Court date for Michael Barisone?

As for lala’s rantings, it’s clear that she hasn’t read the suit posted on this bb… I doubt she received a copy herself, as someone pointed out. She’s not a party to it. But she seems much more concerned with what people think about it, than what it says. Which tells us alot about her concerns, being more worried about her social perception than the outcome of litigation




What qualifies as evidence to you? What kind of evidence are you looking for? It’s also entirely possibly it is out there and does exist, but we’ll never have access/be privy to it.

Do you think the entire lawsuit is false? As in entirely built off of nothing/falsehoods.

I don’t know what is or isn’t true, and I’m not a “fan” of either side, FWIW. I think there are some grains of truth in the lawsuit though.

ETA Just as a general statement: I am not sure why an attorney would bring forward a suit completely built on falsehoods and lack of evidence for a client that is a criminal and is possibly not wealthy. So if the suit got thrown out and/or lost what does the attorney have to gain from it? They wouldn’t be paid (or would be chasing money from a client who doesn’t have it nd can’t earn it), face possiblw disbarement, and have wasted a bunch of time that they could’ve otherwise used toward something more worthwhile. Never mind their reputation for bringing forward a frivolous suit against a police department (essentially) and others. So this is what makes me think there would be some truth in such a lawsuit. Why put your entire career on the line by making a frivolous law suit? I mean, people do it, but usually on a smaller scale.

As I said before, if not, that’s terrible and burdensome on an already hard working police force. Then the attorney deserves any consequences he may face as a result.

I don’t want the terrible things in the lawsuit to be true (because I hate that people are really that terrible and miserable), but at the same time, I don’t want them to be a made up time waster.


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

It is like there is an entire case where she is neither the plaintiff or defendant and this just cannot be! stamps foot Or that the only ‘responses’ given by MB has been through his attorney(s) and their filings or responses to filings.


One thing I frequently do not get about evil people is that they are frequently intelligent people, that could do good things with their level of intelligence. Why not get your life highs from doing good?


Or if not particularly intelligent, they have other attributes that are valued. Access to wealth and power, charisma, etc.


General comment re human evil:

They’re sometimes intelligent, yes. Mostly they’re just bold and have no ethics and/or morals. Often, they seem to have too much time on their hands too.

They literally cannot get life highs from doing good. Cannot. The thought of someone else having happiness, metaphorically kills them. Everyone has to be miserable like them, or worse. Since they cannot find happiness, they want to control, so that others cannot be happy either.

They often fail to realize that what is happiness, satisfaction, and joy to one person, is not to another. They want everyone to want their life. They want to feel wanted and want people to be jealous.

If you (g) enjoy your life, that’s great! And really the only thing you should be concerned about. No one else needs to be envious of you…in fact, often no one is.

It’s all relative.


In my experience, those with substance abuse issues also.
So smart. Alas often that’s what allows “bottom” to be so, so far down.

Narcissistic, stunted maturity, manipulative, impulsive, dare devil/thrill seeking, unable to anticipate consequences of rash actions, unwilling to accept that their actions caused the mess they find themselves in…


You can get amazing highs from doing good. And the bigger the good, the better the high.

When you do a great good for another it feels so good that it occurs to you that ironically the great good done for others actually becomes the best selfish act for yourself.

One thing I have learned for sure: The horse world has a long memory. Don’t f*** it up.

And when you live with integrity that becomes your identifier with the majority. When you don’t that too becomes your identifier.


So true!


Not just the horse world! Just found an error in the bill significantly in my favor. I let the the guy know and he was shocked I told him. I told him “I can make more money, but my reputation is forever”.


“So it’s all true,” is it? Is that how you think court works?
Also, judges take frivolous allegations “pretty seriously.” It would look really bad for these attorneys if, let’s say, someone somewhere who was THERE - had irrefutable evidence to the contrary of any of these claims. (Which I admit, I’ve not yet read myself. It’s Saturday. No one seems to be riding! Very strange.)

If you have some profound reply, please hurry it up. Soon as the groom gets the bridle on, I’ll not keep them waiting. Then I’ll be napping. So…… chop chop!

You have 3 minutes.



With Which “legalities,” did I not comply?

Next- reading comprehension isn’t a strong suit here- so I’ll help you out.

The “uncomfortable chairs,” were on the patio. I was laying on my love seat- on the porch. (Please feel free to check this against my version of events from THAT day.)

Most of your post is impossible to follow due to horrible …. Writing skills.

