Court date for Michael Barisone?

Subpoena? Who forces someone out of state or internationally to come in, the Greek Goddess Extradites?


It certainly seems she’s back to making veiled threats with that last sentence! Motion for WHAT pray tell?


Geee what was written here sounds like prep work to take COTH to court by you suing them.


Why are you addressing your questions to some brand new poster who I’m SURE (yeah right) you don’t know?


As far as my shows, scores and placings - surely you are aware of how to look these answers up, no?

Since the first moment of training day 1, (here) I’ve never had to suffer through another boring story of “that one time I went to the Olympics!” Why? Bc, when your trainers have not only COMPETED in Olympics and other World Games repeatedly, but also medaled for their countries on almost every occasion, they don’t waste precious training time telling stories.

They tell you what you WILL be doing- how you will be doing it, the order in which you will do it, when each horse & rider (me) partnership is ready to present qualifiers for whichever tour, or anything else- which must be consistently mistake free over 90% of the time. I’ll There is zero time for chit chat in the arena, and very little outside of it. (Cross ties, etc.)
Outside of barn functions, when training (watching, or listening & complying) isn’t the immediate matter, we can all leave “shop talk,” out of it.

Oh…. Almost forgot. Yes. I’d gazillion % be done with Silver and partially (PARTIALLY) through gold …… except for the hmm… what was it? Oh! The ATTEMPTED murder, which was kind of a set back n all.
Yet, here I am!

How are you all quoting people/posts on this new format?

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You can either click reply on the post, and then the little speech bubble at the top left of the reply window like here to quote the entire post:

Screenshot 2021-07-23 at 2.01.45 AM

OR you can highlight the words you want to quote and then click on quote within the person’s post and it will open a reply window like this…


For multiple quotes, just hit enter and then select the words from the next post you want to quote.

MUCH easier than the old format.

Great! Got it. Thanks!

Nurse practioner psychiatry - Ruth Cox - see link and read disturbing review posted by a former patient in 2020. This is the medical professional who reportedly assessed Barisone as being psychotic and also the one to then give him the gun used in the shooting. Just because someone has a license to treat psychosis doesn’t mean his/her own stepladder goes all the way to the hayloft. Add to that that it was said this licensed person also was dragging around a mattress to sleep in front of her horse’s stall, also alleged there were squabbles with the barn that she was doing that. As weird as that may seem, I’ve seen other obsessed horse owners dragging mattresses from barn to barn sleeping in front of horse stalls and causing drama. This sounds like just one more cast of characters in another kooky barn drama that ended up going way over the top. Sounds like there wasn’t a sane person on that whole property, except than maybe the girlfriend with the 2 kids - she disappeared outta there and away from Barisone faster than a speeding bullet after his murderous rage went on full display. No sane mother of 2 young kids would hitch her wagon to a man with such poor self control that within a week’s time of some conflict he goes on a rampage of shooting people. It’s also possible that CPS, after seeing Barisone on the verge of mental psychosis, that she was advised the children could not live in those conditions with him. The father of those children was probably also concerned that his kids were being exposed to that level of crazy. Maybe the father called CPS to ensure his kids would not be allowed around Barisone.

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How do you know it was Cox who evaluated MB? That’s not in the papers.


General question.

Here is a typical chat group where folks speculate on a true crime story. Only one person actually involved in the incident is participating. What on earth would be the legal pretext for a “subpoena” to the chat group host and participants? It seems to me highly improbable any lawyer or judge would go in that direction.

Maybe someone here with law experience can explain if it’s remotely plausible.



I’ve already posted on the implausibility of this. Plus COTH has verified they have NOT received any such subpoena on this matter. But let’s look further:

These cases are in STATE courts. These courts have jurisdiction in that state. So a NJ subpoena has no bite in California, France, England, Massachusetts, etc.

Secondly, the subpoena needs to NAME a subject. “Scribbler” cannot be subpoenaed. Even if a name was obtained, let’s say Mary Jones - there may be innumerable people with that name.

If a subpoena was issued and the person failed to appear what then? Would a dark van full of ski masked guys drive slowly down the street to effectively kidnap you and transport you across state lines? That’s illegal. And now it’s a Federal crime of kidnapping and transporting across state lines.

But even if a person was pinpointed there is still no proof that it was them and not someone else at the residence who posted whatever thing is under the subpoena.

And, in closing, there is no value to a conversational post on social media unless something extraordinarily alarming was posted and then it would be the FBI hunting you down LOL

The ONLY way another state would assist in getting their in state resident to comply to an out of state subpoena is if that states court issued an order. This won’t happen in a case of an anonymous poster commenting benignly on social media especially with uncertain identity protocols.

When WOULD that happen? If a D.A. is prosecuting a big felony case and needed a witness to be summoned from out of state THEN one state could ask for another states assistance.

Nobody on COTH is the defendant or a witness on any case but for one person.




What is this fb group you keep going on about?


What I like about her short story about confirming COTH identities, is the bit about how WE confirmed identity. Who’s WE? Like she’s working with the prosecutor on a case. The prosecutor probably hasn’t had a victim they wanted to stay farther away from. She’s not the prosecutors client. The state of NJ is, and they will let her know how hearings a



Subpoena? Who forces someone out of state or internationally to come in, the Greek Goddess Extradites?

/ Blockquote

4am and I about fell off my chair


There is more than one Ruth Cox in the US who holds a RN. Also, the Ruth Cox who was sleeping in the barn aisle is retired and has been for some time.


UIDDA Out of state subpoenas are served all the time - civil and criminal - if the witness has info important enough for the trial or a deposition. It may have been awhile since you worked in this area of the law.

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That’s the correct Ruth Cox.

But there is no 0ne 9n the board who is any kind of witness in this case. Except Lauren. Why would there be a subpoenato reveal poster names? What does the state of NJ care about anything we say?



As I’ve said before, read better. I addressed this in full.