Court date for Michael Barisone?

Ahhh…well of course! Silly me! Thank you. Wonder why she would do that if that is what was done?


4th degree gun stuff


It sounds like if it was defaced it is very serious. I wonder why someone would possess such a thing? I admit that I do not understand the US obsession with firearms as I come from a basically no private firearms/most LE not armed culture. But, I do know that US citizens can legally possess them with permits, safety precautions, etc.

I do not understand why one would have a firearm that was defaced or deface one - outside of hardened criminal types. Why would a person have such a thing if it is lawful to have a regular, non-defaced firearm?


They are usually purchased illegally so are cheaper. They scratch out the serial number because they want to hide the guns history. Doesn’t mean Cox defaced it. She could have borrowed it or bought it that way. And we don’t know in which manner it was defaced and defacement is just one of the possibilities under 4th degree charges


Assumptions (since I do not own any defaced/illegal firearms):
With no serial number or ID it makes the firearm harder to trace, though clearly heavy duty forensics can get around a ground off serial number sometimes.

I do not know the NJ gun laws but where I live getting a legal hand gun is a long drawn out process. Getting an illegal hand gun is easy and quick. If you (general you) find yourself in need of a gun for protection you might feel you need one quickly so skip the legal route (even if you could get one that way). The illegal route will also save you a bunch of money.

Edit to add: What @Knights_Mom said better than I did, far more quickly than I did.

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Yes, @Knights_Mom and @trubandloki, that I get: cheaper, done to hide the history, etc.

What I don’t understand is why someone would buy one unless they were a career criminal type. My understanding (and 100% correct me if I’m wrong!) is that it is fairly easy for a law-abiding person to buy a gun. Why expose yourself to such penalties if you could get a legal gun just as easily and probably fairly cheaply?


Like I said above, I do not know what the laws are in that state. In my state it takes months to get a gun if already have a permit. You have to be approved to buy that specific gun, even though you have been approved to buy whatever gun you already have. Mr. Trub bought a new handgun and it took six months for the permit to come back with it added. (That is six months that a paid for gun sits in a safe at the store.)

If that is your idea of easy then… To me it is not easy.

If you already have a permit, you go to the store, pick out and pay for your gun. They do a background check before they let you buy it. Then you take the paper work and the appropriate forms to your county and wait for them to approve that you want to buy it.

If you do not have a permit then you have to start there.

In other states it is easier. I do not know if there are states that it is harder.

Edit to add: Once you own the gun there are regular things you have to do to keep it all legal too.

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Maybe they didn’t buy it.


I think that is a good point, @Knights_Mom.


We really can’t tell from the court case website what the actual offense was. It says RC was charged with 2C:39-9D, which includes a lot of different weapons offenses, not all of which involve firearms. It does NOT include defacement of a firearm, which is in 2C:39-9E. Here’s the text of D:

d. Weapons. Any person who manufactures, causes to be manufactured, transports, ships, sells or disposes of any weapon, including gravity knives, switchblade knives, ballistic knives, daggers, dirks, stilettos, billies, blackjacks, metal knuckles, sandclubs, slingshots, cesti or similar leather bands studded with metal filings, or, except as otherwise provided in subsection i. of this section, in the case of firearms if he is not licensed or registered to do so as provided in chapter 58 of Title 2C of the New Jersey Statutes, is guilty of a crime of the fourth degree. Any person who manufactures, causes to be manufactured, transports, ships, sells or disposes of any weapon or other device which projects, releases or emits tear gas or other substances intended to produce temporary physical discomfort or permanent injury through being vaporized or otherwise dispensed in the air, which is intended to be used for any purpose other than for authorized military or law enforcement purposes by duly authorized military or law enforcement personnel or the device is for the purpose of personal self-defense, is pocket-sized and contains not more than three-quarters of an ounce of chemical substance not ordinarily capable of lethal use or of inflicting serious bodily injury, or other than to be used by any person permitted to possess such weapon or device under the provisions of subsection d. of N.J.S.2C:39-5, which is intended for use by financial and other business institutions as part of an integrated security system, placed at fixed locations, for the protection of money and property, by the duly authorized personnel of those institutions, is guilty of a crime of the fourth degree.

ETA: screenshot of the case search website.


Maybe she wasn’t the one that defaced it. Shoot two people with a pink gun after you remove the serial number, claim self defense(fighting for the weapon and it went off) claim must have been the lady’s gun because what man would own a pink gun. Unfortunately if the victims survive doesn’t work.
Just a theory, probably with some holes in it.


Do we know if she had it before the dog attack?
Before the other threats?

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Agree with Dragonfly90 and no, we don’t really know many of the facts. We’ve been piecing stuff together.


Mkay. I’m going by what ACTUALLY did happen, rather than what you observe, or what you believe “99.99%,” of you would’ve, done.

JK tells 911- “I just got a call from my lawyer and he told me that my daughter had been shot.”

If I were you, (g) I’d be asking myself how the lawyer knew about it first. Luckily, I’m NOT you (g) and also, yes, I already know the answer. To quote Eggbutt, when she was bullying some new posters, “I’m not cheat sheet.” But……… surely this group of fabulous sleuths can put it all together.

Nancy Jaffer could not. The next piece of media coverage in which I will take part, will be coming from a legitimate news source. I’d like for them to compare and contrast Jaffer’s own coverage, given she is not & will never be engaged in a Non-Compete with any major publications. I’m thinking, her (possible) repeated requests to be hired by one such conglomerate was denied …. And denied some more. Can’t blame em!



Thanks for the correction. I truly don’t know so I am happy to learn! That does sound more onerous than outsiders are led to believe. We see undercover film of kids buying guns at gun shows and other things like that, so we probably have a distorted view from outside.

@FitzE, each state has its own rules.
There are a couple of states where it is easy to buy a gun. The rest it is not as easy. Then there are some that it is really hard.


We know this- there were NO threats made by us. We also know, the police & other authority figures explicitly told Cox not to enter our apartment- to which she replied- “the downstairs laundry room is a ‘common area,’”- to which responders replied, DO NOT GO UPSTAIRS,” - to which Cox IGNORED, believing the police couldn’t see where she was headed. And yes. She had the gun the moment she arrived at the barn that week. She brought it with her ……. Bc she was asked to bring the gun.

Back on track- She unlawfully entered our apartment and our dogs had the right (you might want to check NJ laws here :wink: ) to defend their territory. Yes- this was caught on camera. We were not home. So… this was either the day DIRECTLY before the shooting - or directly afterwards.

Another interesting tid bit: the papers being delivered were a list of precise code violations. You can clearly hear Cox asking to be let inside “the common room only to deliver the paperwork.” The police and building/fire inspectors gave her permission for THAT only. But the real question is, why did she want IN so badly if we were SO “threatening?” The responders could have and DID just leave a copy taped to our door. “Fascinating, isn’t it?” Cox entering our apartment- armed to the teeth, believing she was out of sight from LEO’s……. SCARY.

FTR- the papers were white. Not orange. Thought I should clear that up before some less-than-well-read user tried claiming “but, but, but, …… what about the ‘ORANGE EVICTION NOTICE?” (To clear up one last time, there was NO eviction notice. The orange paper taped to the door of MB’s side of the house……. read “STOP WORK ORDER.”)
