Court date for Michael Barisone?

I was skimming through this thread and saw my name was mentioned as one who would be revealed. I don’t think I’ve ever participated in any of these discussions, so I have no idea why my name came up as someone who would be outed. I think it’s time for the moderator to get involved here.


Apparently Lauren has not read the amended lawsuit filed against the PD.


This is the post I’m referring to. I, along with a few others mentioned, have not been involved in this discussion. What the heck is going on here?


This is a screen shot of a post La-LaPoprider made several days ago saying CoTh had provided information on the real life identities of posters she felt had harmed her. CoTH followed up several days later saying they had not provided any identifications of any poster.


You call these ridiculous graspings at straws “revelations,” and the rest of the world will still see these as frivolous allegations - not “revelations.” And certainly not “facts.” But, this bunch is highly allergic to anything resembling “facts.”

And yes. Any logical person would wonder why, if “minors are being bullied,” why wasn’t 911 called? Pretty fair question! Another fair question might be, “why has this been amended to add,” these horrific, defamatory allegations? Meaning, it sure looks a whole lot like an “add on,” last minute. Well, Bc, that’s exactly what it is. But……. What a dangerous thing to FORGET, causing the need to be “added later?” The attorneys forgot to LEAD with such a false allegation? I smell, desperation. If a grown man is “bullying,” kids……. 911 gets called that minute. There is zero exception to this rule.

911 was called.


I guess da Nile is not just a river…

As for why it was added to the addendum, rather than in the initial filing.
If I had to guess if say, the law firm preferred to be certain, with documentation, of what they included, so was waiting for materials relevant to thus incident.
Seems some could learn from that action of only going after what they have evidence to support…?
I could be wrong, but its plausible.


You can’t make this stuff up, can you? Beyond strange posts. Since LK isn’t part of the lawsuit, she may not have received a copy of it and hasn’t read it on the thread it is in.


But reading and posting in CE and not Dressage seems intentional.
I don’t read COTH forums relating to disciplines I don’t participate in or have an interest in.
You won’t see me read or post in the Driving forum for example.
I rarely check put the Hunter forum (is it H/J? I’m not even sure?).
I regularly read and post in Menagerie, Dressage, Off Course.


There are less posters in CE than other forums. Images are still being snapped I suspect.


Yes, I realize that. I don’t understand how random names are being chosen by the poster. Or, maybe I do. Whatever, I think the mods need to deal with this person. I think they have an obligation to keep these discussions rational.


People - look at what is not being addressed rather than what is by someone not even party to the new suit.

Sometimes it is the absence that is important. Like how it is the empty space that forms a letter and distinguishes it from another letter.


All you can do is flag the offending posts.

Edited to say you didn’t make her long “enemies” list of May 25 on the Dressage forum. :slight_smile:


Guess I’m lucky, right?:sunglasses:


[quote=“eggbutt, post:810, topic:761824, full:true”]
The rebroadcast of the Olympic Opening Ceremonies is on now. Stunning. And peaceful!


Will someone please translate this into coherent English please?

And please, please tell us all about YOUR life accomplishments. We’ll wait for the next commercial, okay?!


Not regarding “bullying minors,” on the date of August 1. On no date was 911 called with a complaint that ROB was “making children sort of, but not, but maybe,” (WHAT???) cry. This is literally the first time this accusation has ever been made. Period.
You realize this is an entirely different scenario than the initial and long held accusations that we were “torturing,” mb …. Right? I’m not saying you need to be the most intelligent group to see this. “Of Mice and Men’s” ‘Lenny,’ could piece THAT together all by himself!

Ok ok. I promised everyone now involved id only post 1 more thing tonight! It’s 11:02 pm est …… Calls concluded 5 minutes ago. Promise kept! As always! Buh-bye!

Lauren, your hatred toward others is sad. Your enjoyment of ridiculing others is sad. Your delight in harassing, bullying and threatening others is disgusting. Your condescension toward others is outrageous. You are cruel.

I didn’t cause you to be in the fix you are in. Absolutely I have posted every single civil court document because it is important for people to see you, know you and get a glimpse of the legal process.

As far as my accomplishments, I have a family - a large, loving, supportive family. I have had three very successful careers. I have a beautiful home. I have dozens of close friends in various walks of life. I am financially comfortable without the help or support of others in my life. I am active in my community helping others, and work on several national Senate campaigns during election season. I make a positive difference in others’ lives. I will spend the rest of my life working against those who prey on others in a myriad of ways.

I am proud of my life. Can you say the same about yourself at this point in your life?


It is really odd that Barisone would call 911 because someone was refusing to sign a document he wanted to be signed, but he didn’t think to call 911 when his life partner’s children were allegedly being physically threatened by an adult on his property. Well, it’s odd to me; I get that the Barisone fans here are as rabidly loyal to him as Trump’s fans are to Trump, so they will twist this around into a million pretzels to “explain” to themselves why it makes sense.

I hope we will get to find out how much of the information provided in his suit against the police and the township Barisone is willing to repeat on the stand, under oath. My guess is not very much at all.

