Court date for Michael Barisone?


You win the 1000th post award!



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Here you can get them pretty easy through a private sale and someone who doesn’t know what they are doing might buy a questionable gun and not realize it. People do it to get around the federal background check but it has it’s own risks.


I speculated on this this over a year ago……


Let’s face it, that’s probably not the first “award,” Eggbutt has won wrt being the first place winner for posting the 1st post, 10th-100th or any post number thereafter. The odds (here) are “forever in her favor.” Someone should at least send her a victor’s cup!

What was your “speculation?”


Contrary to popular belief and appearance, La-la and I are not in any kind of positive relationship. I know she invokes my name on almost every post…maybe flattery, IDK or care. :slight_smile:




I give you big trophy now :trophy:


Why did you edit your post? I quoted it the first time exactly as you posted it. You ETA the word “positive.” Does this imply we are or were in ANY type of “relationship.” Have you bothered to re-read any of your previous posts over the last two years??? If you were in court, would it be your sworn testimony we have never met?






This is weird now.



Just now? :grin:




[quote=“MHM, post:1029, topic:761824, full:true”]

Edited to add “positive” to be crystal clear it is understood there is nothing positive I can say about anyone’s experience with you anywhere. My experiences with you on this BB have been nothing but threats, bullying, attacks and cyber-stalking. Clear enough for you now? :slight_smile:


Please post the police report indicating the gun was defaced, as opposed to some rando Coth user misreading another rando Coth user’s post.

The charge/s is/are for A.) an illegal transfer of a firearm, knowingly, to another individual to be used for an unlawful purpose…. And, B.) for transporting said firearm over state lines for reasons described in A. Maybe there is a C as well. Or maybe I’m wrong altogether!

This is my understanding of the police report - but please “100 % correct me if I’m wrong.” You mentioned in one of your posts that you were present during “arguments,” made regarding certain “motions.” I know you don’t represent me. But, wouldn’t it be highly unethical if you, at any point, represented any principal or witness in this case? Just wondering what the laws are.

Btw, To Which state do you refer when you say, “here?” FLA? NJ?

The serial number on the firearm (as I understand it, admittedly not as well as an attorney such as yourself…… unless I misunderstood that too) is exactly how the firearm was TRACED to Cox. Perhaps, she did not think the MTPD would be capable of tracing the ownership of a firearm through its SERIAL number??? Idk. Perhaps, courts are “kangaroo,” in New Bern.

Perhaps, we will all learn tomorrow that a NEWER version of the newest Barisone filing will allege that Barisone was only capable of understanding any material beyond a 5th grade level- due to the childhood abuse and all. Give us a spoiler [Sdel]!