Court date for Michael Barisone?

There are actually people that do know…maybe I happen to be one of them!


They would be wrong. There are 2 bedrooms, one bathroom and the kitchen is in the clubroom.



Well, I thought so, but someone last week, on one of these threads insisted there was only the lounge/club room.

There’s where “how do you know” comes from.

It has been stated in previous threads and in the complaint.
Oh, and in the 911 calls.
You can believe what you like, not my problem.

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Technically speaking, they were in a place where guns weren’t widely accessible. New Jersey, like other nearby states has very tough gun laws.


Yes, but I think Big Mama is referencing the USA and the USA’s general gun culture because IIRC, this is something she is passionately against. So not about the individual state, exactly.


It kind of is a state thing though. Certain states do not give permits to carry unless for a specific set of circumstances. They’re difficult to get. My cousin wanted one, couldn’t get it. And its not a stand your ground state.

Although probably none of this really matters until we know more facts. The dynamics of that last contact, words spoken, acts done, true providence of the gun.


It is a state thing but there is US gun culture as a whole to consider. It differs from other countries.

Also, from the sounds of it, the gun wasn’t from/originally in NJ and was passed over to MB in an illegal manner (just based off of the RC charges). Many crimes are committed in the US with illegal firearms (unregistered, not obtained properly, illegal in that state etc.). So it circles back to gun culture, not necessarily state laws.


There’s gun culture and there’s gun culture.

I believe in gun necessity if you’re in a rural area and police might take too long to respond to the cougar ripping your dog apart in the back yard.

But most of its ridiculous with assault weapons, bump stocks, etc. You don’t need to arm to go to Walmart.


Yes, I basically agree with you.

I am going to zip my flame suit here but I have seen a gun be useful on a horse farm. It was either shoot the horse (which really, isn’t the worst thing for them when done right) or wait over an hour for the vet to get there to euthanize. Meanwhile, horse is suffering terribly.


No flame suit needed. I agree!


Thx - I will reread it!


Thank you for clarifying the actual time line and other details for us. I appreciate all of your posts.

I explained this to them already. It appears that some people believe the vague media stuff about gun laws and that it is easy to get a gun anywhere in the US. (Don’t blame people for believing what they have been told, I blame the improper distribution of non-facts.)
In many many states it takes a very long time to legally get a handgun, if you are even allowed to buy one. Illegally it is a quick and easier process, and bonus, it costs less.


But what baffles many, is why you would need or want a gun. Especially when you come from somewhere where personal gun ownership just isn’t a thing. Aside from maybe, say, hunters.


I can see that. And it is a debate for another section of the forum.
I kind of look at it this way - Lots of people do not see why I have horses either. Expensive, stinky, high maintenance pets that try to kill me.
Or those people who spend endless amounts on money buying a new and better fishing pole (I never imagined what fishing poles could cost) that they will never use.
Bottom line is, we all have our own interests and some people like guns and other weapons. (I say other weapons because I have a nephew who is big into historical weapons and now likes swords and such. He comes from a very anti-gun family, he has no interest in guns, but he likes other things.)
I have said it so many times but will say it again here - most people who carry concealed you will never know are carrying.


They are widely accessible in the sense that nearly anyone can buy one. NJ’s laws may be tough compared to other states, but not compared to most other countries. However, as I said, that’s an entirely different topic for a different thread, and it doesn’t absolve Barisone from the decision to pick up a gun and pull the trigger.


As usual, the gun isn’t the issue. It’s an object, a thing. It’s the person holding the gun and, perhaps, the culture surrounding guns.

Even if they were illegal, at this point, there is such a large black market and whatnot. Plus, criminals don’t obey the laws as we’ve seen here so…




Can we not get into gun laws or gun culture, please. Not relevant to this thread and there is another thread on that topic. Not being the thread police or telling people what to post, but it is a subject that tends to go nowhere but downward on this forum and raise political tensions.

The fact is that there was a gun on-site for a reason. Personally, I am more interested in how the gun in this scenario came to be in the hands of the person who pulled the trigger. That is the pivotal moment in the case.