Court date for Michael Barisone?

I agree. It is so hard to not respond… but you are right. Ignore, ignore, ignore. (Says me who failed at ignore, I know.)


I think that it is funny as hell! She is attempting to intimidate (BULLY) another person. I am supposed to be intimidated into bending to her will, and believing only her view, because I am being watched? Seriously? I suppose that I could take it as a threat- she is watching me, and God knows what she’ll do if she finds my behavior or actions to be unacceptable? However, while I may consider this kind of comment to be indicative of a questionable mental state, I’m not going to alter my comments or life over her.


All of CanteringCarrot’s post was great and absolutely spot on but these are highlights…

Exactly right! Disagreeing with someone is NOT bullying - no matter how many times some posters have beaten that particular drum.


However, accusing everybody on these threads of bullying or whatever doesn’t get anyone anywhere. It’s better (but more effort) to cite/quote specific examples. This bolsters your argument and might be better received. When someone, in general, busts in here and goes “you’re all whack/mean/loons/nuts/whatever” it just ticks people off. Then the person making those claims goes, “Oh look! You are bullies!” When people question them and what exactly they’re going on about. It ticks people off because they’re painted with a broad brush. Sure some might be bullies, mean, or engaging in mockery. The ones that aren’t though, have the right to be offended and ask questions. Some are still trying (I’ve sort of given up, tbh) to wrap their heads around this whole debacle and tragedy. Their asking questions when things don’t add up, isn’t bullying or shaming. It’s an attempt to understand a crazy situation. I do think some have more tact than others, yes.

Also very accurate.

The victim isn’t obligated to answer any of these questions either. Some feel that she is. Mostly because she’s posted here, made herself available for contact, and said things that don’t quite add up (could be a few reasons for that). I think most have accepted that it’s just awaiting game to see what the official verdict(s) will be though.

~ enjoys mindmeld with CanteringCarrot ~

I do think some on here have become a bit too involved and interested, and some have not behaved in such a nice way.

There has been a small core of posters who have been OTT at times in these threads - to say the least - but that^ also includes those who point fingers at everyone else, make accusations and beat everyone over the head with repetitious bludgeoning of their points.

It is incredibly frustrating, on a basic human level, when people make wild claims or are involved in such an unreal situation but offer no understandable explanation. This whole situation and the behaviors from all parties is just so unreal to most of us that lead mundane (by choice) lives. So don’t mistake curiosity for an attack. Sometimes there may be attacks, but not always and not from everybody.

Yes - yes - YES!

This point by Scribbler, is also quite true and relevant:

“If you seek toxic or conflicts you will find them, even if you need to create them.”

And THIS ^ is very true… hence when a thread gets off the rails, there would/will usually be a familiar name holding court, pointing fingers, making accusations and generally creating that which they profess to dislike. Over and over again.


I hope she is not answering to any of your posts…. 50 posts nothing to do with the topic but only bullying her …. Maybe the Mods can clean out this thread……

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disagreeing is not bullying.



You want to know what is a form of bullying? Making baseless threats and/or accusations. Which both lala and equkelly are guilty of.


As “bullying” has become a current word to describe interactions between adults, I’ve watched in bemusement as folks who bully routinely then claim to be bullied as soon as they don’t get their way.

They have been accused of bullying so often, without actually understanding what it means, that the word is on the tip of their tongue to spit out when they themselves are thwarted.

Especially when they lose power in an organization.


Here’s an idea so crazy it just might work.

How about if we go back to discussing the actual subject of this (or any) thread, and ignore the people who are trying to detour or derail it?

Just a thought.


Ok, I’ll start….

Did I misread that the paywall article said the next court date was in August? Maybe that will be a scheduling conference about getting the trial going.


To put MHM’s suggestion into practice - I would like to get back to the question I posed WAY back before the thread got derailed by yet another disruptor.

Where were the minors living that were accosted by RG? I know that a few folks have posited that they were working students - which certainly sounds plausible - but I am curious as to where they were LIVING.

And adding a follow-up question because I can’t keep up with the timeline LOL - when did Team Barisone vacate the house to take up residence in the barn lounge or club room or whatever it was called? Was it before his first 911 call on 7/31?

I’m asking just to satisfy my own curiosity.



Neither of your questions can be answered from the material to date.

The recent MB Court filing does seem to say that the “farmhouse” at the front of the property was used for the staff.

There have been conflicting claims about the living arrangement down at the barn at the back of the property. Some people claiming knowledge of the property say there was only a very nice lounge with kitchen and bathroom, others have said there was a nice full private apartment in back. I don’t know if the real estate ads show anything in detail.

While it sounds odd to have the owner in the barn and the staff in the house, that would depend on the relative age and finish of the two places. A very nice newer build barn apartment could be like a modern condo and more pleasant to live in than an older house up by the road. But this is all speculation.


They could have been working students, lesson students,… I’m not sure anyone who posts here, with reliable factual info really knows.

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Someone mentioned that some staff lived upstairs in the barn also, giving the impression that was not the lounge.

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Yes, but there’s been nothing verifiable.

We have to discount anything LK says :slight_smile:

Even visitors to the property might not realize there was a whole apartment in back, if they were just in the arena and lounge.


So true!

I was at a horse show at a barn I had never been at before (volunteering, not showing - nothing to do with this case).

A few days later I looked on Google maps to show Mr. Trub something that I thought was really neat about the place and realized there was another whole barn building behind where I was all day. A big building. I swear I walked out that end door and looked that way but I never saw it. A whole barn I would have sworn was not there.


The lawsuit states they were LIVING on the farm. Am I the only one who wonders if they were living in the house - and if so, WHERE in the house - or if they were living in the barn lounge, club room whatever. If the latter, does that mean there were 7 or so people living in basically one room - MB, two adult women (MHG and RC), MHG’s two minor children, and two (assumably) teenagers who were probably females (again assuming here)? All sharing one room, one bathroom? I cannot even begin to fathom the stress levels, esp. if they were all being continually harassed, threatened, intimidated and in fear for their own safety and the safety of their horses. What a powder keg.


If the farm house was for the staff I would assume any working students were in the farm house. From the court document it sounds like the house had separate suites that weren’t fully divided. I’ve seen lots of rental houses like that, with a basement suite that once had a locked door to upstairs but is now open to upstairs. It also sounds like the partners children might not have been there full time.

However the filing is not detailed enough to say where everyone lived or even if all staff lived on site. Or if some staff escaped the house once LK went toxic, which was only a week before the shooting.


But LK was the “victim”, right. Think of all the other people at Hawthorne Hill who could have witnessed and been exposed to the situation - barn workers, other boarders/students, farrier. Everyone seems to focus on the five nice and tidy adults in this saga (leaving MH’s two children out of it).


Did Michael’s horse trailer have living quarters?

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It seems in life, the old saying that you get back what you give out, has come to be true for LK. [edit] Maybe these tactics worked for her in the past, but sadly, not this time.