Court date for Michael Barisone?

Apparently the parents were fine with it. They even have their own FB group according to one poster.


There are certainly older minors being live in working students especially at the top end of horses. For a summer or a year. Maybe doing school remotely. This has been discussed on COTH a lot.

Despite the importance of keeping kids safe in sports, honestly most sexual abuse of minors happens in the family, just like most women who are murdered are killed by their male partners.

If you had minors living onsite at your barn, you would need to monitor their behavior and make doing school part of the agreement. This doesnā€™t have to be creepy or intrusive. But any adult acting as guardian for a teen knows they need more oversight than an adult.


A lot of elite athletes live in similar situations because itā€™s hard for an entire family to move to where their trainers are. Look at gymnastics. Yes, it leads to some minors being in vulnerable positions, but whether it ā€œseems right to youā€ or not, this is what happens across the country with kids that compete at high levels. Nothing in the post indicated that anything about this particular situation was inappropriate. You seem to be jumping to conclusions based on nothing here.


I never said it wasnā€™t common I just said it sounds inappropriate. I know it happens all the time and but so does abuse. Same with gymnasticsā€¦

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yeah, SS got involved, so MB has to be a pervertā€¦

When supposedly LK and her partner were the ones threatening the minors and creating an unsafe environment

It is no different from any exchange student program where a minor resides with a guest family.
And hey, there is also a woman (MBā€™s GF) and her minor children in the picture.

It feels you are really trying to find a reason to justify the escalation perpetuated by LKā€¦

And yeah, you forgot that allegedly LK was reported to SS several times, by several people.

I think you need to tuck in your bias.
it is showing.

(and we are MB fangirls?! I am - still - a Zuko fangirl though)


It seems like that if something inappropriate was going on between MB and the working students that LK would have screamed that from the roof tops by now.


Itā€™s in the ā€˜papersā€™ :roll_eyes:

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Maybe not. But multiple SS reports against the same person are very indicative of a pattern of bad behavior.


What is in the papers?

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hence the eyeroll
thee mysthical papers
LKā€™s ace in the sleeve


Keep stretching because you are just so good at it!

And yet even with what happened at MBā€™s farm, not one other person has come forward with any kind of accusation, other than LK.

But thatā€™s okay- keep reaching!


Woah there I did not say anything close to that.

you implied it was ā€˜inappropriateā€™
so no, you did not say it in so many words.

just own it.


You could just read what I wrote instead of jumping to outrage you know.

Of the two persons involved only one has lied to me, try to coerce me, threaten and attempt to bully me.

So I judge from that.



Oh please. Pot. Kettle. Black.

You were outraged over a friggin poem.


And at one time his wife also resided with them all if I understood correctly.
Maybe @JumpinQueen will talk with her FB group (zoom meeting with the moms perhaps) and report back how they felt about their daughters living at Hawthorne Hill unchaperoned.

It appears ā€œsomeā€ are trying so very hard to cast suspicion and ugliness on Barisone to attempt to offset the trove of ugly facts about the other party. But wait, sheā€™s got major proof of ā€œsomething bigā€ that she is not allowed to discuss. Right.

All those straws are becoming hard to grasp.


Have we seen any posts from JQ lately? Maybe sheā€™s too busy with the Facebook group.


You live in outrage, let others visit once in awhile.


And so , too, do wonderful situations where the student benefits greatly from the generosity of their coach or instructor. There are Larry Nassarā€™s out there- yes. This is not that.