t want to get a divorce cause he really loved the wife and a divorce is expensive.

On complete coincidence, the year that Lk and her teacher from NC went to barisone’s March clinic in Florida just happened to be the same time the wife had enough of it all and having the affair in her face daily and wasn’t returning to her residence on the nj property. Lk had planned to leave after the clinic but mb supposedly really liked the horses she brought and he told some working students that whatever coach she came there with was holding her back," big time."

Crap, this already is a long story and if im re explaining right it hasn’t began yet really. Sorry!

Mb convinces lk to go to NJ full time basis. Tells her if she agrees to train with him exclusively only and bring those same horses she brought to fla to NJ for paid FT training, with an agreement that shed consider also bringing a 3.5 yr old mare who wasn’t in the country yet, he would provide housing and some other things. I think one thing was a few lessons per week on a school master he put her on to see how they got along. Think she bought that horse later or maybe it was a different one.

I totally forgot where I was going with this. I was fighting sleep when I started this last night, going between here & whats now turned into a big group pm on fb. Which i can’t say made anything less bizarre.

What did she do that destroyed other peoples lives before this? Not saying she did or didn’t but your post says she did so only asking. If its something personal or can’t be shared its understood. So much conflicting stuff im hearing esp from here and then from the fb messenger thread.

Re the bold part:

I believe riding with MB did benefit her riding, she insists she earned her Bronze. So, per her own insistance on that point, it sounds like she in fact did improve while studying there.

Has she shown since?
What level?
How are her scores?



Thanks. I asked the same thing to the fb group today and they wrote, the family isn’t horsey but their golf y . To me that’s as opposite as it gets lol.

So, is @Sdel lying about court arguments being made & using KnightsMom and GJ posts to justify the motion? If any posters posts from here are used in any way, you DO comprehend that those identities would be subpoenaed, right?

You DO comprehend that to validate a post, the real identity of the poster will be required. No lawyer is going to say, “see! This completely anonymous rando said THIS,” without verifying every facet of that poster’s true identity. That’s just not how it works.

If in 6 months or perhaps a year from now, zero subpoenas have been served, I’ll join the rest of you in (essentially) calling Sdel a liar.

FTR- Coth said only that no subpoenas have YET been served. I then apologized for saying that they HAD already been sent & corrected that to mean, they likely will be. A second post from Coth was then posted, closing that thread until more concrete info on the case was made public.

AFTR- a birdie told me that you @cutter99 work for Coth either directly or indirectly. If that were true, it would indeed be problematic. After combing through some other threads, I’ve noticed MANY users making the same claim: “there have been several instances of Coth employees and/or mods posting on topics on the BB.” Maybe that’s allowed. Maybe not. I would guess it all depends on who wants to know and if counsel or a judge believes that info to be pertinent to a motion.




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