Court date for Michael Barisone?


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That just means if the plaintiff is particularly vulnerable in an unexpected way, the defendant can’t use lack of knowing the vulnerability as defense to the damage.

For example, if a burglar’s wrongful presence on the victim’s property so terrifies the victim that she has a fatal heart attack, the burglar will be liable for the damages - including the victims death- stemming from his trespass, even though he has no intention of killing the victim.



Yes, I looked it up and figured it out :slight_smile:

General comment: part of the incoherence of LK’s responses on this thread are that she says she hasn’t read the court filing. The rest of us have read it, and we are taking as essentially true the timeline, the actions of the building inspector, and the proof of substance abuse stated there.

If LK wants our “proof” on this, she only has to read the civil suit court filing. It’s all up on threads on COTH, the original and the amended suit threads.


@Scribbler - interesting. If the house were “for the barn staff,” why did he force them all (in late May 2019) to cram altogether in the upper level of the barn, so that he himself could take over their entire ex living space?

He took over every bedroom they inhabited in the basement. He took over the main level floor- where we lived previously and gave us the upstairs level apartment.

He had exactly no reason to displace the staff. Well, he DID have one reason! Nothing to do with us. His life, his choices.

That you don’t realize this argument his attorneys are attempting to make - are the EXACT opposite of the previous one’s. And…. Uh…. They’re in writing. In the “answers,” (I think) section of another suit! Both can’t be fact at the same time. Therefore, at least one of his attorneys are throwing out lies here and forgetting about every single claim made previously……. OR, they’re throwing out lies in BOTH suits and hoping someone somewhere will make at least 1 claim in these opposing “answers,” stick to the wall.

If Barisone wanted staff to remain in the house (like the previous 4 years) - that’s where they’d have been. I wonder who or what convinced him to treat the staff like that! Horrible!

She is trying to try this case here, on COTH. As though what any of us believe makes one whit of difference to anything but our own understanding.


I don’t care what you do! There are over 100 claims made by my attorneys and by the state of NJ vs Michael Barisone. Are you suggesting that attorneys for MB are “telling the TRUTH,” but my legal team AND the state of NJ (both in possession of numerous facts and HARD evidence - as opposed to “circumstantial,” to back it up) are LYING? Think fast!

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There is one pissed-off groom out there.


No I’m not. I’m trying to help you (g). We are all well aware that most people on here have zero interest in what is fact. That is what the court system is for. Mb has been charged, indicted, and awaits trial…… where he will almost certainly NOT testify. Ruth Cox has also been charged & awaits …… I have no clue what she awaits. Time will tell.

I’m pointing out to those outside this little group of fan girls, where the REAL inconsistencies can be located. Luckily, Eggbutt posted all the various BARISONE legal filings as a “New Topic,” in her OP’s. Look no further!

Don’t ask me to point each Q or A within those filings out. I’m not “cheat sheet,” or “Cliff’s Notes,” version of this 2 year long, attempted campaign to bully me and those around me. We come on here MAYBE once every other month, (unless asked to gather specific documents) and then we go POOF! I guess others have WAY more free time on their hands. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


This is for the fact finder, not you, not us, to weigh. You’ve put you facts out in your lawsuit, and will have a chance to respond to the other cases as they relate to you. But you know this.

You also know that we of the intarwebs are not who you need to convince. And in fact, you may be harming your fact patterns with your comments here.

Go ride your lovely horses and stop worrying about what you can’t control. Enjoy the lovely weather you’re having. I’m stuck in 4 inches of mud, and thunders rumbling, go make me jealous. :wink:


.Now why exactly would you think I was talking about you at all?
I’ve never met you, how would my experience then, be related to you in any way?


Yes, of course i know this. Even as my own civil suits are amended i know this. Though, the facts pertaining to the criminal cases and civil cases which myself & others have and will continue to put forth, (admittedly, not very much evidence wise, for clearly important reasons) have not and will not “change,” or “vary.” There maybe additional evidence we have been advised not share - which will eventually come to light, and be added - but it will not be a “180,” or “turn around,” from the original statements made, like that which has been shown here- by others over time.

And, thank you! I just finished riding! I’m sorry you’re stuck in the muddiness, but if it’s any consolation, it’s a million degrees here! We can all only do what we can with what we’ve got to work with! Enjoy your rides! :slight_smile:

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[quote=“La-LaPopRider, post:873, topic:761824”]
Contrarily, I can think of no day which any prescribed medication I took or now take, which I don’t leave somewhere in the open, nearest to whatever door I need to open to leave for the day. This way, I don’t forget to actually take my prescription medication. (But I have to admit, the screenshots one of family members sent to me last night of some person’s post re her “expertise,” on the effects of “shooting up,” a sublingual strip - was as funny as he promised it would be!)

“Family members” are sending you screenshots of posts? “He” thought they were funny? Why can’t you see the posts for yourself? Is one of the forums off limits to you now?

Amazing. Simply amazing.


And you know this is true because of your illegal surveillance and easedropping?



