Court date for Michael Barisone?

Gotcha! I wasn’t sure if I missed a critical post. Thank you.

For all we know there were more than 2 minors there. One person who is rarely mention in all of this is Justin. I assume he was there the day of the shooting too.


I disagree. The person who could have 100% prevented the shooting was MB. Like we teach women all kinds of BS to not get raped, when we should teach men not to rape people. The person committing the action is the ultimate person to do or not do the action.

I am not an LK apologist in any way, shape, or form. But we expect her to control herself and her behaviour (or, more accurately, we note that she does not but should); we should expect the same of MB.

Not that things weren’t insane on that property and that he doesn’t have all sorts of issues himself: they were, and the does.

I just won’t say that the one person who could have prevented the shooting was the shootee not the shooter. It’s always the shooters responsibility. Always.

I do think she should not have done all the stuff she did and she should have left for her own safety. She shouldn’t be harassing/threatening people here. She shouldn’t be following strangers around public places filming them to humiliate them. She should have been a better person and she should be a better person now.

But only MB can/could control MB’s actions.


I cannot imagine for almost 2 years not being able to go outside. That seems very cruel to do on a long term basis.


It begins at 136 on the “Amended” thread. YD brings up SS and it takes off a few posts after that.

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I’m not sure we have definitive details about the Safe Sport and CPS reports.

As far as the speculation:

One of the early articles reported LK as saying she didn’t recall if she called CPS. On one of the previous COTH threads she heavily implied/directly stated (depending on how you read it) she told Safe Sport about MB bullying/sexually harassing the kids because they were not interested in him bullying her (an adult) when they followed up on her report. Then there were other weird comments from her about having a picture of MH’s kids’ beds and an incident with a litter box.

My thoughts: the last item (about the litter box) implies to me that she was going into other peoples’ bedrooms and going through and messing with their things.


I will do you one better! I know the current owner of the property, so I just asked her.

She said there is an 2 bedroom apartment upstairs in the barn. The house also had a 2 bedroom apartment, but its since been gutted and made into a single family dwelling.


I know I’m about 1000 postings and 5 days behind, but there are SM postings from MH with her new SO including an engagement announcement.


Did she happen to shed any light on what issues made the house/barn apt uninhabitable?

I would also understand and accept if she does not wish to share that info. I hope the farm is successful and an asset to the local riding community.


May she have many happy successful years with her riding program.


The term “reside” can be used to mean “situated.” That’s not the more common meaning. The more common meaning is “living” or “having a home.” But it’s not grammatically wrong to say “At the time of the incident, Mr. X was situated at the property” when Mr. X was just there riding/grooming a horse at that moment in time and not living on the property. It’s not artful drafting, IMHO, because the immediate connotation is “living,” but people write with less-than-fully-artful word choice all the time.


Ditto and best of luck to her, as I said on one of the other threads!




Congrats and best wishes to both of them.

Does anyone happen to know if he is a horse person? Or did she find a civilian? I think there are good points and bad points either way. Lol.


Agree 100%. No matter how odious a human LK may seem to be (or may in fact be) neither she, nor the police, nor anyone else put a gun in Barisone’s hands and forced him to pull the trigger. That’s all on him.

Now if all the players lived in a place where guns weren’t widely available and easily accessible during disputes / fits of rage, the outcome may also have been different. But that’s a different thread for a different day…


Unless he was mentally incapacitated at the time. Stress, and a bunch of other things can push one over the edge. Doesn’t make it right, but it can make things happen.


Yes, that is a good point. Incapacitation is legit. But I still wouldn’t call the shootee the only one responsible.

I will revise to say: only MB is responsible for MB’s action, unless he was legitimately incapacitated.

And, if I genuinely feared for my life around such a person, though it’s not my duty to make him not shoot people, I would still get the hell out of Dodge and sort my revenge from afar!


She said she isn’t entirely sure; there was a lot of non-permitted work done in the farmhouse. In addition, the upstairs bathroom had flooded and damaged the lower floors (she was told that flooding was not an accident and the damage was the reason MB had to move out of his original living space).




The flooding was not an accident? Interesting… :thinking:


The flooding was due to a malfunction with the heater and pipes freezing and bursting while everyone was in Florida for the winter. No one was in the house to cause the flooding.