Court date for Michael Barisone?

“Someone” hasn’t read for comprehension in months. More like skimming for key words. The responses to posts remind me of a skilled jabberwocky to deflect and steer the focus away from whatever.


But that just comes across as not very bright in the end. When the rest of us participating in the discussion read responses carefully, that kind of blather comes across as just childish.


Seriously? I mean SERIOUSLY?? I guess you expect anyone to believe any of Barisone’s current or previous legal advisors have discussed him with you. That said, I can clearly imagine the discussions that have taken place with the legal team of the State of NJ pertaining to your social media contributions. You are the gift that keeps on giving for the defense!

Hope you are feeling better and are up and at 'em soon!


I deal with people who shoot up regurgitated Subby ALL THE TIME. Hell, they cut the long-acting injection “bubble” out and try to shoot it up as well (hot tip, doesn’t work)

I once had a guy make a needle out of a fridge copper pipe, and inject vomit in hopes of getting Subby. That was pretty gross.


For when Poppop decries that I have noooo idea what I’m talking about. I’ll remember to tell the Subby users - whilst I am staring at the little strips in their mouths, willing them to melt faster damnit - that my job is now meaningless because some sheila in the US reckons you couldn’t fit a strip in a syringe, so why am I watching for diversion again? Could be doing something better!


Geeze Louise - that’s pretty desperate.


Sadly, that is the nature of addiction!


Hats off to those who can work in that field and try to help people who are in such dire straits. It’s unimaginable for most of us.


Just going to throw this out there:

Just because someone isn’t a fan of LK, that doesn’t make them a MB “fangirl” I think people cannot get a grasp on that.


A fan of no one



I think they grasp it, but it is more fun to call anyone who does not agree with them insulting names.


You know, for me it’s a personal thing. LK elected to send me crappy PMs. So, I don’t think much of that. MB hasn’t caused me any issues. I liked watching him ride. I have friends who know and like him. So, it’s pretty simple- no issues with MB. LK? Nasty to me, and apparently to others.


This exactly! Back in like 2003 I took a few lessons with someone who lessoned with him. I don’t even really remember her name. She may have married into a different last name. Then I saw him on Stephen Colbert. That’s it. I’ve never seen a single post from him or been in the same zip code, show, group, etc.


I once drove over an hour to take MB to airport, so we had a lot of time to chat. He said his working students lived upstairs in his house. They were young and he kept his eye on them to be sure they were in at a certain time and they did their schoolwork. Justin lived in the basement.


That sounds inappropriate.


It depends on the house set up. I think there might have been apartments, but I’m not sure. So I don’t know the set up and the actual interactions. Keeping his eye on them can also not be so nefarious, as in making sure the students aren’t lingering around in the stable or outside after a certain time, seems ok? I mean making sure they are attentive to their school work/balancing their responsibilities, perhaps? But let’s jump to conclusions that the whole thing was inappropriate. Yes, that’s good. Especially since we don’t know the details at all and this was just a post that we don’t know the details or credibility of.

Weren’t you just saying in the other thread not to make something into something it’s not?

Could be inappropriate, could be appropriate. We don’t know. Maybe seems inappropriate to you based off of the post that was made, but it’s a bit vague/I can’t say what it “seems” like.

Regardless of who this is about (so not MB “fan girling” :rofl:) I wouldn’t rush to the “seems inappropriate” conclusion.

Perhaps, “could be a tricky situation managing young working students, but I’d need more details to form an opinion on the matter”



Actually in the real world that makes him sound like a good guy who cares for his charges.


My thoughts exactly. Keeping an eye on them so they weren’t running around at all hours or bringing people to the barn who shouldn’t be there.


How so?

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So that is immediately where your mind went???

Yet, up until this incident with LK no one has brought charges against MB or reported him to Safe Sport.

And the rest of us are the ones with issues???


An absence of a SS report isn’t automatically indicative of perfect behavior. I shouldn’t have to reiterate all the reasons why bad behavior in our sport goes unreported and unnoticed for so long.

Also I’m not even saying that’s what this is. To me, if a working student is young enough that someone is having to check their homework that means they’re a minor. A minor living on their own with their trainer sounds inappropriate to me not because something bad is going on behind closed doors but because that’s an unhealthy power dynamic. I mean SS rules say minors are not allowed to travel with a trainer alone… but they can move in with them? That doesn’t seem right to me.