Court date for Michael Barisone?

This thread needs alcohol too……
It’s a strong one….


I need a refill, or 8, please!



Let me add that “trying to identify” is completely different than “hmmm Poster 1 sure sounds an awful lot like Poster 27! I wonder if they are the same or related?”

Calling users out by name (whether accurate name or not) should not be allowed or vaguely identifying family members, or where they work, go to school, church or whatever. Doing all of this REPEATEDLY should be grounds to be permanently banned from all forums IMO!

Edited to ask, WHO CARES WHO ANYONE IS IRL unless your plans are to stalk and harass them in the real world!!!


Is there a new prosecutor for the criminal trial? I was curious if the subscription required article had any info on when the trial might happen.

There is a new prosecutor who was sworn in recently who had been an acting prosecutor the past few months. He is not the original prosecutor in the case.

As far as public record there isn’t a trial date published yet that I am aware of.

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Ok, thanks for the info. I wonder how all the people involved are supposed to remember all the details if called to testify. I wouldn’t trust my memory after all this time.

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I do believe most people who testify in big cases are prepped by the lawyers involved. Allowed to read their previous statements and such so they know what they said before, etc.

Disclaimer - I have no actual experience in this, just making an assumption from stuff I have watched.


That would be my assumption as well. Plus such traumatic events that occurred might be burned into everyone’s memories regardless.


I also understand how the brain would block certain memories of a traumatic event such as what happened with MB


The irony is all of LK’s attempts to ID posters have been wrong and backfired! She’s used this ID tactic for two years to bully and intimidate others to no avail. Pathetic.


I know! Here’s the real irony- nothing said here has anything to do with the prosecution of the case! Not one bloody thing to do with it! No one here has any influence whatsoever.

But it gives the bully an opportunity to act out at others, then cry “poor me” or play ignorant when called out by about her bad behavior!


You forgot situations like mine where I am being wrongfully accused of stating that I intend to physically harm her.

The lies, the libel from her just goes on and on.

Meanwhile, still no explanation from her about her disproven COTH subpoenas for user identification. All while she continues to imply user identities.


Thank you. very kind. They are very manipulative - its like they are psychic … they are very dangerous - they know how to push buttons and take glee in it - it feeds their hunger to crush you… to win…Winning meaning you are no longer interesting enough to claw at, to destroy. because they probably did. … and then they move onto the next victim. And there will be another victim.


Twas the night before Tuesday
And all through the forum
Was only one user, not even a quorum

The posts lie aging, messages clear
Of horses and critters both silly and dear

The night was such and rather quiet
Not even one topic offered a riot
So I closed my eyes and thanked all my stars
That our time was spent in stables not bars

So I say to you all, rest and rest well
For tomorrow it’s 100 and boy will we smell


Ha ha, that’s egggcellent


OUTSTANDING @Knights_Mom!! Thank you.


Very cute. Not smelling here. Forecast is 73 lovely degrees.


Can you write an homage to 100 degree weather and 85% humidity too? Because all I want to do is flee to the basement with a good book. After emptying the dehumidifier again, of course.


We have removed some references to poster’s personal information that they have not elected to share that does not relate to the public court cases and related information being discussed.

Please avoid further attempts to allude to knowledge of posters’ real-life IDs/information.


Your lawyers have told you to not discuss WHY you didn’t leave after posting your fear of staying? Oh, okay. Wow. Honestly I think most of us actually know why. The game wasn’t over was it?