According to you, My honey was “upstairs in the kitchen,” where we “told to vacate,” by a “building inspector?”

Our kitchen was in our apartment. Mb had his own kitchen. These are simple logistics. Try and keep up.

We called the building inspector. Us. And the Fire Marshal. It was their decision, based on the numerous violations of code, all humans were to vacate the barn as living quarters. I forgot to tell the cops mb had the staff living up there for months. Thanks for reminding me!

Mb thought he call the building inspector on us. He tried. He failed. Rob repaired the damages caused by Michael when he ripped out the hard wiring in most of the home’s smoke alarms. Therefore, WE were allowed to stay. Michael’s play backfired.

Now, (and PLEASE be coherent) explain with which legalities we did not comply. Lordy, I hope you state facts. All I’m gonna say about that right now. But, go ahead. Give it your best, sweetie.



I get the temptation to defend yourself here, but please keep yourself safe.

Dont give your attackers any more ammunition. Enjoy your life and your horses, forget this website, it will bring you no good.



And to save space- which “substance,” exactly was I “abusing?”

Which medications was I “hiding?” Here is where posters such as yourself and others fail so embarrassingly. YOU believe there are all these new “revelations,” which I’ve just tried SO hard to “keep secret!” Do you post your prescription or OTC medications on any SM platform “just for fun?” Doubt it. It would be boring.

Contrarily, I can think of no day which any prescribed medication I took or now take, which I don’t leave somewhere in the open, nearest to whatever door I need to open to leave for the day. This way, I don’t forget to actually take my prescription medication. (But I have to admit, the screenshots one of family members sent to me last night of some person’s post re her “expertise,” on the effects of “shooting up,” a sublingual strip - was as funny as he promised it would be!)

So, truly, thanks for that! We practically in tears! :rofl:

And your second half of this post describes MB to a T. His own attorney (not BILINKAS) described him as THE most difficult person he has ever encountered. Or, maybe, it was “dealt with,” instead of “encountered.” All the same to me, though!

General comment.

If I read it correctly, our victim states in one of her recent posts that she has not actually read the civil suit of MB vs the police. She is simply saying it is untrue without reading it. So everything she has said on this thread is empty.

As others have repeated, I think we can take the timeline as stated, including the interactions with police. The timeline does not include everything as it focuses on the police. It is very clear about the details of the house being declared unfit to live in. Also that the house was for the barn staff.

As has been said many times, this order of events can be accepted as factually true for now. The subjective part of this, and indeed of any, civil suit for damages is in the claims about that damage. Especially in cases of emotional damage trauma, whiplash or back injury or chronic pain, where there is no visible damage.

If you are making a claim for damages in a car accident, obviously you are scrupulously accurate and objective as to the time place and circumstance of the accident, otherwise the whole thing is thrown out of court. Then you need to make the argument about the lasting damage.

This part is trickier. Some people get low payouts despite having serious loss of scope because they haven’t effectively proven the problem. Other people may indeed scam the system by exaggerating their injuries. That’s why the insurance company will go so far as to spy on claimants.

Anyhow for those of us not involved in the case, and who have the focus and concentration to read this long court document, it’s clear enough what points are going to be factual, and where the argument moves into claims about emotional state.

The “eggshell” argument is not one I’ve heard used in my jurisdiction, though we certainly have many murderers claiming insanity, and often rightfully as we have laissez faire mental health care (our murders tend to be mostly targeted gang hits with guns among adult mid and high level drug dealers, followed by a much smaller per cent of domestic disputes and then isolated wierd horrible events with mentally ill people, who fortunately often dont have access to guns).

Anyhow, whether this civil suit goes anywhere, it makes a very strong case for MB not being responsible for his actions and for the victim being a terrible, no-good, awful person who terrorized MB in a systematic way. I can see why the victim might not want to read it, but I’m sure the prosecution is giving it some thought.

On a related note, this case is interesting to me in part because we all run up against this personality type IRL. One thing they do often state and maybe believe is that the world in general envies them and is “just jealous”, or the modern version of “haters gonna hate.” That’s just so laughably not true. No one wants to switch places with someone like that no matter their material possessions. We watch these trainwrecks, celebrity or nonentity, out of fascinated horror.


Which “police station lobby,” is it that I would have any clue about the activities which occur there?

Please be sure to “word,” this accusation in a manner I can follow. I noticed your first sentence and agreed with you wholeheartedly.