Court date for Michael Barisone?

I asked 2 question and only 1 was to you about ruined lives. Unanswered, thats fine…The other one was asked to someone else…
if Ruth C was charged. I got that answer from someone else by now thanks.

So, others aren’t allowed to respond to your posts? Got it. Maybe learn about on line bulletin boards. It’s a free for all.

Since you are in a FB group of mothers of working students at Hawthorne Hill (per one of your original posts) why not ask Lauren Kanarek directly all your questions? She might respond to you :slight_smile:


I am not sure what you are saying?
Are you saying that JumpinQueen has us (those that see JQ as grey) blocked?

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Got news for you. Eggbutt is WELL aware that Ruth Cox has been charged of felony weapons offenses. Well, well well aware.

The only thing shocking about this thread, is nothing.

I’ve seen a few new names. Not shocking. Always a little strange …. But not shocking.
If even one sentence doesn’t align with your collective narratives, the poster will be bullied, told to “stay on topic,” (whatever the hell that is) or otherwise ignored completely. Not shocking.

When the 10 of you (more or less) become bored with yourselves on the bb, you begin arguing with yourselves! Hilarious! But……. Not shocking.

Where’s the big bad KNIGHT? Or his “mom.” She admittedly is always looking for a “fight.” She has repeated this ad nauseam, yet I never see her standing up to the bullies of this forum. Again- NOT shocking.

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When I blocked certain users I noticed it.

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I do not have anyone blocked.

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Funny. You’re one of the biggest followers I have ever seen. The bullies of which you speak are here, starting baseless threads - stating them to be fact. Complete violation of Coth rules, Miss “fight the bullies.”

That aside, why are you so angry with the world? Who hurt you? Was it…… bullies? Meanies? “Karens?” Oh well, never mind. You just keep on “fighting,” that good fight!

I do have to say, you have been the center of some good comedy! I mean, between all the serious stuff. Speaking of serious stuff, what color is your cape? Omg, PLEASE do me the honor of allowing me to design one for you! It’ll be great! I will NOT disappoint! I’d be afraid of you trying to “fight,” me, So I promise I’ll make your costume a worthy one! Deal?

I’m right here, dispelling all the false narratives. Just like I did with yours.




Oh yes. I feel completely “dispelled,” by your shutting down of my “narratives.” Where did I go? I can’t locate myself! Help!!!

You can attempt to belittle me but the only one being exposed by this is YOU.

I get my knowledge is intimidating but know that fake news is always going to be disputed, if not by me then by another.



It’s an interesting modus operandi you have happening there when you try and dispute allegations of harassing people by harassing people. That’s what your posts are. Even this one.

You may be better served with a different strategy.


You may want to consider that option as well.


.I’m not sure she can.


Nah, I’m good.


ok, was posting the previous from mobile, and I buggered up the attributions in my reading–my advice was directed at Lollypop, not you–your contributions to these threads have been an improvement over the general run of nonsense.


I am? How was I made aware? Dang. I must have slept through an arrest or something. Another mistake by someone. Who I wonder?


Sorry…. What exactly about me is being “exposed,” which was otherwise some “secret,” - (being that the word “exposed,” indicates a secret or vulnerability being purposely hidden or protected and then these things are left open & unprotected from shields.) Please, indulge me.

Your “knowledge?” Too funny. I’m so intimidated by you, I’m afraid to leave my house! Well done! I’ve gone nowhere today! Just kidding. I’ve gone lots of places. But NOT my kitchen. I’ll give that credit to you …. You seem like you need the win. (RG will definitely owe you one! He thought I wouldn’t go into the kitchen Bc he’d made a mess.) Two wins please- to the knighted lady made of 14 karat fool’s gold armour!

FYI- I can promise there is absolutely nothing “out there,” about me (that is true) which I’d ever care to “keep secret.” However, there are a handful of people on here who are known by others IRL. The only people being TRULY “exposed,” (to partially borrow YOUR words) is THEM. Believe that. I literally don’t have to do a thing. Sittin’ back and watching is perfectly satisfactory. If I comment here and there, whatevs. If I don’t read this forum for a day, several weeks, months etc, the result will be the same at this point! Not sure that’s a win for YOU though. Patience there, Tiger! Keep fightin’ off that “fake news!” I’ll bet in your younger years, you “Could’ve been a CONTENDER!”

:loud_sound:“Who rocks the house? KnightsMom rocks the house! When KnightsMom rocks the house she rocks it ALL - THE - WAY - DOWN!” :loud_sound:

Wow. Just wow.