Court date for Michael Barisone?

I know what I will say is pure, pure conjecture. But we don’t know, though we are starting to get a whiff of, the culture of fear at the farm. It’s entirely possible that something prompted someone to want to get a gun right away to protect themselves, and or horses, and someone said, 9h, I can get you a gun right away, so they stupidly accepted it, and after being attacked by a dog, shoved it into MBs hand incase he ran into that dog, when he went up to the front house. If LK jumped him, or sicked the dog on him she could have gotten between him and his efforts to protect himself from the dog. Not saying this happened, but just postulsting to say it was not necessarily him wanting to shoot her. Just because she says it. I donr belive what she says. It could have been another event, we don’t know.


Sure thing!

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I see that as entirely plausible.
The simplest explanation is often the correct one.
This seems the simplest explanation to me.


Many horse farms in Ontario have guns too. And murders by shooting in Ontario are sadly common.
Edited to say sorry for getting back to guns, replied before I read the agreement to not go there. Please disregard.


When I first lived in the South, I rode with a group of women who insisted on carrying. They were totally unprepared to be carrying- did not practice shooting regularly, were on horses that had not been around shooting, let alone shot off of, and had issues staying on their horses on their best days.

They were convinced everyone out on the trail was a threat of some sort. Actually everyone was out to get them. They do not just ride armed, but carry all the time, because EVERYONE is out to get them. But, these were also people who saw absolute no value in wearing helmets, especially because it might mess up your hair.

I have another friend who carries when out on the trail, but you would never know it. She is also a hunter, who also shoots regularly outside of hunting season. Her horses are regularly exposed to gunfire. We recently had a discussion about who carries, how she carries, and why she carries. Her thoughts, her theories and practices were all extremely logical and well thought out. Her theory is that concealed carry is just that- CONCEALED. It gives you an advantage in certain situations. Open carry is a completely different story.

The farm I live on is surrounded by other farms. And coyotes, rattle snakes, and copperheads. Guns are used for a purpose, and not carried or used lightly. Most here carry with a very specific purpose. They are trained in how to properly handle and carry a gun.

It is not unusual for someone to pull up on a four wheeler, carrying either a rifle or a shot gun. They are a tool with a specific purpose.


How sad is it that LK could say the sky is blue and many would have to get verification before believing her at this point.

I’m glad she is apparently taking a time out from these threads. Her tantrums do her no good for her public persona. She has access to so many wonderful things to do rather than care about what a bunch of armchair speculators think.


In parts of NC you can be charged for discharging a firearm and have your weapon taken even when shooting a snake or other varmint.

Many snakes are protected federally unless they are outside “their” natural habit and pose a threat to human lives. Farmers can also pull permits on certain predatory animals.

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I will just point out that your horses might try to kill you, but they are very unlikely to try to kill anyone else under most circumstances. So it’s not a very accurate comparison.

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None of my guns are likely to try to kill anyone else either. They are pretty passive inanimate objects.

And you have clearly never met one of my horses. She is an equal opportunity kicker, I promise.
There is a reason horses are considered an attractive nuisance.

And now I feel like YD, I had to respond since they directed it at me specifically.
Leaving gun debate to CE, where I do not go.


“Somebody” is back to editing old comments on these threads. So glad copies and quotes were made to salvage the original. I wonder why the need to edit after 6 days?


How can you tell they are editing?


I got sent a notification.


You should receive a notification that an edit has been made. Now you know why so many of us QFP and/or quote an entire post for certain users. Only edits made by moderators transfer to copies.


I have copies of original responses to my posts. Do you?


Learned something today.
I did not now one got a notification that something they quoted was edited.

Does it give you the option to update your quote? Or just say that the original was edited and your quote now does not match?

Or are they (mods) editing your posts?

I’m confused. Who is editing comments and are they editing our comments (how is that possible) or their own comments?

If one edits ones own comments, how would anyone else get a message about it? Do you get a message if someone is editing their comments that you QFPed?

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Sorry, I’m catching up…

I wanted to say, in my opinion you call neither……and you certainly don’t get notified your child was shot by an attorney. You are notified by a hospital or a police officer.

RG was supposedly busy with police/EMS and shouldn’t have been allowed to contact anyone until after making statements….which I would assume would take longer than the hour it took JK to call 911.


When the mods have edited a post you will receive a message with the Mod Shield saying they have edited and usually will show you the before and after.

When you are reading a post on any thread and you see (edit) in the body of the post, it generally means the moderators have edited the post.


Apparently you get a notification if they have quoted you in the post they are editing. There is a pencil icon that appears in the upper right hand corner of the post when it has been edited. You should see one here since I have edited this post twice.

This person is also deleting her posts too.