Court date for Michael Barisone?


Again, how do you know it was Ruth Cox who evaluated MB when that wasn’t mentioned in the filed court papers?

How do you know she gave the gun to MB when that is not proven?


That’s not a review posted by a former patient, whose gripes about RC are details about the barn she hS her horse at, lol. How would any patient know anything about a therapist’s personal life? This sounds like a smear from someone at MBs barn who doesn’t like RC or anyone else at the barn. Sierra mist, you are gullible!


Also, that evaluation of RC is not on that link. There is a review from a kid was put on Depakote, who goes on to describe a quintessential seizurevevent which leads to a hospitalization. Depakote is prescribed for seizures, and he describes himself finding himself in the hospital intubated, which can also happen when yu have a big eizure event, and he blames the person who gave him Depakote for that hospitalization. Having serious seizures will put you in the hospital; a seizure will make you extremely confused; and you aren’t aware of it or of anything at the time, and have no memory of the seizure or most of the intubation event, so I’m sure the kid woke up confused, but it doesn’t sound like a mistaken prescription or a problem with the practitioner. Depakote is appropriate for epilepsy, which kind of event this kid goes on to describe he had.

Also, RC is not a physician. She wasn’t at the barn in a professional capacity and is retired. She had her horse there. This description from Sierra sounds like sour grapes from someone who doesn’t like MB or Ruth Cox. And the complaint is sad, like someone who doesn’t understand what happened to him at the hospital when he was a teen.




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Plus the review was left in 2020 but it sounds as though the consult was long before.


For the suspected sock - Ruth was hardly the only person sleeping in the barn.

The August 3, 2019 Incident
78. The situation continued to escalate out of control, with Kanarek and Goodwin
increasing their terroristic threats, harassment, stalking, and/or other criminal behaviors.
79. The behaviors of Kanarek and Goodwin at the Farm, for example, evidenced what
others on the premises took to be planning, stalking, and threats to injury Gray’s horse and/or
other horse boarded in the barn, including the possibility that the barn might be set on fire.
80. But that was hardly the only mayhem Goodwin and Kanarek intentionally caused
at the Farm now that the WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP and the responding DEFENDANT
POLICE OFFICERS had empowered those perpetrators through the defendants’ failures and
refusals to take appropriate action following the first, two “911” calls BARISONE had made.
81. For the purpose of threatening BARISONE and Gray and to cause them fear for
their lives and the lives of Gray’s children, Kanarek and Goodwin commenced cyber-stalking
Gray’s children by sending them social media “friend requests” and/or like contacts.
82. The contacts initiated by Kanarek and/or Goodwin were particularly disturbing
when taken in context, based upon Kanarek’s prior expressed threat of violence and mayhem
against Gray to “destroy” Gray and everything in Gray’s life that was “important” to Gray,
following Kanarek’s Internet posting regarding “death” to her enemies.
83. Making matters even more threatening, Kanarek and/or Goodwin continued their
efforts to trespass into the club room at the barn, where BARISONE, Gray and the other peaceful
residents at the Farm had taken refuge from Kanarek and Goodwin.


Also, who says MH as left MB? Of course she isn’t living on the NJ property but we don’t know she left him. I don’t believe anything g LK or her new BFF Sierra say, but there’s nothing to say his fiance left him, is there


Yes, that was new to me, at least RC possibly others. Is Gray MBs girlfriend?

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Bolding mine.
La-La, this made me giggle way too much, because I thought it was some in thing to actually wear unmatched socks. I am thinking that if you care about your socks matching you are starting to “show your age” as the younger ones would say. This old lady has been told that she is totally un cool (my words, I forgot what term they use now) because I care about my socks matching.


I am sure that is possible when the evidence is worthwhile.

Seriously? For this situation? A bunch of posters speculating on events would hardly be weighted worthy in a court of law given the effort to produce…like what? LaLa’s drama? Given that there are real facts pertinent to the case. Plus many of us are offshore…so who’s going to extradite us? Surely the US courts have better things to do.

LaLa blowing smoke and fear-mongering. That’s all. In any event, as Knights Mom has pointed out, anything that would be used in court from sources like SM must validate that it is from the author and not a houseguest…as in someone else who had access to her computer, accounts, etc… Again, that type of info would be weighted accordingly in light of the real facts and would need to have merit to be worth the effort.

Disclaimers. Not a lawyer. Not a clerk. Offshore. NODTBS. No one should be bullied or threatened, particularly kids.


Ha! Your birdie was wrong! Maybe you should find a better educated birdie who knows what they are talking about!

By the way, was that another threat???

You might want to quit while you are ahead.

For those that think this person is being bullied, this is not the first time she has threatened me.


You are mighty cutter99! Who knew you were also employed by CotH and a secret mod, along with everything else you do in life?

Secret Squirrel has NOTHING on you!


The people who think LK is being bullied will find a way to make that threat not a thread and an OK thing.

Standard disclaimer - NODTBS, NODTBB (especially kids by adults)

Edit to add - Curious, why does it matter if Cutter happens to work for COTH (“either directly or indirectly”)?


Heard she is engaged to someone else.

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Where did you see that? That Cox is who assessed MB?


If I am working for COTH, I certainly hope they start paying me soon, preferably something nicely in the mid six figure range with full benefits as well. My husband would greatly appreciate it as I seem to keep accumulating more horses, but not more income.

Seriously, LK should step away from the keyboard and quit with the threats. I get that she seems to think this has worked in the past, but it will not work with this board and certainly does not intimidate me. I have been a member here a long time, as well as have had life experience with her ilk in the past. She has shown herself for what she is, and I am a HUGE fan of the Maya Angelou quote “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”


FWIW I have been happily married to a golfer for 51 years next month. He does his thing, I do mine.


I know lots of people who do both golfing and riding.


So many newbie forum posters recently. They have a lot of catching up to do regarding this two year sad saga.

As for Mary Haskins Gray, she excitedly announced her engagement on her FB page several weeks ago. Congratulations to her.


I am glad that her and her kids have been able to move on from this!