Court date for Michael Barisone?

Does that mean that something was done to alter the gun? I was confused by the charge.


Yes. It could be the serial number scratched out for instance. I imagine it differs state to state so I posted the link to NJ info above.

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I wonder if painting it pink would qualify for the illegal alterations.


Please explain “the fix,” I’m in. Is that a southern term?

I can guarantee you, anyone I care to know, “sees me,” just fine. There is literally not one thing you can post, do or say which would ever make anyone I spend my time with, view me any differently. They’ve learned quite a lot about you though! Not just small things, like your inability to find another adjective beside “fascinating,” or an alternative noun, than “myriad.”

I’m so glad you posted this. While you & others are under the impression anything I post here weakens the criminal cases against Barisone & Cox, others and attorneys view exactly what you have just stated, as a great help to the causes of mine (&others.)

What was it you said your “cause,” was, again? Oh. Forgot. For “people to see me, know me?” And you think they’re (again, anyone I care to allow or keep in my friends circle) gonna rethink my relationships with then Bc YOU …… (fill in blank with literally ANY verb.) Yahhh…. ooookay! :rofl:

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

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Well, it looks like you were in that department store, following and secretly recording that person so you could show them bending over and showing their panties so you could post it to Facebook and make fun of them.

And when I pointed out that you might want to take that down because you could have filmed a minor child who was unknowingly showing their panties on Facebook, you mocked me, called me “IdahoRider” as if that were a news flash and defended your behavior as harmless because you weren’t recording them in particular, you just happened to have a route through the store that was right behind them and your whispered conversation with your BF about “OMG! Look at her bend over” before accidentally following the person and “waiting for them to do it again” had nothing to do with an ill intent on your part.

That is where you were and that is who you are.


Imagine if that video had been posted by someone like SW! People would be losing their minds!


I was more than happy to give LK the benefit of the doubt regarding the entire Barisone situation. Until I saw her make that post on her Facebook page a week or two ago. I don’t think she should have been shot, regardless of how freaked Barisone might have been.

But based on her mirthful, public debasement of another human being who was a flat out stranger to LK, who could easily have been a minor child? I am done. I will follow the case(s) because I love true crime in general. But I refuse to give LK the benefit of anything because that was an horrendous thing to do. Basically shaming a stranger for shits and giggles.


Yes! Only took you almost two years of calling me a liar to locate this! As stated- Ruth Cox was charged with a felony. Guess I wasn’t “making that up.” We all know no one here is big enough to backpedal. Small enough only to “double down,” on things unbeknownst to you! Of which there are MANY.

So weird. Nancy “the joke,” Jaffer has refused to report THIS FACT while you, oddly, have not opened a “New” thread regarding this “revelation!”

Did Cox - the licensed PSYCHIATRIST
GIVE MB a GUN? OR, is her claim that he stole it? Imagine if she actually tried claiming BOTH! THAT would be crazy! I hope for her sake there is no hard evidence proving the exact chain of events which lead to Cox driving through the night from New Bern NC for the specific purpose of BRINGING her (possibly) defaced, (definitely) illegal firearm to “lend,” to her ex patient, for the “specific purpose of committing unlawful acts.” Oh wait. There IS!

Goodnight! :heart:
I have a feeling I’m gonna sleep like a baby tonight! Oh hey, feel free to “call me out,” on any other “inconsistencies,” in my story. (There have been none. But, best of luck to you!)



Law drama can be fascinating which explains the overwhelming number of such shows on TV.


Are you attempting to pressure me & others to view and/or participate in a thread on this Coth forum? One - actually two- which (based on hundreds of screenshots sent to me) are entirely false & fabricated, include serious defamatory, libelous & false allegations- repeated again & again as “fact, ” by certain posters, KNOWING those posts violate COTH’s community rules & guidelines, and any participation by me- on your most recent two open threads, would in fact “weaken,” any upcoming …. legal anything’s??

Not biting. Sorry not sorry.

This is quite true.

I feel as though people who don’t work in the legal system/aren’t well educated in the system, find it more interesting than it actually is :sweat_smile: it’s so dramatic and fast on TV.


LOL yes, the quick resolutions and case conclusions on TV sort of spoil you.


Interesting. Thank you for finding that.

Reading the law, it seems that if a gun was transported and given to another person, that would be second degree, not fourth.


Interesting. I’m intrigued.

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I could be wrong. I’m reading i.

i.Transporting firearms into this State for an unlawful sale or transfer. Any person who knowingly transports, ships or otherwise brings into this State any firearm for the purpose of unlawfully selling, transferring, giving, assigning or otherwise disposing of that firearm to another individual is guilty of a crime of the second degree. The temporary transfer of a firearm while hunting or target shooting, the transfer of any firearm that uses air or carbon dioxide to expel a projectile, or the transfer of an antique firearm shall not constitute a violation of this subsection.

Which seems to contradict LK’s claim:

It will be interesting to see how that pans out, and where MB claims the gun came from.