Court date for Michael Barisone?

Barisone has NEVER posted here, and AFAIK never even given a statement about what happened that day, or at least one that has been made public. As a trial has not occurred yet, the only statement he should have made was to law enforcement or his legal team.

Please do not confuse what is/has been speculated with what is actual fact. The truth is we may never learn the REAL truth about what happened.


Okay @JumpinQueen since you’ve become so well educated on your version of events, truths, and who you think is personally involved on this forum
answer the question so many have asked and received no answer, why didn’t Lauren Kanarek and Rob Goodwin leave Hawthorn Hill when asked or when they announced their fear on social media?


Ok, in this instance, I’m just going to quote that one last sentence.

Good advice for everyone!


How can one find a changing forum story suspicious if no forum story was ever posted?


But you are! :grin:



What did LK and RG hope to achieve by reporting violations?


I am amazed at the number of house guests that keep majikcally appearing! One leaves, another crops up! This is better than a game of whack-a-mole!!!


And such “knowledgeable” ones too! To think of how long all this useful information wasn’t told!! Clearly, it seems almost as if they were there!


Because, as the amazing lawyer Deborah Barra once said, the worst thing a defendant can do is talk. She loves it when defendants talk.


@JumpinQueen Since it appears that your Facebook group is discussing the case, what are their feelings about this?

“For example, on or about the morning of August 1, 2019, Goodwin cornered two
minors residing at the Farm (students of BARISONE) and attempted to force the minors to agree with Goodwin’s assertion that BARISONE was wrong to have call the police against him and Kanarek the prior day. The minors resisted Goodwin’s bullying, whereupon Goodwin became aggressive toward one of the minors and threatened her physically.”


Your Facebook Group seems to have some inside information for sure. Really interesting.


@eggbutt, do you mean the Facebook group that people have asked about multiple times and never get a response about? Kinda like when others ask or point out things to certain posters and certain posters never respond? Nah, there are no patterns of behavior here!


From my understanding and what I see on these forums im talking about you. You took the reins on being his sole defender and you have claimed to know the details because you are close with the family. You spin, and lead all the forums and everyone sees it. They don’t post on here about it. But it is talked about. [edit] I will not go back and find that post that says you are close with the family. Ive read through thousands of posts on your recommendation and frankly I believe you would deny it anyway. Can I ask you a question? Do you know that Cox is a mental health professional? Thats why I asked the question about Cox being sued by barisone. Ive meet people close to the situation as well. Turns out they have better information so if you want to chase me off this thread
 it won’t be hard




Who is “they”?


Birds of a feather.


A knowledgeable group 9f facebookers, apparently. Who probably have as little impact on these cases as we do.


Sole defender? I think not.

It seems you, as perhaps friends of yours have recently done, are attempting to identify a poster. That is not a good thing to do. Just because I have started the majority of these posts (elected by committee perchance?), who cares? Why does it matter who starts them? Why are YOU suddenly so passionate and invested? So much deflecting and honing in on aspects that don’t answer the questions of WHY?

As I have said before I think Lauren Kanarek is one of the most despicable people in this country based on the behavior she has displayed on these forums, as told by others she has harassed and threatened, and reading the complaint filed by Barisone’s attorney. I’ll continue to be the focus of Kanarek’s wrath. It’s a good way for her to continue to prove how she really behaves.


I’ve been noticing that the people I see complaining about COTH being oh so toxic are the ones that either post toxic things themselves, get upset when their opinions turn out to be unpopular, or are just absolutely tone deaf to how their posts come across and don’t realize people are reacting to how they sound.

For the record, even with people disagreeing with me, I haven’t really found this place to be toxic. If you really need help, you will get it. If you don’t try to act like a know it all and are sincere about apologizing when you are wrong or overreact, most on here are quick to forgive. Again, most of the ones I’ve found to be the most unpleasant are the same ones that complain about how awful it is on here.