Court date for Michael Barisone?

Only a narcissist would imagine every single little thing is about THEM.


It’s not the content of your riddle it’s the fact that you are making riddles in a thread about a shooting where you know the victim is reading the comments because they were here 24 hours earlier.

That’s the part I find wrong.

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That drink is on the internet
.it’ll last forever, no refills necessary.



Are we allowed to use colors?
Stick figures?

What are the rules for this?

No levity at all? Must remain somber?


It’s not a Riddle. It’s a poem.

And it cites the interesting phenomenon where this was so active 2 nights ago but last night was like crickets.


Look I get where you are coming from, I really do. I just think out of everything that has occurred on all of the threads on this topic, that was probably the absolute least-cruel thing I’ve seen. It wasn’t even actually about the topic, it was quite obviously just a “wow this topic was bumping the other night and now it’s crickets lolz” comment. That’s why it comes across as absurd that you picked THIS to suddenly get upset about.


You’re right I shouldn’t have picked just that one but the entire tone of all these threads, especially when she comes on, is gross. The snark, the mocking, the antagonizing, and tagging her, quoting her, trying to point out the lies and inconsistencies
 it’s not your place, there will be a trial. This is just wrong.

How about all of those eventing threads where someone dies and everyone speculates as to what happened until a member of the family comes on the thread? Immediately everyone stops and doesn’t engage or try to ask questions trying to figure out what happened because it would be inappropriate and insensitive.

That’s what’s going on here. The poems, the questions, the tagging, the quoting, the speculation is all inappropriate and insensitive when you KNOW the victim is here reading it all.


There are many other “victims” in this situation - not just the one who posts here.

As others have said these threads would die if she (and now suspended YD) would simply stop the provocation. If I understood correctly from somewhere(?) long ago there were 9 - 15 people on the property that day and only one has ever posted on these threads (edit added) to my knowledge.


That’s what happens when you insult people, tell them you’re taking them to court because you lied about getting a subpoena and you threaten to attach their home and farm and commit libel stating they threatened to assault you.

Feel free to block me but I’m going to say what I’m going to say whether you like it or not. As long as I obey the rules, which I try to unless i didn’t know a rule, I’m good.

I’m not responsible for anyone else’s posts. Just mine.


Two wrongs don’t make a right and also hurt people hurt people.

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Am I the only one hearing Carly Simon right now?


I don’t lie down for abuse. I call it as I see it.


All I can think of is “You’re So Vain”! :smile: Oops, humor!


So I guess the second half of your sentence makes it OK for anyone that LK has hurt to say whatever they want.

Or is there a scale for that too? A level of hurt where you are not allowed to respond?
When are outsiders allowed to stick up for those who are not able to stick up for themselves (like the children involved here)?

I find it repulsive that anyone would defend someone who would treat children the way these people have treated children (as described in the court documents copy and pasted into the other thread) and to me those children need people to stand up for them.


We have a few. While I admit to having posted directly “at” posters here, I have also posted general comments, and had someone out of the blue claim that I was aiming it at them. Huh? Really? Nope! YOU are not MY hobby!


General comment.

I remember when this first happened two years ago. At first everyone was OMG a girl got shot. Then LK started messaging from her hospital bed, pretty incoherent. People still wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt because she would have been on pain killers and opioids. Then she was up and out and about and still posting these incoherent and troubling messages. Then other people like GJ and Haleybot shared their past experiences (both of tgem are off COTH now) and folks started digging up past charges against LK.

The picture that emerged was of someone that was not employed, engaged in serial conflict, and had various claims about physical violence, SM harassment, dodging summons, etc. As LK states none of the charges stuck. But most people get through life with no charges of this sort against them ever.

Over the past 2 years, while fully recovered, LK’s communication style has continued combatitive, self contradictory, confusing, and most recently actually threatening in PM. Whenever the threads have quietened down and we pretty much forgot about this little drama under the much bigger dramas of fire, flood, plague, locusts, Trump, BLM, etc, then LK would launch into a sudden burst of posting that usually made no sense at all.

So LK has created an online persona that has lost her the respect of almost all COTH members. She has continually restarted threads, including ones that were locked but got unlocked during the platform upgrades.

LK has been her own worst enemy on this site. I mean, if I read her posts in the absence of any background or conversation I would reach the same conclusion about her. If I come across a person on FB that has anything like this style or tone, I avoid or even block pre-emptively.

Now lots of people who are problematic IRL come on COTH or FB seeking “advice” or commiseration or reassurance and you can’t always tell from their posts until more information comes out or the trainer etc they are complaining about comes on to give the other side.

These folks, if you just read their posts, you would totally believe them for quite some time. There’s not always a huge giveaway in the language and style.

This makes LK’s posts rather unique. The other poster I remember that rang the same kind of warning bells for me right away was SW from DH. The coming right in swinging with confused boasts and threats, the attempts at doxxing, the tone deafness to what kinds of language would make people take your side.


No one said you had to lie down. I supported you when you called out her crummy behavior too. And FWIW, I’ve also been a victim of cyber stalking and bullying on this site so I completely empathize with you on how violated it makes you feel. HOWEVER, wrong is wrong. I don’t mock and taunt the people on this site who’ve bullied me and those people didn’t get shot twice in the chest.


That’s on her. Self control is a wonderful thing.


But my post was not mocking her or even referring to her in any way. It was just a comment that in one day it went from crazy to crickets. Please don’t burden me with the responsibility of judgment of the thousands of posts on numerous strings.

And I appreciate your support in the past but I’m just not getting this.

So let’s put this aside. Think as you will as I will as well.


Self control is a privilege. If I got shot twice and then had an entire Internet forum nearly blaming me for the most traumatic experience of my life, I wouldn’t have self control. I already have terrible anxiety if you added the trauma of getting shot, my behavior on these forums would be real [edit] too.

If you can walk, good for you. Maybe she can’t, maybe she’s still coping, maybe she’s still working through this.