Court date for Michael Barisone?

I would think Bilinkas will definitely bring up the alleged lack of appropriate response by the police department, including subpoenaing all the officers involved.


Yesā€¦but the prosecution might hope to minimize it or deflect it as whining and hope it makes the jury look at him badly. We donā€™t actually know what is in the reports or what evidence/witnesses are available to support the claims. At best, all they can do is bolster the claim of insanity by harassment. So far the MB/police suit says nothing about the behavior of the police in connection with the shootingā€¦.so, is that because MB canā€™t remember or is that to keep something back for the criminal trial?

However, it is clear that they are going to try to put LKā€™s behavior on trial and that may open up some of these COTH posts as evidence for pattern of behavior and credibility.


And just because it hasnā€™t been mentionedā€¦

The MB/LK/SGF/RC suit has been officially stayed until 5/22 or until 15 days after the criminal case is concluded. I assume that means they are optimistic that it will be done sometime in the next 9 months.


Thank you for the update.


The MB defense team in the Criminal suit did not need the Civil suit to get the police officers to testify. Hostile witnesses are called upon all the time to punch holes in the prosecutionā€™s assertions. And with the burden on the prosecutor (criminal case) to prove the allegations beyond a reasonable doubt, itā€™s certainly relevant.

Juries are not agreeable to deception by police nowadays.


That will be about 2.5 years after the shooting. How much additional time is MB liable to get?


With MBā€™s history, betting there are so many more things. I fail to see this ā€œhistory,ā€ of mine to which you refer. As far as Barisone, I donā€™t see how ā€œbeing abused as a child,ā€ excuses gun violence- and attempting to murder two people at age 54. Or bullying us. Or threatening us.

And yes. To answer your less than brilliant remark- Take this to the bank: Duh. Of course there are things we DO NOT WANT to ā€œcome out.ā€ YET. If we DID ā€¦ā€¦ we would probably TELL you about it, instead of waiting to surprise the civil attorneys AT TRIAL - with actual facts- which they are under no oath of ethics to refrain from falsely ALLEGING anything. Being that the burden of proof in a civil case is 51% and based only on the PREPONDERANCE of the evidence- (which has yet to be shown - Bc there isnā€™t any) rather than the 98% ā€œbeyond a SHADOW OF DOUBT,ā€ like required in a criminal proceeding, (which is why the defense there hasnā€™t mentioned nearly a word of anything being alleged in the new civil case - posted by the ever-obsessed Eggbutt - ) BC the criminal defense HAS TO PROVE those allegations, or even just BELIEVE he can CONVINCE 12 people - and if he believed he could, even given the staggering amount of evidence to the contrary- heā€™d likely have mentioned them in ohhā€¦. Idkā€¦. perhaps the past TWO YEARS ??

Iā€™m positive they were hoping weā€™d provide one word of allegation crushing, factual rebuttals here, or, fb, ig, Twitter etcā€¦ā€¦ Iā€™m sure theyā€™re praying that will happen, in order to somehow build a case to substantiate their ridiculously laughable allegations, against our factual, irrefutable rebuttals. No such luck. But trophy to whoever it was that suggested itā€™s within realm of POSSIBILITY to ā€œshoot up,ā€ a sublingual STRIPā€¦ā€¦. Omgā€¦ā€¦ Even with 103.4 fever, I spit out my last sip of NyQuil when that comment was read to me over a group zoom call!!! Hahahā€¦. Well done, whoever came up with that one!! Honestly, I still canā€™t think about it without laugh pains!! Stop!!! Does one fold the strip in half? Likeā€¦. How does an immediately dissolvable STRIP, get INTO the ā€œshooting up,ā€ ā€¦ā€¦ device (??) Humor me some more, PLEASE!!! Please?

Iā€™m looking in my crystal ball. Iā€™m seeingā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ just kidding. Like Iā€™d tell you. :wink: Oh wait!! Nope.

Have you met these officers?? I have. Youā€™d be hard pressed to find a more honest, braver or fairer police force. Not to mention unbelievable competence in the face of possible death and two victims to care for, arrange transport by air and meanwhile, very nearly stop uncontrollable bleeding for exactly long enough to save my life.

I feel sorriest for Barisoneā€™s attorneys. His prior attorneys have never given him very positive umā€¦ā€¦ ā€œtestimonials.ā€ Leaving that right there. See ya on the bb next month (or year, or never) - just never can tell!

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So whatā€™s YOUR excuse for threatening me or attempting to bully me? How about others who received your messages? How about owning up to the fact you LIED in order to intimidate others to behave as you wished? You seem to always duck out of explaining yourself on this one. A lie and course of behavior shown before all on the forum. Explain yourself.

Even better I think you owe those you harassed an apology.


Bless your heart.

Most of us are focused on the other thread. I almost missed La-Laā€™s words of wisdom!


What does how these officers did their jobs on the day of the shooting have to do with their apparent failure of following police procedure in the days prior to the event?

Oh wait, you canā€™t sayā€¦YET. No worries, it will all come out in the trial(s).

Hope you feel better and hope it isnā€™t COVID-19. Seriously.


My, my. Someone needs to read for reading comprehension. There is no mention of a sublingual tab being used for snorting or injecting. In fact - the opposite - a doctor prescribing a sublingual tab to prevent the patient from grinding the pill into a powder in order to snort or inject the substance.


The ship of you not providing one single word sailed a long, long time ago!

What do you think this response alone is? In addition to the multitudes of othersā€¦



I thought in a criminal trial the prosecution had to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, and technically the defense has to prove pretty much nothing, all the proving is on the prosecution.


Correct. And Knights_Mom has previously commented on the idea that the specific charges require some proof of intent.


Thanks for clarifying @Sdel. I should have quoted the part of the post to me which caused me to ask, where it says in all caps that the ā€œdefense HAS TO PROVE those allegationsā€.


The kicker for me was the oversell of how wonderful the police are. The same police that canā€™t seem to find enough evidence to support LKā€™s ALLEGATIONS that RC KNOWINGLY gave her gun to MB to MURDER her with. Nor can they find enough evidence to ARREST MH/RC/JH for their COMPLICITY in PLOTTING her MURDER even though she has LEGALLY obtained recordings of them plotting it and it all went down EXACTLY as they planned.


One should never post in a NyQuil induced haze at 3 AM.


If it were truly known who provided the gun then in LKā€™s civil suit she wouldnā€™t have to name John/Jane Does number 1 thru 27 in addition to Cox.


ā€œBeyond a shadow of a doubtā€ is not a legal standard for anything in the United States.