Court date for Michael Barisone?

You are the one making accusations about others engaging in bullying. Not me. The only time I mentioned bullying was to note that LK had also been indulging in that at times… and that was all.


Suggestion: return to the topic.


It’s too late. Baby, it’s too late.


I’m thinking she was “chased off”. I hate that she has better information (from her FB group :smile:) that she isn’t sharing. Of course “better” is relative.



  1. seek to harm, intimidate, or coerce (someone perceived as vulnerable).

Uhh that’s not funny at all to me. That’s extremely disturbing that these threads have gotten this ugly. Don’t get me wrong, I love to read the trainwreck threads and find the drama entertaining and yes sometimes funny too but I think you guys forget that somebody got shot here and yet it’s being treated with the levity of the blue saddle pony thread.

Good idea. I’ve said my peace and have nothing left to add.

LK is the Amy’s Baking Company of the horse world. Meow, meow, meow.


Sorry, what were you guys just saying about how nobody is mocking her? This is the type of thing right here that’s been normalized but is really not cool.

Now I’m done. Carry on.

It may be unkind, but it’s not untrue. LK’s behaviour on this board has nothing to do with her being the victim of a violent crime, or with her being mocked by people on the internet. Her behaviour on this board, including mocking members, threatening members, and creating drama, seem entirely consistent with reports of her behaviour for many years, long before she met Michael Barisone. When people show you who they are, believe them. Just because she didn’t deserve to be shot doesn’t mean she gets a free pass on her harassment and inappropriate behaviour towards others.


Why is this concept so difficult for some to grasp?


She is not getting a free pass. She got shot twice in the chest, will probably have to pay legal fees, she is having her personal life and history exposed and speculated about, and her behavior is common knowledge all over this site and Facebook and every one knows who she is. That’s not a free pass.

And how exactly did that happen?


Because after she got shot she logged on COTH from the hospital bed wanting to tell her story if I remember correctly. Not sure what that has to do with anything now. The point is she is definitely not getting a “free pass” just because a few of us are saying “hey don’t be inappropriate or insensitive.”

No, “every one” does not know who she is and what her behavior is.

I hope the days of her getting a free pass for her behavior are over, at least in the US.


Oh FFS, refraining from being a cyber bully isn’t giving someone a “free pass”


I’m making a comparison to a well-known trainwreck-by-social-media. The meow’s are a reference to a comment by Amy herself.

LK has brought this upon herself, just like ABC did when they chose to retaliate against “Yelper bullies” (aka patrons), instead of going “thank you for your feedback”. If ABC had never gone off-chops on SM, no one would ever know who they are. Even Ramsey would probably never have picked them for Kitchen Nightmares.

Here is how ALL THIS could have been avoided:

MB: LK, this is not working out. Please move nags elsewhere.

LK: OK. moves horses

LK socials: photos of selfies, horses, dinner

COTH: Who the f is LK?

No one gets shot, harassed, bullied, Yelp-ed, subpeona’ed, sued, blocked, etc.


Ignoring her behavior, sweeping it under the rug and pretending it doesn’t exist IS giving her a free pass!

WE didn’t investigate and provide all the nasty personal information and previous history to Barisone’s civil attorneys to reference in their lawsuit. It is painfully obvious she has had this behavior for years with no accountability. You can call it cyber bullying all you want but when an individual sends private messages to users of a bulletin board threatening them with legal action if they don’t edit or remove their posts, THAT is cyber bullying!


THIS! ^^^


There has only been one cyber bully on these threads based on this common definition:


  1. the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.