Court date for Michael Barisone?

Oy, sorry, that was long :woman_facepalming:




Don’t fall for them… I think you stated your point and now it will get uncomfortable for you. Leave them…. In the past some poster with a different opinion got excited and were thrown out for becoming personal…. You don’t need to answer every single post!


With two years elapsed since the event, this thread has long passed the stage of shock and grief and much of the discussions in the thread are simply about the thread and individual posters, rather than the event itself. There was nothing disrespectful or inappropriate about the poem, period. It wasn’t mocking the victim or making light of a serious situation. You are looking for something to be outraged about and this simply is t it. The good news is that there are plenty of other things worthy of outrage in the thread.


Yup…she started calling out certain posters for being racist. I had her on ignore then too because of her rants. Sad to see the behaviour has resurfaced. Distracting from the facts.


When I opened the forum this morning and saw that there were 50 new posts in this thread I said (out loud even) - Clearly someone is going on and on about how no one else should be posting again.

The thread was quiet but no… someone had to make it all about them so it is back at the top.


Perhaps this is exactly your goal…to shut it down.

Time to ignore completely. All this back and forth over a poem that has nothing to do with “the victim”. If that victim doesn’t want to read what people think, her decision might be to turn away.


Yes but… Can they just drag it on forever? Have any jurisdictions come up with a plan to fix the fact that many people have just sat around waiting for a trial?


They can’t drag it on forever. But they can drag it on more.


You keep saying this - who did this to you? You accused me of it, but I wouldn’t know you from a hole in the ground. I don’t have a twitter, facebook, insta - nothing. Just here, and a lawn forum. That’s it.

So if that’s what you’re referencing, your accusation that I cyber stalked you and doxxed you (which I wouldn’t even know where to start with, let alone successfully execute), you’re out-and-out lying.

Your reddit persona would be a much more likely source of that accusation.


I’ve asked the moderator to look into her accusation of bullying and being cyberstalked here. If she’s lying, this kind of behavior poisons these boards and I’m sick of certain types running rampant with innuendo, accusation and vague or direct threats and accusations which get the threads closed, trying to buffer against them.


I can’t help but feel that many people literally look for things to be offended/outraged about.

They often choose things that are hardly worthy of it. As you said, plenty other things worthy of outrage.


I have had someone here say that I ‘follow them around commenting on their posts’, which is saying I am stalking them. Which is funny since I am so bad with names the likeliness of me following someone around here is slim to none. Heck, I have a friend who posts here, that I talk to in real life, that I sometimes have to ask her ‘what is your screen name again’.

In other words, people decide stuff that is simply not true and then boast it as facts.


I have no idea about this. However, I’ve seen some posters say, “From you’re(g) other threads, I’ve gathered this…” and, especially when it is contradictory or something they don’t want to hear, the OP screams “Cyber Stalking!”

It’s like, no, dear, that isn’t Cyber Stalking but bless you for thinking it is.

To me, it’s not.


Not to mention when someone always “blows a thread up” yeah, I probably will take a look as to why there are 50 new posts.

Then go “oh look, it’s so-and-so being a stinker again”.

The problem lies not with the person who went looking as to why there was so much activity - but rather with the one who chronically posts such inflammatory things that they get 50 new posts.

But hey what do I know.




I have noticed that she gets very opinionated and self-righteous and a bit demanding that everyone change to her opinion (in every thread I’ve seen where she claims to be bullied or treated badly). I’ve seen these types a lot, they think they are helping the world by trying to force their “enlightenment” on everyone else but they are really just turning everyone off of the issues. Makes me think it’s really more of a self-pat-on-the-back thing, like “look at me fighting so hard against injustice, I’m a great person”. Evidenced by the fact that instead of coming in and calmly explaining why they think there is a problem and actually trying to convince people, they come in guns blazing, insulting everyone for being “less” than they are, and using the “I’m just calling people out” excuse as justification to act like a jerk. And then get upset that everyone didn’t immediately flip and say, oh wow you are so right.

Because very few people have EVER changed their mind on something because someone came in and started insulting them and telling them how horrible they are. There is a fundamental lack of understanding of how people actually process changing their opinions. I can guarantee that the times I’ve changed mine were not because a self righteous person came in and screamed about how wrong I was. It was when someone explained things in a neutral way, not the least bit accusatory, and then backed off and gave me time to ruminate.


No, before she got shot she behaved abominably towards several people.
It then was swept under a rug.
That her more recent scuffle with someone lead to this tragic, life altering situation is why it needs the disinfecting effect of full sunlight.


Well two if you count YDs private messages telling people how to post.


She know this. She’s yrying to blow up the thread by getting g people to defend themselves. I so wish people would not respond to these types making accusations about how people post. The mods do a fine job moderating.