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Court date for Michael Barisone?

I don’t see her posts because she’s on ignore, but somebody told me in the fat shaming thread she said she was “flouncing” due to being a bullying victim and was going to let her account go dormant.


It seemed like the icing on the cake was that someone else got a temporary ban from CE and she got a permanent ban and she did not think that was fair.
This information is in a thread in the technical help section, a thread about closing your account (started by someone other than this individual).


How fortunate!

3…2…1 let’s guess the alter? She will not be able to resist.




Correct. She made a three-point demand for response from the mods in a thread in technical help hilariously entitled “Deleting accunt”.* She seemed not to understand that getting into a heated back and forth with another poster (as J_Lu did) was less bad than cyber stalking, identifying someone, and disseminating their personal information to other users (as YD did).

In the thread I was in that night she posted that she considered herself the victim of cyberbullying (rich) and would “flounce” out and let her account go dormant BUT would also check back to see if the mods responded to her in tech help.

*YD did not choose the title; she just added her question to an old thread (before we get a 5 paragraph explanation about that I thought I’d clear it up)


I’ve always found it weird that people feel the need to announce their departure from SM in order to see who begs them to stay. Just go for Pete’s sake!


I just read that strange thread. I get the feeling she wants to completely sanitize her presence on the forum as though she never existed here. I wonder why? (Rhetorical question only.)


Not hard to guess. It’s not by accident nor coincidence.


It is easy to see when a user has been on and when they last posted (two separate things BTW) by viewing their profile. YD has been on today so I am going to take a leap and assume her mom is okay.


Which was totally weird. Maybe I remember it wrong….but didn’t YD make a big deal in the MB threads about people speculating about identities….


Indeed, she did. Asked the mods to clarify, went on and on about it. She claimed they said it was okay so that somehow led her to think cyberstalking J_Lu and doxxing her was…also okay?

Those two things seem rather easy to distinguish, but I guess not.


I thought this thread was about Michael Barisone’s court date and progress of the trial.


Are you new here? :sweat_smile:

These threads always meander around. As do many threads on this forum in general. Discussion often branches out, changes, or later returns to the original topic.

Not you, specifically, but it always entertains me when people expect a thread to directly stay on topic. It’s like herding cats in here sometimes.


It is. And all the other things that go along with that. If you followed any of the other threads on this topic you would realize that it is very much still on topic.


I don’t recall if you were on any of the original dressage forum threads on MB, but this is just an extension of those threads, moved over to CE from dressage as the discussion always disintegrates into absolutely nothing to do with dressage.


In less than a month it will be the 2nd anniversary of this tragic event and it may as well be the day after as far as the court process goes! Right to a speedy trial is an oxymoron. Who defines what “speedy” means?

At least during this almost 24 months of incarceration, volumes of information and behavior examples have been gathered by the defense I assume. Social media records have become a powerful medium in today’s society as evidenced by the use of posts and texts regarding the events of January 6th have proven in the arrests of so many of those perpetrators. Just think…had the victim taken others’ advice to remain quiet on SM, she would still be the innocent, sweet girl just working toward her goals to many.

No one deserves to be shot, threatened or harassed.


Honestly are these comments really necessary. The hatred through so many of yalls blood is disturbing. Can’t you just leave her alone already.


Where any of the charges against others, that were mentioned in some of the other threads, ever brought? (gun charges against people other than MB, etc)

No one deserves to be shot, threatened or harassed.


The comments you disapprove of on these threads are appropriate in this discussion. Have you considered why others disapprove of her actions? Do you also disapprove of the threatening private messages sent to several strangers on this forum? So in your world, this topic should not be discussed or should only be discussed from the point of view of “the victim”?

Don’t get me started on “hate”. That is a powerful word.

No one deserves to be shot, threatened or harassed


It does not appear so. I believe a quick FB search shows MH active in FL. After almost 2 years there should have been other arrests and conspiracy charges. Those would not wait for MB’s trial to conclude before being brought.

If social media is brought in to the trial, I’m afraid those allegations, with no proof, will damage her credibility as a witness, since there are no other witnesses.

ETA: I’ve always thought it strange that the boyfriend who was shot at never joined in the civil lawsuit. In theory he has claims as well.