Court date for Michael Barisone?

How does this explain her behavior before she got shot?

Sincere question.


I’m not trying to explain her behavior before she got shot. For one, I don’t know her. Two, even if I did know her and she was the worst person I’ve ever met, [edit] people go through trauma too.


Her walking ability has NOTHING to do with my little ditty.

I’ve been through a number of traumatic events. Big ones. Full of corpses and death. When I can’t bear the heat I get out of the kitchen. But other than that I deal with it to the point of engaging with people who insist it never happened at all.


We all were able to see what she shared on SM before the shooting.
It’s where the “why didn’t you leave” cries started, when before the shooting she posted on SM that she was being bullied, was in fear, etc.


Well good for you, I’m glad you’re able to practice healthy coping strategies because not everyone can.




As I stated above, LK has created her own online persona in these threads, in a situation where she could have gotten a lot of sympathy otherwise. I don’t know how much of the early threads still exist, or have had things deleted by LK or mods. But LK herself has been the number 1 factor in making these threads an ongoing can’t look away train wreck instead of a one time local crime story.

If you didn’t follow from the start this might not be so clear.


The energy some posters have to never ending hate on LK on these boards is actually astounding.

Can we bottle that somehow, it could probably reverse global warming with the insane amount of energy put into it.

Don’t you ever sit and think for a second that all that hate and negativity you spew day in and day out here actually might not be good for yourself?

Happiness is a choice. :slight_smile:

There are a hundred other things to discuss about this case other than how much of a bad person you think LK is, yet all you all want to do is talk about that. Small minds.


A hit dog yelps.


Hmmmm, this could apply to so many posters on several forums!


I’m just going to address this one aspect, since I do this, as do many others. The purpose of quoting a post in this context is so that the original post is visible in case someone tries to go back to delete or edit their earlier comments, and then deny they ever said such a thing.

It’s simply to keep a record of what was already stated, nothing more or less.

Anyone who wants to quote my posts is more than welcome to do so. It won’t bother me at all, since I rarely go back afterwards to edit or change anything. (Unless I belatedly discover a typo, which makes me crazy.)



If you are disturbed by these threads, or some of the posts on this threads, then the best possible thing to do is to let them go dormant. Which they absolutely will do if there is no new conflict, real or invented.

Indeed, the instigation for the post you seem most upset was a comment on how quiet the thread had gotten.

Want it to stay quiet?

Stop bumping it.


I dont hate her. I do recognize that she is deeply troubled and when I come across people that share some of these character traits IRL I give them a very wide berth.

I had pretty much forgotten about her until she came on most recently with her PM threats to others, and then the MB filing against the police reminded me of the case.

Because I really try to avoid people who share her personality traits IRL I’m always curious to read about how it plays out in other situations.

I’m not sure how we are meant to feel about her. I don’t think anyone could actually like or respect her based on the persona she’s created on COTH. Or even at this point feel sympathy.

Several months after being released from the hospital, she said getting shot by MB was part of her mastermind plan to sue him and own his farm and destroy him. I have no idea if that posting is still up, but I’m sure the defense would have a screenshot.

What do you do with claims like that? Are they delusional or just outright lies? Who says that as a victim? How are we meant to feel?


I think there are also a lot of horse people who have seen many bizarre boarding situations deteriorate over the years. So there is a certain curiosity to figure out how or why this one situation went so spectacularly wrong compared to all the others we’ve seen.

If only to know how to recognize the possible danger signs in the future.


I have followed it from the start and if I’m completely honest I initially read the threads because I was nosy and it was like reading true crime play out live. Over time Ive just gotten more and more uncomfortable with how these threads escalate over and over again. Like I said I’ve also gotten bullied and harassed on here myself and I know what it feels like.

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Thank you so much for being brave!!!




Yes I’ve had someone harass, threaten and try to bully me here myself: LK.

Ironic, eh?


Nope not ironic at all actually. Something is “ironic” when it’s the opposite of what’s expected. Someone that was possibly having issues (or not idk what to believe), got shot, then has an entire Internet forum bullying her, bringing up her history, accusing her of being on drugs, etc, is a person who I would not expect to behave appropriately on the forums.

So no it’s about the least “ironic” thing really.

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But if you have followed this saga from the beginning, then you have also seen LK’s bullying, threats, insults, rants, rages etc. that bump threads up and escalate everything. You have seen her rattle on and on about her case in a way that must make her legal team tear their hair out. You will have seen many posters (like me) advise her NOT to do that as she was not doing herself any favors. And yet apparently you are only uncomfortable with what anyone else posts and are choosing to overlook what else has been going on…

And yes - NODTGS. Lest someone make the leap of credibility and decide that I think such things are peachy keen and all.

And in full disclosure, YD messaged me to tell me how to post at first - and then, not to post at all or I would be flagged and reported to the mods.