Court date for Michael Barisone?

There has been a tremendous amount of “kill the messenger” tactics on these threads in particular as a way to deflect the focus away from the question at hand.


Those are tactics of failure.


Why are you trying to “track,” anyone’s “patterns?” Do you even hear how creepy you sound? Track away……… What.A.Stalker.

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I think it should be reiterated that people do not believe you as you have been caught lying. Therefore don’t expect fruitless back and forth exchanges. We shall continue to discuss the case despite your input.


Maybe, but I just dont see how any of it fits. So much is off in this case and people are bridging to gaps with non logical answers. Yesterday I posted about about the gun charges for Cox. Everyone told me they didn’t exist but today someone uploaded them. You told me to read through thousands of post to get caught up and I did. I started asking simply questions and you tried your best to make me feel stupid. Im sorry if I came off some type of way but you ignored my question while someone else researched it and found an answer. Ive been ask who are they, why is my screen name come up lighter, what FB group. None of those are relevant and you are being hypocritical when you say i am deflecting or not answering questions. With that being said I should also take the time to thank some others for their responses. I think I need to come on at a better time of day. Its like the streets of Chicago in this group when the sun comes down. GN


Doesn’t matter what time of day you pop on. We are going to discuss the case as is our right. Just accept we just don’t agree with you or believe your version of things at this time. For instance, the charge for the gun may not represent what you allege it does.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day so you’re bound to get something right eventually. But that will in no way merit everything being believed. We know better.


Oh no! Please don’t do that! Pleeeeeeeease!!! When have I been caught lying??? Bc…… I can name thousands of times you and others have been caught lying & calling lies FACTS…… and while these lies-named-as-FACT, with zero evidence to back it up, have been flagged & reported ad infinitum - (due to being CLEAR violations of COTH’s rules and regulations) - nothing has been done about this yet. So again, what EXACTLY have I “lied,” about??? Be specific.

You were caught lying when you stated that COTH had been subpoenaed and turned over users identities to you.

That was a lie, verified as such.

Specific enough?


Oh no. I would never try to bully you. As you stated- you physically fight people. I wouldn’t want you to beat me up. I’ve already been shot by an alleged insane person. Don’t you think threatening to physically beat me up/fight me, is a little low? Even for you?

Everyone saw it.

And you just lied again. I never said I physically fight people. I never threatened to beat you up. That statement is libel on your part.

That is proven due to my lack of arrest record for assault. You?


Everyone saw it.

Only in your mind.


I am truly gobsmacked that someone could read all the posts in all the threads regarding Barisone/Kanarek in less than 24 hours. Impressive.

I guess it must have been a great conspiracy that for months, off and on, the subject of RC and any arrest has been discussed and no one knew anything and then Poof! by sheer coincidence the record was found today! (I am NOT accusing the poster who found it of anything other than pure coincidence.) So, that makes all the rest of us fools for not finding it sooner.

Then we start the games back up of who people are are IRL with references to alleged family members or acquaintances. Why all the great interest in identity? Does it make a difference? Only to someone who has been known to harass and stalk others in their private lives. Fascinating.

I have always wondered why, with the vast financial fortune Lauren has access to that she (or her family) didn’t hire a PR firm to handle her public persona rather than allow her to continue harassing and threatening others who are of absolutely no consequence to her.

As far as unanswered questions, the primary one asked from the beginning is why Lauren didn’t pack up and leave if she was so afraid? That has now become a rhetorical question because I personally don’t think she can possibly answer it.


I can safely say, (if your claim as a completely anonymous person, leaving me with no way to check, IS true) we both have zero convictions! But……. At this moment anyway, I can’t yet call you out on your arrest history. Also, if it happened more than even 5-7 years ago…… I’d have exactly NO interest.

ET…… delete whatever that was


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As I worked where I worked in law the lack of arrests is a given.



Still waiting for your COTH subpoena assertion defense. Shall I put on a pot of coffee while you try to think something up?


Of course you would assert this to be so… Houseguests always know where the upstairs telephone is …



Made up for it by posting all the complaints though! :slight_smile: