Court date for Michael Barisone?

The bolded part is dead wrong and a complete exaggeration - the “entire” forum was doing nothing of the kind - and not even everyone reading or posting on these threads. There were/are (?) maybe 6 (?) posters who did revel in that… and that does not an entire forum make.


Wow, really??

I can only say that approach would really backfire on me. I would be contacting the mods myself lickety-split.


Bullying HER? Time to remember what she sent to me.


NO one deserves to be shot or bullied.

However, taking two slugs in the chest seems to have only strengthened LKs resolve. She sent me a crappy and weird PM. She has, IMHO, been fairly offensive, as opposed to defensive in her responses and comments to the discussion at hand.

I have no idea what actually happened that day, or the days before, at that farm. From what I’ve seen, I simply hope that justice is done, and that LK finds some peace in her life, so that she can offer it to others. I am not sure that is possible, but I can hope!


I’m sure she knows reading the comments and replying back to everyone isn’t healthy. I think it’s just very very hard to not be defensive when you’re feel you’re attacked.

I’m not only uncomfortable with everyone else’s posts. Hers are troubling too, but there’s one of he and there’s dozens of you.

And she got shot and hopefully nobody else here did.

Yes after two years of relentless mockery and harassment on these threads by the majority of the people here. Somebody who is PMing you threats and lies is probably someone who feels like they have no control and no options. Is her behavior acceptable? No. Is it shocking? Also no.


:dizzy_face: :grimacing: :unamused:


But you make excuses for her over and over again and overlook her threats, LOLs, insults and insinuations … and continue to exaggerate that everyone in these threads is/was doing what only a very small number of posters were/are guilty of.

Apparently you do not find her outbursts that produce self-inflicted damage to herself and her case to be very troubling at all…

La-la’s own words and actions must be obviously be everyone else’s fault. Got it.


Isn’t this the story of her entire life from the cranberry juice bottle attack to Hawthorne Hill. It’s always been someone else’s fault!


I had forgotten about the cranberry juice attack.


But they were just the little bottles! Gosh, almost the size of a cell phone come to think of it!


I don’t really care anymore what anyone thinks. The poem was benign. I have conducted myself well and I just don’t give AF otherwise. Don’t poke a bear. Don’t harass. Karma is real.

But as far as discussing these cases, yeah I’m discussing them. Welcome to the internet.


Meh. Not worth it. I just kept on “disobeying” and posting if I had something to say. YD just liked to lecture and bloviate - often smothering any good points she may have been making in a barrage of word salad, tsk-tsking and assigning people motives and agendas that did not exist.


So you are suggesting the COTH forums allowed relentless mockery, relentless harassment, by a majority of members who still have access to post?


And if so, why would you spend time here?


I wouldn’t say by a majority of members I would say just the posters that continue engaging with the victim over and over again on these threads. The majority of cothers don’t post in these threads at all so no it’s not the majority of cothers.

It’s also not that most people are making inappropriate comments it’s that there’s a few inappropriate comments with a ton of likes. I see snarky posts calling LK a whackadoodle, or making jokes about her alcohol consumption, or cutsie little poems, and they get like 20 or 30 likes
And for the record, I’m guilty of it too and I have probably contributed to the ugliness here as well by liking posts that are inappropriate and insensitive.

Because this place is still the most knowledgeable horse BB on the internet even if there are huge problems with the culture. I’ve gotten bullied here, I’ve gotten mocked, I’ve gotten cyber stalked here, but I’ve also gotten a lot of solid advice about my horse and I learn so much by reading old threads. So for I get more good out of posting here but that doesn’t mean I can’t still recognize the problems and call out ugly behavior when I see it.

Bottom line, people say plenty that people don’t like.
If it’s distressing, log off.

I think if you’re going to call people out for this though, call them all out. If it’s wrong, it’s wrong no matter who is doing it.


I don’t want to. If I want to I will, but for now I don’t. So thanks but no thanks.

I have. I’ve called out one user on here who has bullied me on here for about a year now and she knows who she is. I don’t need to call her out again by name because I don’t engage with her. I’ve reached out to the mods and they don’t care so I just ignore that user because that’s all I can do. I’m sure she’d love if she bullied me off this site but that’s not going to happen so here I am.

I’ll call it out when it’s happening to me or someone else and that’s not going to change so if you(g) don’t like being called out for being inappropriate and insensitive stop being inappropriate and insensitive.

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And yet you took great pleasure in accusing the entire freaking forum of attacking and bullying LK. The entire freaking forum was NOT being inappropriate or insensitive - and not even everyone in these Barisone threads was being that way - but never mind, that did not stop you from slapping labels on in all directions and pointing fingers and making grandiose accusations…


I have pointed to one specific comment so far as being inappropriate and I have mentioned the tone of these threads as being problematic. If you think that’s what bullying is then you don’t understand what bullying is.

You do not have to engage her directly to have her engage. It just what she does. That, and send irrational PMs telling you that you’re being watched. That’s just funny. But apparently it’s a real deal to her.