Court date for Michael Barisone?

Only repeating what she told me (and I didn’t ask who told her that info, so no idea of the reliability of the source).


Not very reliable it would seem! Despite what a particular poster would like everyone to believe, there was no insurance fraud committed!


I didn’t take this as someone necessarily saying insurance fraud was committed. Is it known EXACTLY when the damage in and from the bathroom occurred?

Within a 2 week period.
The claim of insurance fraud has been thrown around by LK in previous threads and on her fb page.


Thank you (and her) for the info. I hope she is enjoying her new farm.


But was this over the winter and then repaired, or did the damage happen after they had returned home for the summer?

The damage happened over the winter. The repairs were still being done when they returned from FL and through the summer. A good portion of the house was gutted due to the flooding.


Thank you for the clarification @tryintogethere. I wasn’t thinking insurance fraud specifically, just that it sounded very odd and suspicious that it was deemed “not an accident” which would imply that it was intentional.


I’m sure rumors abound there, just like on this forum. Who knows if it came from the realtor a neighbor or ?

I’m glad the home has been renovated and turned back into a single family unit.


I just read this article from last year that I honestly don’t remember seeing. It mentions the SS issue as well as the CPS file.

Perhaps there was more than one flooding incident.

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"In addition to the SafeSport complaints, a number of secret recordings were created, Bilinkas said, although he did not describe what was on the recordings or what made them secret. The videos were discussed on social media, Bilinkas said.

There are 20 recordings, Schellhorn said."

My bold.


No. Only the burst pipes.


Circling back to this piece of information. If the upstairs barn apartment was already occupied by staff or working students or tenants or whatever, then MB and his group may have been stuck staying in the lounge or other available space in the barn when they had to move out of the house.

It would be a little unusual in a busy operation to have a useful two bedroom barn apartment just sitting there empty, waiting for an emergency housing situation to come up.


I wonder where RC slept before she began sleeping outside DeeDee’s stall? Did she live on the property, just visited once in a whileand stay in a hotel, or have an apartment? It’s of no consequence, simply curious.

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As stated before, MB and family left the house and stayed in the clubroom on the floor as it was not set up to be living quarters.
Staff lived in the upstairs apartments.


How do you know

Really?!? Does it seem like I am coming on here spouting lies? @Angela_Freda


It seems like no one, who wasn’t actually there, really knows anything.

What someone insisted earlier was that there was no apartment, just the lounge.