Court date for Michael Barisone?

Sounds like Morris County has additional problems with its enforcement officers besides police



She has her bronze - finally. She trains with Dr. Ulf Moller from Helgstrand. During the season, Dr. Moller is in Florida and manages Helgstrand USA. In the off-season, he returns to Europe and trainer Andrea Woodward manages the Helgstrand USA operations. Helgstrand USA is primarily a sales operationā€¦

Dr. Moller is an excellent trainer and horseman. My coach worked with him to purchase a few horses when he was at Kasselmannā€™s. She has nothing but excellent things to say about him.


Glad to hear that! Congratulations LK!


Thatā€™s what I donā€™t get. While some of the threats, crazy comments, and social media posts about owning guns and ruining peopleā€™s lives that LK allegedly made may well be relevant in one of the court cases, the discussion and speculation about the case made by random people on the internet are surely not, no matter what someone may tell you via PM.



Yes thatā€™s entirely correct. None of us are witnesses nor defendants. My bet is none of us are even within that jurisdiction.


[quote=ā€œSierraMist, post:701, topic:761824ā€]
Nurse practioner psychiatry - Ruth Cox - see link and read disturbing review posted by a former patient in 2020. This is the medical professional who reportedly assessed Barisone as being psychotic and also the one to then give him the gun used in the shooting. Just because someone has a license to treat psychosis doesnā€™t mean his/her own stepladder goes all the way to the hayloft. Add to that that it was said this licensed person also was dragging around a mattress to sleep in front of her horseā€™s stall, also alleged there were squabbles with the barn that she was doing that. As weird as that may seem, Iā€™ve seen other obsessed horse owners dragging mattresses from barn to barn sleeping in front of horse stalls and causing drama.

Wow. Isnt Ruth cox the lady that gave barisone the gun? Is there a suit against her? Imo it seems she would be more liable to notice barisone in distress then the police in this situation. I do know second hand at least they were long time business partners when he started dating the fiance from people who def know some stories. If barisone hasnā€™t filed a law suite against her it makes me suspicious that thereā€™s much more to the story. Some moms said barisone was constantly arguing with cox them both screaming at each other a lot. Im a little bit shocked if no one is suing her for giving this man a gun. I read on here that she was charged? This is true ?

Go back to the first thread August 2019 and begin reading. Itā€™s all there.


For all the newbies on this thread and the other ones, go back to August 2019 on the Dressage Forum and begin reading the threads. Jot down your questions as you read and cross them off as you proceed through the threads and get your answers. It will make everyoneā€™s life a lot easier to not have to repeat over and over old issuesā€¦we old timers arenā€™t a Cliff Notes version :slight_smile:




[quote=ā€œJumpinQueen, post:761, topic:761824, full:trueā€]

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Iā€™ve known several people with an uncertain grasp on the realities of life, especially under stress. Some are friends, some are family, and some are neither, but I have had to work with them.

Iā€™m not going to provide armchair psychiatric diagnoses, because thatā€™s against the rules here.

However, for the people I have known, ā€œthe policeā€ or ā€œthe courtsā€ or ā€œa lawsuitā€ just get rolled into the larger bucket of things to threaten with and bloviate on. It doesnā€™t matter what the reality of the thing is, as long as it sounds impressively scary. Nothing else they are saying is grounded in a deep respect for the truth, so thereā€™s no reason what they say about the legal system is, either.

Also very often such people will project what has been done to or by them onto other people. My current chuckle IRL is a person who was a horrific bully while she had power in a club, but now that sheā€™s not in power any more, is complaining to the few people who will listen that sheā€™s being bullied (she isnā€™t, but people have stopped feeling they have to obey her out of fear) . Um, project much?

So take a scenario where your own SM posts are deposed for a trial and for civil lawsuits, and itā€™s evident these SM posts could weaken your own legal position. If you are the sort of person I have in mind, the next step could be then threatening other people that you are going to depose their SM posts and ā€œget them in trouble.ā€

Even when the threats are empty, using the magic word ā€œlawsuitā€ is supposed to throw a chill over the proceedings.

Rational adults understand the legal system is an imperfect tool for negotiating civil and even criminal claims, and have enough self respect that they donā€™t want to be caught out making ridiculous claims.

When I was about 10, I had a babysitter who was probably about 14 that told us that if we didnā€™t go to bed on time, she would call the police on us. I believe and hope that I laughed in her face. At any rate, I knew even then that the police were not a substitute for ā€œIā€™m telling the teacher/ wait till your father gets home.ā€

Anyhow, that babysitter has stuck with me as a model for all those people who use threats of police or legal action in ridiculous and performative or exhibtionistic ways.


According to LK. I donā€™t recall anyone else stating that that is true.


I believe at some point we were told by LK that Ruth Cox would be arrested over that gun being hers, but nobody was able to confirm that sheā€™d been arrested or charged, and some people are great at searching for these things.



Exactly. Nothing LK says should be accepted as true unless it is confirmed by another source. In earlier threads she claimed RC was going to be arrested on some kind of weapons charge. Nothing like that ever made it into any searchable court database or the news media.

So there is no corroboration that RC slept with a gun, owned a gun, or owned the gun used in the shooting. All claims about that come from LK. No claim from LK at this point can be considered reliable unless it is independently verified.


Why is JumpinQueenā€™s name appearing faintly on my screen?

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Because she isnā€™t on?

I am frequently here at weird hours and I have never noticed grayed out names before.


If the person is doing a blocking thing it shows like that.


The continued attempts of changing history with circular debates and assertions are making me laugh so hard at the absurdity they are ALMOST successful at shutting me up.

I donā€™t remember where itā€™s posted but I donā€™t play those games where you tippy toe around bullies. I fight back.

Any assertion that folks shouldnā€™t respond to bullies is silly.

All this being said if I were not welcome at a place I would make the best plans I could and just GO.