Court date for Michael Barisone?

If they specifically said to not post about that very subject (versus - please do not be posting on social media about this case at all), one has to think there is something they did not want to come out. With LK’s history, that could be so many things.


There have been a lot of things she “can’t discuss” over the threads.


Yes like what she hoped to accomplish by reporting violations of Robs work or answering for the COTH subpoena lie



Where were the minors residing that were confronted by RG? Were they living in the barn lounge with Team Barisone? Or were they living in the house with Team Kanarek?

It seems interesting to me that this lawsuit is the first mention of other minors being on the property. And forgive me if this has already been answered - I have tried to read through all the various threads but the constant deflections from one particular poster made it a bit difficult to keep up. :crazy_face:


I don’t see where it says the minor that was confronted by RG and then questioned by the police actually resides at the barn.
That minor could simply be someone who rides/trains/boards at this barn.

The other minors are the children of MB’s girlfriend at the time.


Ah, sorry. I thought I saw somewhere that the minors were living at the farm.

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Found it in the amended lawsuit:

  1. For example, on or about the morning of August 1, 2019, Goodwin cornered two minors residing at the Farm (students of BARISONE) and attempted to force the minors to agree with Goodwin’s assertion that BARISONE was wrong to have call the police against him and Kanarek the prior day. The minors resisted Goodwin’s bullying, whereupon Goodwin became aggressive toward one of the minors and threatened her physically.

@DownYonder - good catch.

No idea why minor students would be residing at the farm.


I’m sorry but this is completely inappropriate. You guys get mad every time someone calls out the bullying and the mockery going on here but then post things like this. I know she threatened you and I know you think she deserves it (and maybe she does) but it’s just very sad to me that so many people here are ok with this kind of behavior and cannot recognize how much worse that makes the situation.


What are you talking about? My post was about no one being on last night and all being quiet and it in no way mentioned or referred to any individual but rather all of us as a group. Not one bad or negative sentiment was stated or referred to.


Maybe they were doing the high level version of summer camp? Or working students?

That kind of arrangement might be less common now, but probably not impossible, under Safe Sport guidelines.


Working students?


Sometimes I think you really look for things to get upset about. This wasn’t saying what you assumed it was.


Probably working students. There was a working student program at Hawthorne Hill.


Sometimes I think ugly behavior is so normalized on these threads and that’s why there’s so few of us who see it as problematic.

If I got shot and read comment after comment of people making jokes and riddles I’d be pretty upset. It’s not appropriate. Text it to your friends if you want but in a public forum where the shooting victim is here, reading the comments, it’s not cool.


Oh please. This was an innocent poem with no malintent. It didn’t refer to anyone specifically except myself. Do tell me specifically what offends you?


Is someone forcing her to read the comments?


No, but in my experience sometimes it’s hard to walk away and stop reading the comments even if literally every single person is bullying or harassing you. If I’m in a good place, I’ll log out and go ride my horse and remember ugly behavior says more about someone else than it does about me. But I’m not always in a good place and if I got shot and read these threads I definitely would not be.

So whether she shouldn’t or shouldn’t be reading these threads is irrelevant because she IS.


Might I suggest that folks shouldn’t imagine things which don’t exist. Read it literally.

You didn’t answer which part was offensive and how. Please answer.


@Equkelly, where is the line for threads not offending people?

Only threads that offend shooting victims should be carefully monitored to not offend or does that extend to threads about all topics?

Because as I am sure you know, if you are willing to admit it, pretty much every topic offends someone so if that rule applied to every topic we would have a very quiet forum because nothing would be allowed to be posted.